R1a1-M17 accounts for about one-seventh to one-sixth of Serbian Y-chromosomes. Its frequency peaks in Poland (56.4%) and Ukraine (54.0%), and its variance peaks in northern Bosnia.[1] It originated around 20,000 ybp likely in southern Siberia, and some of its bearers migrated to the Balkans 10,000 to 13,000 ybp. About 5000 to 6000 ybp, they began to migrate from the Balkans to the west toward the Atlantic, to the north toward the Baltic Sea and Scandinavia, to the east to the Russian plains and steppes, and to the south to Asia Minor.[4] It became the most predominant haplogroup in the general Slavic paternal gene pool. The variance of R1a1 in the Balkans might have been enhanced by infiltrations of Indo-European speaking peoples between 2000 and 1000 BC.
These pyramids are more than 250 million years old!
Malcolm, if you seriously believe the pyramids have only 'historical and scientific' importance then I'm afraid my friend you're less awake than you believe yourself to be! How significant is an historical find that could possibly trace the true history of humanity? How significant is a scientific find that could possibly put an end to all diseases known and unknown and possibly extend human life beyond what is currently believed to be the norm?
Do you know why good ol US of A went into Iraq?? Do you know why nobody knows very much about the find at the Bucegi mountain? Have you studied anything on the pyramids at all?? Do you know or at least understand the significance of the frequencies mentioned in this youtube clip??
First find out WHY the US has invaded 22 countries in the last 20 years....I bet you'll find it has absolutely NOTHING to do with 'national security' !! Please don't make uneducated assumptions about something as significant as this!!
The U.S. went to war with Iraq because they changed the pricing of their oil from the dollar to the Euro. Iraq was the first country to do this, and it was an indirect violation of the Bretton-Woods agreement that called for the use of the U.S. dollar as the premiere international currency for pricing of goods.
Hugo Chavez caught a lethal dose of cancer after he priced his Venezuela oil in terms of the Euro, instead of the U.S. dollar. He blamed Israeli Mossad (who supports the Rothschild banking system, the biggest user of the U.S. dollar) for this calamity. He also claimed that many of the world leaders "were not human beings; they just look like human beings." ..Possible "reptilian" slip of the tongue?????
Moammar Quadaffi changed the pricing of Libyan oil from the dollar to the gold dinar, and he was killed and had his country invaded.
IT'S ALL ABOUT MONEY. Any artifacts with unusual properties are definitly a bonus, however. This was evident by the thievery that took place in Baghdad during the invasion.
Ok Malcolm. maybe the bushes did invade for those reasons. Maybe there are other beings that use these humans to distract and start wars for numerous reasons. What if these ultra puppet masters above ANY cabal human need 100 artifacts to open up the holy grail realm of all dimensions? What if there are pyramids on every corner of the solar system on every planet that need to be turned on and synchronized to make this happen? Maybe they need to wake up an alien like they did in the mummy movie..? Nothing for you to get in a twist over.
Just because you do not understand the story does not mean none of it is true. And to argue worthlessly back and forth about it without definitive proof either way on any aspect of either side, is just a total waste of time.
Can't you for once say, "hmm, cool theory, nice story...what if...." Slight of hand over slight of hand. Magic and illusions are just as multi-layered as dimensions are. And besides, no one has questioned about what actually happened in your above post. Since, uummm, yes those did happen. Chavez did get cancer, Oil prices changed and my lawn was mowed. But to say it's ALL about the money? That is so not true. Money has zero power when it is obvious there are things much much more powerful. And if money IS the most powerful thing sought out, then we live in the most pathetic, boring-est existence ever. That would make Indiana Jones a tease. :((
SAM: we are talking about a U.S. president with a phony baccalaureate from Columbia (and financed by Goldman Sachs) and a new Ukraine leader with a background in banking. Of course these morons will only consider financial values with their conquests! That's why they're morons!
The only world leaders I can think of that had SERIOUS interests in ancient artifacts (to the point that it would involve significant national finances) were Sadam Hussein and Adolph Hitler. Sadam believed he was a reincarnation of Babylon king Nebuchadnezzar and was reportedly trying to rebuild the hanging gardens of Babylon (to perfection). Hitler was trying to build flying saucers via knowledge from Vedic literature and rumored telepathic mesages from distant galaxies.
