Could there be MORE? ~*

Well of course! I mean, look at how enormous the Omniverse, Dimensions, ferquency rates, Realities are! You really think that this is it? A corrupt Earth, the sun, Obama and 10 rocks floating next to us?! lol.

But what I mean is, should we be limiting ourselves to thinks just in the category of Ashtar Command or Galactic Federation of Light? Not that they are at all bad things but the more we single out two things it radiates the lack of open mindedness (not that it is) and many arrogant critics may begin to find sneaky ways to diminish them, whether it be the classic "they is fram satan dog, you's gawn be food", trolling on forums, or stating they came from the bible and producing a hell of a lot of jargen to supposedly "give evidence" to support their Idea, not that they are completely wrong just it just isn't very lightfull and respectful, does wrong even exist?

Anyhow back to what I was meaning, now.. to show an example, I joined the official community I think it was called, and it was very lovely, still is too. Not long afterwards I wen't to the chat (which isn't always a good idea lol), then tried to get to know the place and some of the people there, but it was funny because, as soon as I mentioned the name Ashtar Command, most of them never even heard of it at all and the rest actually got a little angry about it too. Does this seem likely? I was a little surprised at first, but perhaps I just 'joined at the wrong time' lol.

My point is, perhaps we should look for more places on the net to remind us of other spiritual communities and real federations which exist and are helping, and no David Icke or Sherry Shriner should convince you otherwise, you hold the truth, not them! (To be fair some things I agree with David Icke, but at times he likes to get carried away and go all against too much). The Ashtar Galactic Command is real, not just this website, which is in itself AMAZING, but a Universal Federation. Don't confuse it with the fake ones that many dark and false channelings tell of, where they promise things for a certain date, as I have said before, there is NO TIME in the higher realms, there is no rush or panic for ascension, what good would that do? And it is simple, if we do not acheive a higher shift along with others and Earth eventually, then the cycle is carried on to another incarnation in a similar vibration and density, but I doubt you will get much worse than this prison planet called Earth.

Point is, keep looking and learning, we opened our mind and naturally reminded ourself of our spiritual past and purpose, then we found the Ashtar Command website! (well that is how it happened for me), and we have learned much more from that, do not be scared to socialize either, the more we connect the much better!

I don't mean to rant as I often do lol, but I would like you read this all the way through at least once (noo I don't mean you just flashed through to here lol, I mean take it all in as what I have sent to you), and that many people see it too. Please give a comment if you feel you have something to say since it is such a huge change we are going through, bigger than CLIMATE, bigger than SPORTS, news, politics, this is simply MASSIVE!! Now don't panic about anything, be calm and proud at what you have acheived, if you are reading and understanding this now you will know you have already done sooo much!

We have found so much truth and remembered this much, so why stop there? ;) ~*

Oen is back hehe, but I never left lol, just been busy with the school and computer with work, and coming up for my exams will need to do more, so until then I might not be able to be too active here, but will definately do my best.

Love you all with Joy and blessings always ~* x

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  • I don't understand why people are against the galacticroundtable on ning, it seems a nice enough place to me lol.
    Don't be afraid to look for new information though, just because one person says something you don't agree with on a website you don't need to be put off the place. I enjoy it!

    Here is also a very lovely website, apart from the 2012 stuff that kind of puts me off lol.

    And an awesome looking place similar to AshtarCommandCrew! ;D

    Pathway to Ascension - Nancy Detweiler
    Pathways to Ascension, Nancy Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div., Federation of Indpendent Unity Churches
    • Thanks for these sites, Darlin'. The pathway to ascension and galactic family look very provocative and "feel" good to me.

      As far as galacticroundtable, I've not checked it out thoroughly myself, but, it appears to be very, very controlled to definitely would not appeal. Someone attempting to control me brings out my Rainbow Warrior.

      XOXOXO to you, my Sweet Brother.
  • lol! you're funny, and right on too! i agree, we all must put our feelers out carefully, bravely and humbly! also, as someone else on the ship posted a few days back, i'd go with "take what you need and leave the rest.." i believe there is an infinite amount of wisdom here, there and everywhere. if it resonates with your own soul, then it is real ~ for YOU, ya? (we each evolve in our own personal time) whichever forum it is, it is full of those who know, those who do not know (yet) and those who think- or are darn sure- they KNOW (more than you!) ! and all this "knowingness" is, in its own right, also mutable, subjective and illusory. so, there will always be those who respond with anger, prejudice, defenses or some other manifestation of fear, because it is a thing unfamiliar with their OWN truth (ego based reactionism)... oh well, sigh.. tis our brotherhood (and sisterhood!) of humanity... so next time, someone sends anger, naysaying or fear in your direction, just use your cloaking device and full shields to deflect! ~respect~ ;0)
  • I was just reading a book today called> Dialogues with the Master< by Paul Twitchell, an Rebazr Tarzs says in that book, he says there are 10 million worlds at the edge of the physical Universe an all those worlds are inhabited with life forms.Its easy for me to believe.
    • cool!
  • You said it!!! You go, you go, you go!!! I'm with you 100% of the way.

    Wise words from a very wise Soul. Let's just keep on keepin' on, huh? Do your best and forget the rest. You may feel free to quote me. LOL
    • Thank you very much dear =D !

      I hope people can live with the concousness of being as a flowing society if that makes sense, being respectful and open minded about all things, after all, an open mind leaves room for the heart ~*

      I'm so very happy you can see and feel this the same way as I do, there is no end to anything, and if anything this is just the mere beginning of something huge, not disasterous but simply epic and wonderful! ~*

      Great quote btw hehe, I would love to use it more often ;D ~*
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