
Shocking video of the imminent economic collapse and the $66 trillion dollar debt crisis. The borrower is the servant of the lender, and one of the primary ways that the elite keep the rest of us subjugated is through the $66 trillion dollar mountain of government debt that has been accumulated. Government debt hit $66 trillion dollar through the end of 2019, or about 80 percent of global GDP, according to Fitch Ratings. This $66 trillion is now almost twice as high as at the end of 2007. Every single day, the benefits of our labor are going to enrich somebody else. A portion of the taxes that are deducted from your paycheck is used to pay interest on government debt. A portion of the profits that your company makes probably goes to servicing some form of business debt. And most Americans are continuously making payments on their mortgages, their auto loans, their credit card balances and their student loan debts.

The world has never seen anything like this mountain of debt ever before, and one of the central themes of Epic Economist youtube channel is that all of this debt will ultimately destroy our society with a horrible stock market crash and financial collapse. All over the world experts sounding the alarm that the extreme high debt could cause a major debt crisis and global economic collapse. The United States is, of course, the real king of debt in absolute dollar terms. Its consolidated general government obligations were listed as being close to $21 trillion dollar at the end of 2018. With the U.S. debt load so large, it would be easy to assume where the blame will goes after a major economic collapse. For a reference on the government debt load of the entire planet, the World Economic Forum put the global GDP tally for 2017 at about $80 trillion dollar. And the top 10 nations accounted for about two-thirds of that GDP figure. We might be writing about the world’s government debt nearing $100 trillion dollar much sooner than any of us might think.

The U.S. economy is heading for the next economic collapse. When the next recession comes, you will know who to blame. Every time the Federal Reserve has engaged in a rate hiking program since World War II, it has always ended in either a recession or a stock market crash. The Fed is the reason why the U.S. economy has been on a roller coaster ride for decades, and now we are steamrolling directly toward the “bust” portion of this cycle. The game is literally rigged against us, and we need to realize what we are up against. Tinkering around with the current system is not going to fix anything. We need to ditch this current system and start again from scratch, but it will probably take a horrific economic collapse and stock market crash before most people start to understand this.

The only way to save yourself from destruction is to leave the cities. Your bible tells you this. Do not be caught up in the city when it all goes down. Move to the country, get a an acre or two, plant a big garden(it is harder than you think) plant some berry bushes, (these are easy to grow) and of course some fruit trees. Make sure you have a well. Quite drinking the tap water, the gov. puts bad stuff in it for you to drink. You have to take control yourself, you can do it. I did it. So can you!

Looking past the near-term concerns that have plagued population policy at the political level, it is increasingly apparent that the long-term sustainability of civilization will require not just a leveling-off of human numbers as projected over the coming half-century, but a colossal reduction in both population and consumption.
It has become increasingly apparent over the past half-century that there is a growing tension between two seemingly irreconcilable trends. On one hand, moderate to conservative demographic projections indicate that global human numbers will almost certainly reach 9 billion, perhaps more, by mid-21st century. On the other, prudent and increasingly reliable scientific estimates suggest that the Earth’s long-term sustainable human carrying capacity, at what might be defined as an “adequate” to “moderately comfortable” developed-world standard of living, may not be much greater than 2 to 3 billion. It may be considerably less, particularly if the normative lifestyle (level of consumption) aspired to is anywhere close to that of the United States.

As a consequence of this modern-day “Malthusian dilemma,” it is past time to think boldly about the midrange future and to consider alternatives that go beyond merely slowing or stopping the growth of global population. The human species must develop and quickly implement a well-conceived, clearly articulated, flexible, equitable, and internationally coordinated program focused on bringing about a very significant reduction in human numbers over the next two or more centuries. This effort will likely require a global population shrinkage of at least two-thirds to three-fourths, from a probable mid-to-late 21st century peak in the 9 to 10 billion range to a future (23rd century and beyond) “population optimum” of not more than 2 to 3 billion.

Obviously, a demographic change of this magnitude will require a major reorientation of human thought, values, expectations, and lifestyles. There is no guarantee that such a program will be successful. But if humanity fails in this effort, nature will almost certainly impose an even harsher reality. As a practicing physical anthropologist and human evolutionary biologist, I am concerned that this rapidly metastasizing (yet still partly hidden) demographic and environmental crisis could emerge as the greatest evolutionary/ecological “bottleneck” that our species has yet encountered.

Although the need for population reduction is controversial, it can be tested scientifically. The hypothesis may be falsified if it can clearly be shown that ongoing estimates of global population size over the next few hundred years will not exceed our increasingly accurate projections of both current and future optimal carrying capacities. However, the hypothesis will be confirmed if future global population size continues to exceed those carrying capacity estimates by a significant margin. And even if the 2 to 3 billion optimal carrying capacity estimate turns out to be off by, say, a factor of two, achieving a global population optimum of 4 to 6 billion would still necessitate a very substantial reduction from the 9-plus billion projected for mid-century.

