50% of crop circle worldwide are in Wiltshire England-the site of a large salt water qualifier and a convergence of ley lines;
Host Richard Syrett welcomed crop circle investigator Patty Greer for a discussion on the latest developments in crop formation research and how she thinks the phenomenon may change the course of human history forever. Since the 1980s about a 150 documented crop circles have appeared every year in various places around the world, she reported, noting that more than half of those show up in Wiltshire, England. According to Greer, Wiltshire has become the epicenter of crop circles because it is positioned atop the largest salt water aquifer in the world and is located at the convergence of several ley lines.
Greer shared her 2007 experience in a formation at Sugar Hill, where she claims to have seen transparent round plasma in the sky and energy radiating off of trees. Being inside a crop circle is where I receive messages, she said, adding that the energy of a formation causes her hair to stand on end and tingles the top of her head. Greer believes crop circles are physical evidence of communications from other entities/dimensions. "Crop circle messages are going to be different from everybody looking at them... and everyone's correct," she revealed. They are compressed files of ancient symbols placed in fields for humans and extraterrestrials, she added. Greer also detailed her theory about how balls of light may be involved in the creation of crop circles.
Your welcome Mileil
nice Pet Rock, makes you wonder what kind of space ship had landed on those fields ... ;))
almost everyone misses the info , twice I've heard this, that balls of light have been seen moments before a formation and tests have been done on crops that were effected and the analysis was that the crops were slightly steamed and were made limp-the light balls are programed? This is pretty good info from C2C
I've heard and seen the same, great information Pet Rock, thank you!
your welcome Kelly-I would like to know the process of programming the elements to create a pattern that has super conscience meaning -to much to ask?
Have you heard of the water wheels? They are powerful, the same process can be used to create glyphs for elements of air, fire etc. The water wheels are all linked, and doing good work of clearing our air or rather bringing it to be "the best it can be"... I participated astrally to build the one in Ojo, I need to create one for the river in my town though. There is a science to it, very interesting... Aniel knows his stuff.
A Water Wheel can be a personal altar in your home (Water Wheel Kit), or the design can be laid on the earth like a medicine wheel using corn meal, flowers, or stones. Seven clear quartz crystals activate six points around the circle and the center and transmit healing energy to and from the wheel.
Water Wheels are activated by our thoughts, intentions, and clear quartz crystals to create an energy field, or vortex of consciousness, for energizing water. Water Wheels get our thoughts of love, gratitude, and appreciation, which have been scientifically proven to transform the very structure of water, flowing to water. The more love and energy the Water Wheel receives from us, the more energy goes out to help our source waters… from which all living things are fed.
I'd love tho hear the science behind the proposition that water wheels can cleanse air and water (from what?).
Was that your gist, Pet Rock? Not sure what you mean exactly...
Kelly-after making the wheel do you need to maintain the energy at certain times of the day or randomly?
Once the first link up is done, then randomly whenever you want to connect, it is there. I connect during meditation when I can feel it tugging at me, like a magnet of sorts, I guess you could say. It's a good repository for excess energies you build up sometimes. :-)