Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]

Date: Monday, 3-Feb-2014 10:08:39


Back on the 22nd of January 2014, the remote viewing Farsight Institutes Courtney Brown announced that something important is going to occur in the month of February, 2014. He said nothing can stop it and there will be an announcement made. He did not say who will be making that announcement. He did say that part of that announcement would be made on his facebook account.

Today he posted his first 'Implication Posting'. Which is what he is labelling a series of posts that relate to the implications of that actual announcement. He mentioned that none of these Implication Posting's would be directly addressing the actual announcement, but that we are encouraged to connect the dots so that the effective scope of the announcement can be widened.


What is the point of these Implication Posts? He said that people behind the scenes, most likely those that are aware of the announcement already, are concerned about the noise that will come, after the February announcement is made. He said that this may inadvertently stifle the breadth and depth of public discussion relating to the announcement.

In other words, it sounds like people are going to argue and moan and groan about the announcement after it has been made, and miss the point entirely, as the whole point will get lost in the inevitable discussions afterwards.

Courtney Brown's Implication Posting #1

"At least some of the claims made by Zecharia Sitchin and others involving extraterrestrial interference with human development on Earth in the ancient past appear to be true.


1. This posting does not speak to the issue of Nibiru or its existence.

2. This is one of a series of 'Implication Postings' that refer to an announcement that will be made during the month of February 2014. Once made, news of this announcement will be available at and elsewhere.

3. These postings are designed to encourage broad public discussion of the February 2014 announcement. They do not directly address the specific content of the announcement."


Monday, February 3, 2014

The Secret of Secrets - Tunnels in Bucegi mountains displaying our true history discovered in 2003

The Secret of Secrets - Tunnels in Bucegi mountains displaying our true history discovered in 2003
In the summer of 2003, in an unexplored area of the Bucegi mountains, an epochal discovery was found that would completely change the destiny of mankind.

Since the declassification of the new ground-penetrating radar 2 years ago, the most staggering data has emerged of complex and labyrinthine underground systems in various parts of the world. At places like Guatemala in the South Americas, tunnels have been mapped under the Mayan pyramid complex at Tikal, which extend a full 800 kilometres to the opposite side of the country. It was using this very technology that the most remarkable discovery was made.

The discovery in Romania
Colossal diplomatic pressures came from the United States of America and the Vatican on the Romanian Government to not disclose to the whole world this discovery and so it led to a temporary agreement between the Vatican, USA and Romania. The USA fast-tracked Romania into NATO [confirmed] and the Vatican gave the Romanian Government some very important documents relating to the countries past.

A Pentagon geodetic satellite scan of the mountain revealed two major energetic blocks. The dams were made of artificial energy: the first was a wall that was blocking access to the tunnel. The second was huge, like a dome or hemisphere, at the opposite end of the tunnel, near the center of the mountain. The whole tunnel-hemisphere was in a plane parallel to the ground, and the dam is vertical hemispherical corresponding rocks on the ridge called “Babele”. In fact, the vertical slope ended at about 40 meters between Babele and the Sphinx of Bucegi (Sfinxul din Bucegi).

The Pentagon team noted that hemispherical energy barrier has the same vibrational frequency and the same shape as one another very secret underground structure that they had discovered before, near Baghdad, Iraq. Shortly after this discovery, the Iraqi war broke out and after a few months Americans had access to the biggest secret in the area, which the Iraqis knew nothing about.

They managed to drill past the first barrier but the second could not be bypassed. Anything that was thrown onto this barrier turned to dust and when soldiers got too close to the barrier they would collapse from a cardiac arrest. (How they got through is posted later in this thread) but once through they entered what was known as “the grand gallery”.

The wall inside the Grand Gallery seemed synthetic but also felt like something organic was part of it. It had the color of oil, but the reflections were green and even blue. At 280 feet, the gallery suddenly turned to the right in a sharp angle. At a greater distance a blue light was noticed, that sparkle like a star. The blue light at the end of the gallery was just the reflection of the protective shield of energy.