Please note: this is not a rapture or tribulation date-setting video!! There are a number of very significant events that could possibly occur , and if they do, could play a role in Bible prophecy. I’m not trying to scare anyone or set any dates for the rapture or tribulation, I am just sharing the news that is already out there, with anyone who is not aware. The more we are aware of these things, the better we can prepare ourselves and are not completely surprised by them if they do happen. Since I obviously did not create, initiate or plan any of these events, just like anyone else, I have no way to know if or when they will happen, until the time comes. If nothing happens, then great, we will have more time for each of us to prepare for when and if they do. I do believe that the elite will have their New World Order achieved at some point, so please just stay current on the news and continue to watch for the signs.


The elite have long viewed a rising population as a threat to their dominance. They realized that eventually a large number of people will inevitably overthrow and remove them from power. They are particularly concerned with the middle class whose intelligence and capacity to organize makes them the biggest threat. Consequently, the elite plan to destroy the middle class and make all the of public equally poor and thus incapable of rebelling. As written on the Georgia Guidestones, they want a global population of just 500 million. This means 6+ billion people must die over the coming century.

In order to bring about global governance it is imperative that communism and capitalism be merged into a new system where economic control remains and is concentrated in private hands and social control is based on collectivism. As established by a U.S congressional investigation headed by Senator Norman Dodd into the great foundations back in the 1960’s, this was in fact one of the main purposes for which the foundations were created.

Multi-generational Planning

The evolution of society is not something the elite can leave to chance since society could evolve in thousands of different and unpredictable ways. If they were ever to allow this they might lose their control and dominance over us. In order to continue their position as the dominant minority, they plan decades and even centuries in advance.

We are only as free as we believe we are. We are in denial, we don’t see the signs that are staring directly at us, keeping our minds turned off and busy with all the mundane affairs of daily life. If you would like to know the truth and wake up, it’s too late, removing your blindfolds and pulling your head out of the sand will only show that reality is already here and very clear.
There are approximately 600 FEMA Camp prison sites around the country (and more literally popping up overnight). They are manned, but yet do not contain prisoners. What is going to be the nationwide panic to kick-off point to put these facilities into operation?

FEMA camps are a restricted area and surrounded by full-time guards, surrounded by miles of fences with the top razor points all directed inward. There is a railroad track that runs into the perimeter of this fence in all Camps. The loading docks also hold several railroad cars which have been manufactured in Oregon and outfitted with shackles.


Most FEMA Camps could easily fit 100,000 people.

FEMA Camps usually are in remote areas or have large mounds of dirt surrounding the central area so the area is not visible from the road. There are white vans as well as Police cars constantly patrolling the several mile perimeter of the areas, and will came out and greet you with a friendly wave if you come close enough to actually view the camp and follow you untiln

We just don’t care enough to find out the real truth, and settle for the hand-fed stories that come our way over the major media sources television, radio, newspaper, and magazines. The time is fast approaching when we will be the ones asking “What happened to our freedom? To our free speech? To our right to protect ourselves and our family? To think as an individual? To express ourselves in whatever way we wish?”

You don’t think it could happen to you? Obviously those rounded up and killed in Germany didn’t think it could happen to them either. How could decent people have witnessed such atrocities and still said nothing? Why are we doing the same here? What happened to this country of ours? Where did we go wrong? How could we let it happen again…


The Economic Collapse of America is imminent. After President Donald Trump’s Speech on congress, nobody should have any more doubt that the American Economy has been in the process of Collapsing. Donald Trump’s speech to a joint session of Congress is being hailed as his best speech ever.  Even CNN’s Van Jones praised Trump, which shocked many observers.  Jones said that when Trump honored the widow of slain Navy Seal Ryan Owens that it “was one of the most extraordinary moments you have ever seen in American politics”, and Jones believes that Trump “became President of the United States in that moment”.  But Trump’s speech is not just being praised for that one moment.  He detailed many of the most important problems that our nation is facing, and he explained his prescription for addressing those problems.
Hopefully Trump’s words helped people to understand that our problems did not get fixed just because he got elected.  It is going to take extraordinary action to fix those problems, because our problems run very deep.  In particular, Trump made an exceedingly strong case that the U.S. economy has been badly deteriorating for a very long period of time.  The following are 11 quotes from Trump’s speech to Congress that show that the U.S. economy is in a state of collapse…
1 “Ninety-four million Americans are out of the labor force”
2 “Over 43 million people are now living in poverty”
3 “Over 43 million Americans are on food stamps”
4 “More than one in five people in their prime working years are not working”
5 We have the worst financial recovery in 65 years”
#6 “In the last eight years, the past administration has put on more new debt than nearly all of the other Presidents combined”
#7 “We’ve lost more than one-fourth of our manufacturing jobs since NAFTA was approved”
#8 “We’ve lost 60,000 factories since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001″
#9 “Our trade deficit in goods with the world last year was nearly 800 billion dollars”
#10 “Obamacare premiums nationwide have increased by double and triple digits. As an example, Arizona went up 116 percent last year alone.”
#11  “We’ve spent trillions and trillions of dollars overseas, while our infrastructure at home has so badly crumbled”

The second financial bubble is going to soon burst, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.

