Life...L.I.F.E. linguistic information field essence
Know thine own self be true... Choose consciously ....create love...using the word matrix...the language matrix.
I love with my words and thoughts...knowing these are the seeds of creation...I create what I wish to see. I love and I am loved.
Through choice of thought carried to words...I inner-stand with my inner-child my inner sense and innocence....I choose love and peace.
We are always creating, manifesting our lives.. both. consciously and un-unconscious. Consciousness is exploding in a massive creative shift...self realization is occuring.
Our lives are in our own easy to over-look, but not anymore.
Schools and jobs teach us not to think but to repeat so called information...repeat the keep us locked in our script, with auto-matic responses, and even deceptive words like "understand"...why would anyone want to under stand or stand under anyone? It only implies a master slave relationship. Being mindful of the words we use...innerstanding our very words...we radiate this choice outward...such are the laws of attraction.
Thoughts and words are creative power...this power is yours and mine. We are all free beings of love and to to know... Love and peace.
This is creatorship, is it not. we are always creating, weather we know it or not.