In the Iraqi underground 
The U.S. adviser on national security issues was notified that the energetic shield from Iraq (in Baghdad) was suddenly activated, pulsating at a high frequency. In front of the shield also appeared a hologram of the planet, which sequentially and progressively depicted the European Continent, then south-east, then The Bucegi Mountains from Romania and then finally showing their location within the structure’s corridor. It was obvious that the two hemispherical energy shields were in a direct connection.

Tables for giants
The entrance hall contained a series of huge stone tables. None of the tables have a height less than two meters. On the table tops were cut in relief, with precision, different signs of an unknown writing, characters that resemble ancient cuneiform. The writing also contains more general symbols such as triangles and circles. Although the signs are not painted, they come out with a fluorescent light radiation in different colors from table to table.
There are five tables on each side of the room. On some of them are different objects that appear to be technical tools. From many of them descending to the ground, are a lot of white, translucent wires which gather into rectangular boxes of shiny, silver material. The boxes are placed directly onto the ground. The cables are extremely flexible and lightweight and light pulses can be seen circulating along their length.

When approaching any of the tables, a holographic projection activates showing aspects of a particular scientific field. The three dimensional images are perfect and very large, with a height of almost two and a half meters. The projections run by themselves but at the same time they are interactive and depend on one who interacts with the tables by touching their surfaces.

Genetic combinations 
At one table the subject is biology and the projected image are of plants and animals, some completely unknown. Tapping one of the squares, the hologram shows the structure of the human body. It develops holographic images of various areas of the body that always rotate. Other squares show projections of other beings, on other celestial bodies. By tapping simultaneously two different squares, a complex scientific analysis shows the DNA of both beings and possibilities of compatibility between them. On the side vertical lines appear, containing explanations (but in the strange writing seen everywhere) and at the end, the most probable mutant form appears as a result after combining the two genetic information.

True Giants
A confirmation of the giants in Romania can be found in a newspaper called “The Newspaper”: "The team at the newspaper is accompanied by researcher Vasile Rudan, who noted that the" stories "of people from the village Bozioru about giants who lived on those lands have concrete evidence: a cemetery with skeletons of giants. It was discovered by chance over 20 years ago, when it was decided in a village called Scaieni to plant apple trees. Digging on a hill, the villagers discovered huge skeletons, measuring about 2.40 meters, even more. "Everywhere are the tombs of the giants. We were making holes, to plant saplings, when we found a human head, as big as a pumpkin. Neither one of us had ever seen anything like that. We were all amazed. Sapping further and we found some bones of the feet, as big as the wine stakes. The dead one must have been very big."

The library of the Universe.
On each side of the room are arranged five huge tables each one hosting screenings of physics, cosmology, astronomy, architecture, technology, an area that features several races of intelligent beings - who were apparently not all human - and a field of religion . Seems like a huge library of the universe. In the middle of the room is a podium that is installed in a device, possible an energy thought amplifier.

The true history of the planet
In the middle of the square is a huge dome which projects a hologram of moving parts. It contains the main aspects of the very distant past of humanity, from its very beginning. Darwin's evolutionary theory is therefore completely false. The true origin of man is depicted in a condensed holographic form. After these lessons of truth, we can say that 90% of the official history of mankind is false and counterfeit. Unbelievable, but what is considered to have really happened is mostly lies, while the myths and legends of the people are almost all true.

This strange inversion caused many problems and conflicts between people in our past. Also, most archaeological theories are false. Some "fantasies" of scholars such as the dinosaur extinction theory 65 million years ago or considering old continents of Lemuria and Atlantis as a myth are now completely shattered by the holographic projection that shows clearly how things have happened in reality. From time to time, the hologram kept the event's image but in the background was projected the sky map containing the marked position of all major stars and constellations of that exact time. Because of this, the exact dating of the events shown in the presentation was possible.

Although the time period covered by the projections is very large (several hundred thousand years), and the precession cycle of the Earth is 25,920 years, by observing the number of “Plato years” (the 25,920-year cycle) the exact dating of the events was possible. The Bucegi Mountains were formed 50-55 thousand years ago.

Shocking Revelations
The author acknowledges that he actually saw what really happened at the Great Flood and where the germs of human civilization occurred, but he doesn’t have the permission to reveal the reality because this involves too shocking realities for the mentality, ideas and knowledge of the contemporary man.