Peter Schiff stated, the Federal Reserve has set up the American economy for financial collapse and market crash for printing trillions of dollars back in 2008 and 2009.
The Federal Reserve’s policies of printing trillions of dollars back in ’08-09 have locked into place a serious financial crisis at some point in our future, Going so far as to intimate the economic collapse will occur at least some time in the next two years Paul wrote, It’s unavoidable, and even Donald Trump can’t stop it.
Trump will be the patsy for the supposed impending financial ruin. Just like everyone blamed Obama for the financial collapse in 2009, this time, Trump will unfairly get the blame, the former Texas representative wrote. Prepare for the coming stock market crash and economic collapse.

Defense Strategy and Capabilities .Conflicts and alliances around the globe are shifting constantly, enhancing the need for reliable and timely research and analysis. CSIS analyzes a wide range of issues related to defense strategy and capabilities.


We never know what emergency may befall us during which we may not be able to obtain food or drink.
The emergency may be loss of job or inability to work due to accident or illness. This may result in a situation where financial resources to purchase food would not be available or may be decreased appreciably. Natural catastrophe such as flood, earthquake or storms may result in temporary inability to distribute food to supermarkets.
Under these conditions even having money to purchase food does not mean it can be obtained.
Even in the United States each of the above conditions occurs occasionally. Because of the possibility of such emergencies the Civil Defense recommends storing food and drink adequate for your family’s needs for a two-week period. Certain church organizations have recommended their members “Have on hand a year’s supply of food, fuel, clothing and where possible money.”

Food Items
Enough people have eaten for a long enough period of time that some conclusions on “What to Eat?” can be drawn from experience.
Some average amounts of the nutrients required for growth, maintenance and reproduction of the human system have been published.
These nutrients are distributed among the food groups:
l) milk/cheese,
2) meat/poultry/fish
3) vegetables
4) fruit,
5) bread/cereal, and
6) fat/alcohol/sweets/other.
Appropriate servings from each food group combined into a daily intake will provide an adequate nutrient supply.

Food storage is viewed as a part of emergency preparedness. It is also a part of the program of a gardener to preserve and store away some of the fruits of his or her labor.
Whatever the reason a person has for storing food beyond immediate needs, planning must be done to avoid waste.
There are a number of approaches to building a food storage program. Only two wil be outlined, which can be adapted to fit individual needs. A major reason for not having food storage is the expense. A simple way to avoid a large cash outlay is to merely purchase double the items on the grocery list with each shopping excursion. The extra items are then marked with the purchase date and put into storage to be rotated out and replaced on the next shopping trip.
Perishable items such as fluid milk or eggs are difficult to work into this system.
Therefore substitutes such as nonfat dried milk may be purchased for storage. Keep in mind, however, that there is a limit to the length of time that even these semi-perishable or dehydrated items can be stored.
A disadvantage of the double purchase system is that it is not as easy to benefit from sales prices. One advantage is that items are only purchased that are routinely used in menu planning, thereby reducing waste and improving rotation.
Another approach to beginning a food storage program is to use a lump sum of money such as a tax refund or a bonus check to purchase a large amount of basics for your family.
The pamphlet “Essentials of Food Storage” has suggested that basics should include wheat, sugar or honey, salt and nonfat dried milk. While it is true that these items do store well, it is important that the family will use what they store. This list could be modified to include grain products such as wheat and white
flour, pasta products, rolled oats, rice, dried beans, split peas, lentils and other
dehydrated fruits and vegetables.
Cracked or whole wheat products do not store well

14 gallons of water per person (2 week supply)
1 pound of dry matter per person per day of dried foods
because the membranes are broken that keep the oil in the wheat germ away from the iron and other minerals in the endosperm and the bran layer. Rancidity occurs at a rapid rate. Rolled oats are heat treated which destroys the lipase enzyme and therefore will store quite well.
When establishing a food storage program do not forget:
1. Store only those items you will use. If you do not currently include a food in your diet it is not likely that you will use it.
2. Do not purchase more than you will rotate and use within a 2 to 3 year period of time
to reduce waste.
3. Insure that the quality of the item you purchase is acceptable. Quality does not improve upon storage for most foods.
Planning before you begin a food storage program will help to avoid pitfalls.

