High tensions and Anger is building. As encoded in humans, the line between temptation and "doing" is a thin one. We must watch our words. And even more, watch our actions. Before the eyes of Billions will Rise the image of Fear colliding with Power.


Martyn Redd --signing off--

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  • I fear Heaven may not defend the Chaos that looms. But rather defend and save the people who Believe and who are innocent. Earth will one day come to an end. sooner or later. Our place and time on this planet if cut short will only cause us to relocate to the Heavens, not "Heaven" per say. Simply, there are other "Earths" in our Galaxy and beyond. With many names and many people who resemble "humans"; when it is time, we will find our home...
  • Due to the conscious state of the human mind today, Those involved in the sinking of the S. Korean Ship won't admit their wrong doing until proper consequences have been met. Otherwise until Very far into the years that follow when they are confronted by the masses.

    All attacks of Evil root from the same Tree... Their intentions are to provoke the path of Destruction as foreseen by millions across the world. Simply put, if all books of worship tell of an "End of Days" who's to say there aren't those who intend on personally and purposely fulfilling the prophecies to place Fear into the Heart of millions forcing chaos and destruction from within?
  • Yes. those who are behind wants to trigger war so much. It's like the same schema with the 911 conspiracy. People shouldn't be fooled TWICE (again and again). beware.
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