In a disturbing display of images the existence of Jesus and his crucifixion on the cross is also shown. The projections reveal many of those who witnessed the crucifixion of Jesus on the hill who were at that time, but had come there from other historical periods. Those humans did not differ in clothing by the jewish people present at the time of the crucifixion, however, they had different facial features and that's why they were hiding their faces in the clothing folds the best they could. The hologram also shows sequences of the spiritual lives and missions of other exceptional characters from the very distant past of mankind, of which we don’t know anything now. In those times, the social and population distribution were completely different from what is know today, so the archaeologists and anthropologists should review their concepts from scratch.

The three mysterious tunnels
The tunnels spread over thousands of kilometers in three different areas of the planet.

The left one leads somewhere in Egypt, into a secret and yet undiscovered ensemble, which is buried under the sand. The right tunnel reaches a similar, but smaller structure, in the "Tibet Plateau". In this second tunnel, are also found three secondary ramifications. One leads to a basement area of Buzau (Romanian city), near the Carpathians bend. Another leads to the underground structure of Iraq, near Baghdad (the one we spoke of earlier). The final ramification leads underneath the Gobi Plateau in Mongolia.

A secret world
The third tunnel, located centrally between the other two, is the subject of a secret world of which the U.S. wanted a very strong guarantee it would not be revealed. Down the central tunnel inside the planet's crust and may provide an answer to the origin of structure inside the mountain and those who built it.
Intense preparations begun for expeditions on all 3 tunnels, as following:
-the first one to Egypt, second one to Tibet, and the final one to Earth’s core.

In 2009, a local television “Antena 1” briefly presented these events. After the show they’ve received an anonymous phone threat.
This is the call translated:

The reporter from Antena 1 answers the phone:
Reporter: Hello, good day!
Anonymous caller: We’re sending you a warning: be very careful! Stop talking about the Bucegi (Mountains)!
R: Who are you?
A: This information must remain at the level of some structures and must not be made public! You’ve entered a dangerous game! You are young, you have families...there are enough subjects in this country to speak about!
R: Mister, who are you?
A: Don’t wish to know be yourself interviewed by us! That’s all I’ve had to say!

The link to the phone call (in the beginning of the video):

Copyright References:
For more details and the source of this information see Transylvanian Sunrise by Peter Moon
[link to]
Full details and my research can be found here: [link to


There is a duality in many things and the Sphinx is no exception. People tend to think the Sphinx is only looking to the stars but if you follow the eyes on Earth you will find that the Sphinx is also looking directly to Mount Kailash. The sphinx is an important guardian to these tunnels and there is not one but TWO Sphinx connected to this. 

If you've seen the film Promethus you may have noticed the Sphinx above the tunnel. The film also has much in common with the discovery...
What are these similarities:

- Tunnels in film and Bucegi? Tick
- Sphinx above the tunnels in the film and also above the tunnels in Bucegi? Tick
- Sphinx's almost an exact match in looks? Tick
- Giant seats and tables in film and Bucegi? Tick
- Projection room in film and at Bucegi? Tick
- Film is about DNA and Bucegi talks about DNA? Tick

Now look at the two Sphinx side-by-side:


I have a ton of research about this information which I've researched for the last year and a half. I spent the first 3 months trying to debunk it but I have uncovered evidence confirming it all through history. Here is a list of the most important areas to look into:

The German Tibet expeditions but in particular the explorer Wilhelm Filchner. After his trip to Tibet he then lead an urgent expedition to Antarctica. The two are VERY much connected!

Prof. Ernst Muldashev Ph.D 
He wrote “Das Dritte Auge” (subsequently banned) about Samadhi caves on mount Kailash. He accompanied the Chinese army in trying to enter the cave but the soldiers were overcome with painful headaches and some died of a heart attack the further in they went. This EXACTLY MIRRORS what happened to the soldiers in Romania when they tried to get access inside the tunnel. His book “Where do we come from opens this subject wide open!