Physical Methods of Controlling Insects in Food

Clean, cool, dry storage areas are preferred. Avoid storing food in open containers on shelves. Keep food storage areas free of spilled food and food particles. Good housekeeping helps prevent insect infestations.
Deep Freeze Control for Grain
Small quantities of grain, 1 to 10 pounds, can be put in medium to heavy food grade plastic bags and placed in a deep freeze for 2 to 3 days. This will usually destroy all stages of any insect pests which are present.
As a check spread the deep freeze treated grain on a cookie tray at room temperature until thawed. If live insects are present they will probably be seen crawling about. If they are present, repeat the process. If not, remove any insect fragments, put the grain in an approved container and store it in a cool, dry place.
Heat Treatment—Air
When packaged goods such as beans, cereals, whole grains, nut meats, and similar dried foods become infested they may be “sterilized” by heating in an open oven as follows.
Spread a shallow layer of wheat in a cookie tray or large pan. Pre-heat the oven to about 140° to 150°F. Put the tray in the preheated oven and leave it there for 30 minutes or more. The oven door should be left slightly open to avoid overheating. This treatment should destroy all stages of the insect if the layer of grain on the tray is not too thick (1/2 inch). Next, remove the tray and cool the wheat thoroughly before returning it to a clean, dry storage container. As necessary, use a fan to blow off any existing insect fragments. Where large quantities of dry food are to be treated, this method is not practical.
Heat is detrimental to the proteins in wheat and may reduce the ability of the bread to rise properly. Some reduced loaf volume and heavier texture may be apparent when using heat treated grains.

Some have seen this problem coming for a long time and changed their entire way of life by going off-grid. They have found alternative sources such as solar, wind and diesel to power their homes and machinery. A majority of us, who have not gone off-grid, are making a concerted effort to avoid dependence on this ailing infrastructure and preparing for life without it.

Dry Ice
Food may be fumigated with dry ice as previously described.
Bay Leaves, Chewing Gum, Chanting Words and Phrases
We receive numerous inquiries asking about exotic treatments to prevent insect
infestations in stored grain. In unofficial experiments we have conducted, it was noted that some insects will continue to feed when enclosed in containers with tight fitting lids, even in the presence of these exotic suggestions. We have also concluded that chanting words and phrases fall upon deaf ears. Some consumers have reported on the effectiveness of many exotic treatments. Our investigations have shown these instances to only be effective when no insects were initially present in the food.

There are a number of different options for emergency cooking. Before we get started: For those who are new to preparedness, using an emergency generator to power an electric stove or microwave is not a good allocation of resources. Stoves and microwaves use a lot of power in a short amount of time. It’s much more practical to use other means to heat/cook your food.

How to Prepare For An Unthinkable Crisis!

There is still time for you to prepare, but you have to start learning how to make your own survival foods as soon as humanly possible. The best way to do it is to get the inside scoop on how to do it right. Fortunately, there is a way to get twenty years worth of The Lost Ways. This new food storage system is called The Lost Ways. You do not need a lot of expensive equipment to store foods for a crisis using the methods taught here. Even better, The Lost Ways pays for itself quickly as you begin to put away garden produce or even meats that you buy on sale. For most folks it’s simply the biggest bargain of their lives. You can finally become self-sufficient and any extra money saved in food expense goes right back to your pocket. Frankly, at the end of the day, The Lost Ways actually makes you money! What’s more, the videos take you by the hand, step by step, through the entire process of “putting away” almost any food you can think of. It’s very much like having a food storage professional right there with you every step of the way.


Books can be your best pre-collapse investment.

Carnivore’s Bible (is a wellknown meat processor providing custom meat processing services locally andacross the state of Montana and more. Whether your needs are for domestic meator wild game meat proc

proe Lost Book of Remedies PDF ( contains a series of medicinal andherbal recipes to make home made remedies from medicinal plants and herbs.Chromic diseases and maladies can be overcome  by taking the remediesoutlined in this book. The writer claims that his grandfather was taughtherbalism and healing whilst in active service during world war twoand that he has treated many soldiers with his home made cures. )

Easy Cellar(Info about building and managing your root cellar, plus printable plans. The book on building and using root cellars – The Complete Root Cellar Book.)

The Lost Ways (Learn the long forgotten secrets that helped our forefathers survive famines,wars,economic crisis and anything else life threw at them)

LOST WAYS 2 ( Wordof the day: Prepare! And do it the old fashion way, like our fore-fathers did it and succeed longbefore us,because what lies ahead of us will require all the help we can get. Watch this video and learn the 3 skills that ensured our ancestors survival in hard times offamine and war.)


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  • A lot other countries are suffering the same fate as US 

  • and who helped increase the US deby by 17 trillion? -the fed under Obama-bush put the 6 trillion on the debt clock

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