YOU ARE CORRECT. Money has zero power. But we're talking about morons who were put into office by Wall Street and central banking money addicts. And these a$$holes could give a rats behind about the power potential of artifacts, unless such artifacts have a marketable value (i.e. the national monuments of Greece now owned by European central bankers is a good example. Hence, watch your wallet and your travel plans. The Grand Canyon could be next on their confiscation list).
Yeah you keep believing that cr*p and you'll remain exactly where you are in your manipulated wee box!
Artifacts with 'unusual' properties CANNOT be bought for any amount of useless DOLLARS or EUROS!! If you understand WHO the rulers of this planet ARE then you'll understand that to them DOLLARS, Euros and even gold are merely trinket toys to keep the masses subjugated, while these 'unusual' property artifacts ARE the real treasure which hold far more power than you can possibly fathom within your tiny wee box!!
EINSTEIN: I am aware that there are artifacts with priceless properties, and that money is essentially a useless commodity if one wants to be technical from a realistic and spiritual point of view. But you misunderstood me. We are talking about a U.S. president with a phony baccalaureate from Columbia (and financed by Goldman Sachs) and a new Ukraine leader with a background in banking.Of course these morons will only consider financial values with their conquests! That's why they're morons!
THESE LEADERS ARE NOT "wise men." THEY ARE "wise guys" (i.e. gangsters). And they could give a rats behind about the interesting properties of important artifacts, unless it has a marketable value (like the islands and monuments of Greece, which were first on the list for grabbing by the banksters (along with the Greece public pension funds)).
Ukraine has a lot of natural gas and agriculture for the money addicts to play with. The pyramid has historical and scientific importance, and possibly nothing more.
It's an interesting idea, but I don't believe an unusual ancient site with unusual properties qualifies for the major international saber rattling that is taking place.
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Our world has been put into a coma for years by the media and paid truth tellers to the point where it is impossible for most people to tell the difference between real and fake news.Once again, we the people are on the verge of a breakthrough to…
Look what else I found from Wikipedia:
R1a1-M17 accounts for about one-seventh to one-sixth of Serbian Y-chromosomes. Its frequency peaks in Poland (56.4%) and Ukraine (54.0%), and its variance peaks in northern Bosnia.[1] It originated around 20,000 ybp likely in southern Siberia, and some of its bearers migrated to the Balkans 10,000 to 13,000 ybp. About 5000 to 6000 ybp, they began to migrate from the Balkans to the west toward the Atlantic, to the north toward the Baltic Sea and Scandinavia, to the east to the Russian plains and steppes, and to the south to Asia Minor.[4] It became the most predominant haplogroup in the general Slavic paternal gene pool. The variance of R1a1 in the Balkans might have been enhanced by infiltrations of Indo-European speaking peoples between 2000 and 1000 BC.
These pyramids are more than 250 million years old!
Malcolm, if you seriously believe the pyramids have only 'historical and scientific' importance then I'm afraid my friend you're less awake than you believe yourself to be! How significant is an historical find that could possibly trace the true history of humanity? How significant is a scientific find that could possibly put an end to all diseases known and unknown and possibly extend human life beyond what is currently believed to be the norm?
Do you know why good ol US of A went into Iraq?? Do you know why nobody knows very much about the find at the Bucegi mountain? Have you studied anything on the pyramids at all?? Do you know or at least understand the significance of the frequencies mentioned in this youtube clip??
First find out WHY the US has invaded 22 countries in the last 20 years....I bet you'll find it has absolutely NOTHING to do with 'national security' !! Please don't make uneducated assumptions about something as significant as this!!
The U.S. went to war with Iraq because they changed the pricing of their oil from the dollar to the Euro. Iraq was the first country to do this, and it was an indirect violation of the Bretton-Woods agreement that called for the use of the U.S. dollar as the premiere international currency for pricing of goods.
