to those who have never heard of this man he is a very beautiful man who always speaks the truth. 

He has come out in support of David Icke and his reptilian theory as being fact and he does not have many years left on the earth

In this video he voices his sadness at what is happining to Africa and demands that Africa be given a trial so they may fight for their right to exist before they are completely wiped out by outside interests and engineere wepons d bio (AIDS) 

Real heart wrenching stuff but i love this man and his unique soul

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  • Great Post! Credo Mutwa is awesome.
    • WOW yeah sorry i guess i left it out

      There you go :)
      • Kevin, thank you for sharing this. It's so very heartwrenching. I looked up his biography on Wikipedia, and it's worth the time. What an amazing man.

        Even though I was born and "yanked up" in the South, try as I might, I could never understand the attitudes of the people there against African-Americans. How can one hate a person for the color of their skin? All the skin/body is is a covering for our souls. I must have known this deeply within myself even when I was a small child, for I've never felt any prejudice toward any races.

        Bless David Icke for his diligent and persistent efforts to bring us the Truth of what's going on in the world. He's at the top of my hero list.
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