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Current Ascension Developments by Archangel Sandalphon

Channelled though Natalie Glasson, - June 18, 2012

A pearlescent light swirls with love from my heart as I greet and stand before you; I am Archangel Sandalphon, a light keeper of the Earth.

I come forward to share some information on the shifts that are occurring during this present time of Ascension. So many different things are occurring and manifesting that it can be difficult for you to realise them all and for us to draw your attention to the transitions. As a keeper of the Earth vibration, I am aware of all the energetic shifts that occur in regards to the physical and energy bodies of the Earth and the souls existing upon the Earth.

The most predominant shift at this time is the great volume of angelic light that is being anchored and is melting into all levels of the Earth. The angelic kingdom has been asked to anchor their vibrations into the Earth due to the angelic vibration being the closest vibration to the vibration that needs to be obtained on the Earth.

Selfless love is the vibration of the angels and archangels. When we focus only upon the energy expressed from the angelic kingdom rather than the beings themselves we see that they express an active, detached compassionate loving vibration, this is the vibration that the Creator wishes to manifest on the Earth.

By pouring the vibration of the angelic kingdom into the Earth, it is our hope that humanity and the energy levels of the Earth will respond and emanate a similar vibration in return, thus drastically increasing the vibration of the Earth and every soul in existence. The energy of the angelic kingdom is acting as activation energy but also as a mirror of what can be achieved so that souls on the Earth and even Mother Earth may look into the angelic vibrations and see themselves in the same light.

The angelic vibration holds a tremendous volume of love which is needed to bring great healing to all levels of energy within the Earth and each being, while the selfless aspect or detached aspect allows for separation and the personality to dissolve to create unity. Souls on the Earth will not learn to embody the angelic kingdom but will allow a similar vibration of truth within their beings to blossom and emerge.

Many will begin to recognise that the angelic kingdom holds one proportion of the love vibration of the Earth and that each soul holds a portion of Creator love to make a whole. The angelic kingdom has always held a portion of the Creator’s love as a reminder for all. I and the angelic kingdom wish to inspire each soul to activate the selfless love vibration from within their being to merge with the angelic energy and the Earth creating a greater whole of the Creator on the Earth.

Allow yourself each day to call upon the angelic light of selfless love to flow into your entire being and reality. Let yourself breathe the angelic light not only into your being and physical body but also into the Earth. Your entire being and reality will naturally respond to the vibration of light bringing forward your own selfless love vibration to flow abundantly from your being.

This process is also a great healing operation for the Earth and souls in existence. The angelic kingdom and the Creator are asking you to continue to heal yourself with the vibration of love but through your inner healing you also heal your outer reality by allowing your selfless love vibration to ignite and radiate with power.

You may wish to say in your mind as you focus upon breathing in and out through your heart chakra,”I ignite myself as selfless love”.

Another shift and transition that I wish to share with you, is the presence of a new chakra within your being. Some of you have already accepted and have been using this new chakra, while for others it in now anchoring or has been over the last few months.

This chakra was created by the Creator and Archangel Metatron, it holds many colours of light in its centre but emanates a silver and white light  which is the first light that you see upon observing the chakra. The chakra is also somewhat larger than other chakras and holds all that the soul needs to achieve ascension and return completely to the light with a constant connection.

The chakra has been placed by Archangel Metatron just below the stellar/cosmic gateway chakra and just above the soul star chakra. The stellar/cosmic gateway allows you to be connected to the entire flow and vibration of the universe while the soul star chakra houses the vibrations, wisdom and evolving ascension of the soul, your essence and truth.

The presence of this new chakra has evolved because it is now time for the soul to hold the power and to divinely guide and influence the reality they are experiencing, rather than allowing the mind or emotions to hold the power.This new chakra constantly gathers everything that is needed to support your soul’s evolution, it is a chakra that will also dissolve or disperse when your soul comes into its complete power.

This chakra is merely to support the growth and advancement of the soul into the physical body and reality, akin to nourishing the soul and supporting its development. The presence of the new chakra doesn’t interfere with the light of the Creator flowing through your stellar/cosmic gateway but only enhances the vibration and empowers the soul every time light is anchored.

Above your head with your hands you may find this new chakra, at the top of your head you have your crown chakra, then a little above your head you have your soul star chakra, moving up a little you will find the new chakra, then above that the stellar/cosmic gateway.

By using the sensors in the palm chakras of your hand, you should be able to feel the energy of the chakras as energy balls or a sensation of heat or vibration. You should be able to imagine but also feel as if you are holding each chakra in your hands and this will allow for you to connect with the new chakra issued by Archangel Metatron and the Creator, therefore acknowledging its presence. Simply know that this new chakra is working to empower your soul’s evolution on the Earth and your ascension path.

It is important to assist in the acceptance of this chakra, otherwise the soul can feel a separation from the Creator because of the new energy vibration within your energetic field. By imagining or visualising the new chakra and drawing its light all the way through your being and chakras, allowing the light to flow into the Earth and into your Earth Star chakra below your feel, you will allow for greater integration and harmony within your being. The new chakra can then achieve what it has been divinely created to achieve, the empowerment of your soul in your current physical reality.

When connecting with this new chakra you may wish to call upon Archangel Metatron to guide you and to be of assistance. As for a name for this new chakra, many people who are discovering the new chakra are giving diverse and different titles but a name is simply a label and not of great importance. It may be appropriate to acknowledge this chakra as an ascension chakra or a soul empowerment chakra.

It is also essential to allow light to flow through this new chakra into your soul star chakra, running through all your chakras as the new chakra will flush or filter energies the soul needs into the soul star chakra and empower the soul’s energy within your entire being.

Another shift that is occurring on the Earth is being led by Lord Merlin, and many beings of light connected to the elemental and nature kingdom. Lord Merlin is readjusting the energetic codes and patterns in some areas on the Earth so that the energetic patterns of the Earth can be as one and be magnified as one in December 2012 thus enhancing the energetic networks and strength of the Earth as a physical and energetic being.

If you wish to be a part of Lord Merlin’s purpose, you may call upon his energies in meditation and ask for him to surround you in his light. As you breathe in Lord Merlin’s light, address Lord Merlin out loud explaining how you wish to be of service and involved in his work of readjusting the energetic codes and patterns of the Earth so that they work as one.

If Lord Merlin believes that it is your divine purpose to be of service in this way, he will share with you an area that is local to you on the Earth and will ask you to be present in that area. He will then share with you the codes and patterns of energy that need to be anchored in that area of the Earth in order to bring forth greater balance and allow for energy to flow through the Earth with greater ease. Lord Merlin will then guide you to express from your heart and through your hands the energy that needs to be planted into the Earth in order to assist Lord Merlin’s purpose.

The information I have shared with you are different shifts and missions that are being achieved and anchored into the Earth at this time to be of assistance to the ascension process of all. Please know that you may call upon my assistance whenever you are achieving any kind of Earth work and I will be happy to be of service.

In service to you, the Earth and the Creator,

Archangel Sandalphon

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  • Thank you for this message.

    I will accept this 'new' chakra with Archangel Metatrons help xx

This reply was deleted.

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