Hugo Chavez caught a lethal dose of cancer after he priced his Venezuela oil in terms of the Euro, instead of the U.S. dollar. He blamed Israeli Mossad (who supports the Rothschild banking system, the biggest user of the U.S. dollar) for this calamity. He also claimed that many of the world leaders "were not human beings; they just look like human beings." ..Possible "reptilian" slip of the tongue?????
Moammar Quadaffi changed the pricing of Libyan oil from the dollar to the gold dinar, and he was killed and had his country invaded.
IT'S ALL ABOUT MONEY. Any artifacts with unusual properties are definitly a bonus, however. This was evident by the thievery that took place in Baghdad during the invasion.
Ok Malcolm. maybe the bushes did invade for those reasons. Maybe there are other beings that use these humans to distract and start wars for numerous reasons. What if these ultra puppet masters above ANY cabal human need 100 artifacts to open up the holy grail realm of all dimensions? What if there are pyramids on every corner of the solar system on every planet that need to be turned on and synchronized to make this happen? Maybe they need to wake up an alien like they did in the mummy movie..? Nothing for you to get in a twist over.
Just because you do not understand the story does not mean none of it is true. And to argue worthlessly back and forth about it without definitive proof either way on any aspect of either side, is just a total waste of time.
Can't you for once say, "hmm, cool theory, nice story...what if...." Slight of hand over slight of hand. Magic and illusions are just as multi-layered as dimensions are. And besides, no one has questioned about what actually happened in your above post. Since, uummm, yes those did happen. Chavez did get cancer, Oil prices changed and my lawn was mowed. But to say it's ALL about the money? That is so not true. Money has zero power when it is obvious there are things much much more powerful. And if money IS the most powerful thing sought out, then we live in the most pathetic, boring-est existence ever. That would make Indiana Jones a tease. :((
SAM: we are talking about a U.S. president with a phony baccalaureate from Columbia (and financed by Goldman Sachs) and a new Ukraine leader with a background in banking. Of course these morons will only consider financial values with their conquests! That's why they're morons!
The only world leaders I can think of that had SERIOUS interests in ancient artifacts (to the point that it would involve significant national finances) were Sadam Hussein and Adolph Hitler. Sadam believed he was a reincarnation of Babylon king Nebuchadnezzar and was reportedly trying to rebuild the hanging gardens of Babylon (to perfection). Hitler was trying to build flying saucers via knowledge from Vedic literature and rumored telepathic mesages from distant galaxies.
YOU ARE CORRECT. Money has zero power. But we're talking about morons who were put into office by Wall Street and central banking money addicts. And these a$$holes could give a rats behind about the power potential of artifacts, unless such artifacts have a marketable value (i.e. the national monuments of Greece now owned by European central bankers is a good example. Hence, watch your wallet and your travel plans. The Grand Canyon could be next on their confiscation list).
Yeah you keep believing that cr*p and you'll remain exactly where you are in your manipulated wee box!
Artifacts with 'unusual' properties CANNOT be bought for any amount of useless DOLLARS or EUROS!! If you understand WHO the rulers of this planet ARE then you'll understand that to them DOLLARS, Euros and even gold are merely trinket toys to keep the masses subjugated, while these 'unusual' property artifacts ARE the real treasure which hold far more power than you can possibly fathom within your tiny wee box!!
EINSTEIN: I am aware that there are artifacts with priceless properties, and that money is essentially a useless commodity if one wants to be technical from a realistic and spiritual point of view. But you misunderstood me. We are talking about a U.S. president with a phony baccalaureate from Columbia (and financed by Goldman Sachs) and a new Ukraine leader with a background in banking. Of course these morons will only consider financial values with their conquests! That's why they're morons!
THESE LEADERS ARE NOT "wise men." THEY ARE "wise guys" (i.e. gangsters). And they could give a rats behind about the interesting properties of important artifacts, unless it has a marketable value (like the islands and monuments of Greece, which were first on the list for grabbing by the banksters (along with the Greece public pension funds)).
Ukraine has a lot of natural gas and agriculture for the money addicts to play with. The pyramid has historical and scientific importance, and possibly nothing more.
It's an interesting idea, but I don't believe an unusual ancient site with unusual properties qualifies for the major international saber rattling that is taking place.
Further investigation and they might find a lot of gold or an entrance to inner earth