Miguel Serrano 
(born September 10, 1917; died February 28, 2009) is a retired Chilean diplomat, explorer and author of poetry, books on spiritual questing and esoteric Hitlerism. In a reversal of the above he went on an Antarctica expedition and then headed to Tibet to, in his own words, “Find the entrance to Mount Kailash”. 

Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky 
She is also connected to this.

Saint-Yves d’Alveydre 
Talks about huge libraries which enshrine the whole wisdom of the ages and connects to this.

It should come as no surprise that some of those stirred to action by the Shambhala myth were members of the Nazi party—in particular, those working under Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler in a branch of the SS called the Ahnenerbe, which served as the organization’s "Ancestral Heritage" office. The Ahnenerbe was Himmler’s pet project, established to trace the heritage of the "master race" back to its origins. It was to this end that, in 1938, five SS officers were sent on an expedition to Tibet. The project was called “Ahnenerbe”

One of the key scientists on the Giza project, Dr. Jim Hurtak, showed film footage of work in progress called, CHAMBERS OF THE DEEP, due to be released at the end of the century. As of yet, it has still not been released.

The film reveals the discovery of a vast megalithic metropolis, thousands of years old, reaching several levels below the Giza plateau. While the rest of the Nu-Age speculates about a hidden chamber under the left paw of the Sphinx, the legendary "City Of The Gods", lays sprawled beneath. 

Complete with hydraulic underground waterways, the film shows massive chambers, the proportions of our largest cathedrals, with enormous statues, the size of the Valley of the Nile, carved in-situ. Researchers, risking their lives with lights and cameras, carefully negotiated rubber dinghies across subterranean rivers and kilometer-wide lakes, to penetrate sealed chambers beyond. Already, remarkable caches of records and artifacts have been found. 

Mount Kailash Tibet
It is by 2 lakes which look like and represents the Sun and the Moon (highly significant!).
Lake Rakshastal (left) means “Lake of the demon”. Lake Manasarovar (right) means “mind”.
It is a very religious pyramid looking mountain to a number of religions but less than a thousand go there each year. It is one of only a handful of mountains in the World you cannot legally climb it and it is very difficult to get to. There is a certain secret society that hold this place as one of vital importance. It is rumoured that when the ice finally melts it will reveal THE eye. This place alone is worth a LOT of research! 

The WWII German expedition to Tibet 
It uncovered something huge that Hitler took VERY seriously. It was from this moment that most of you know about hollow earth but it is far bigger than that one story!

You can't climb Mount Kailash because it is one of the few mountains on the planet that it is illegal to climb.

It isn't just the Tibetans who worship Kailash but also the Hindus. 

This hindu pictures shows the Lord Shiva, the destroyer of ignorance and illusion, resides inside the summit where he sits in a state of perpetual meditation with his wife Prvati.


This one is an older picture showing tunnels coming from the mountain and surrounded by the tree of knowledge...


Makes you think doesn't it...

Now how about a poem about Mount Kailash on a UN special report website...
There Lies a World Hidden,
Mysterious, unknown, and forbidden.

Where dwell entities with technologies beyond our comprehension,
And knowledge kept hidden from us, in this other dimension.

Will the truth ever be revealed?
Earthly forces of power and greed forever sealed,
Forbidden knowledge for warfare to wield.

When humankind understands,
To use the knowledge acquired from these strange lands.

For the benefit of humankind,
Then entrance into their world we will find.

Poem by Frank Scassellatii 

A UN special report and the source of the poem:
[link to

Full details and my research can be found here: [link to

In the book he talks of global armies guarding it. I uncovered real proof that Israel is one of the countries guarding it. In 2010 a helicopter crashed full of Israeli soldiers and ALL news websites said "All crew missing". As I leaked it every single online news report changed to "Bodies recovered"... except just one they missed...

[link to


A: What was a helicopter full of Israeli soldiers doing on Bucegi?
B: How can the helicopter be recovered but no bodies found?

Screenshot that one while you can!

I know it is a lot to read but this is as cut-down as a dare. There is so much more to this (including what was discovered under the Sphinx in Egypt). I have a 75 page document just on the basics which is growing constantly.

I'm also looking for further information that may relate to this so I can research.

Last Edited by WeAreOne on 05/02/2013 08:05 AM

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