David Wilcock: Descendants of Giant species are the High Cabal and hidden controllers of humanity, can appear as Homo Capensis

By Alfred Lambremont Webre


VANCOUVER, BC – Using whistleblower testimony from classified programs within the Black Budget U.S. Secret Space program ultimately paid for by the U.S. people, author David Wilcock recently released a lecture summary of findings regarding the residence in our solar system of a renegade species of Giants (70-100 feet tall). In a sentence, the descendants of Giant species are the High Cabal and hidden controllers of humanity. This includes the species known as Homo Capensis, or big-brain Coneheads.[1]

In an encouraging synchronicity, Mr. Wilcock in his lecture supplies the concrete evidence that neurologist Dr. Edward Spencer and Alfred Lambremont Webre discussed in the same time frame as Mr. Wilcock’s lecture was needed in relation to Homo Capensis (Conehead) – one of the names for the Giant species descendants – in following interview.

Is Homo Capensis, the Big Brain Conehead, Earth’s High Cabal & Covert Controller?




Our Solar system: Prison for the Giants

According to David Wilcock’s whistleblower sources within the U.S. Secret Space Program, the Giants [called “Progenitors” in the Secret Space Program] were sent to our prison solar system 5 million years ago as a criminal [psychopathic or sociopathic] race of giants up to 75-100 feet.

The Giants settled in our solar system on planet Tiamat (which was destroyed and became the asteroids in an external attack on the Giants). The Giants also lived in the hollowed out moons of the planets in our solar system. The Rings of Saturn are the shattered glass remnants of a Giants’ glass residential ring around Saturn that doubled as a planetary frequency weapon the Giants could use against other planets throughout the Galaxy (and Universe).

According to Mr. Wilcock’s sources, moons in our solar system now exhibit buildings and bases with dimensions that appear designed for beings that are 75-100 feet tall. Likewise, parts of the Rings of Saturn now consist of furniture and technology that appears to be designed for beings that are 75-100 feet tall, thus confirming this hypothesis.

When the Giant civilization was eventually attacked from outside our solar system, Tiamat was destroyed, the inhabited moons were evacuated, and the Giants fell back on Mars (which was a Tiamat moon) and on Earth using Earth’s moon as an escape vehicle.

According to the Secret Space Program whistleblowers, the interior residential spaces of our Moon were severely damaged in the escape from Tiamat. The Giants then built and resided in glass domes on the surface of our Moon.

By this time the Giants had devolved into 12 to 36 foot species varieties and began to settle the Earth from our Moon in the Northern Africa area.

According to Mr. Wilcock’s sources, the Giants who came down to Earth from their bases on our Moon are the “Fallen Angels”, and included as their commanders the historical Lucifer and Satan. The Giants were cruel, cannibalistic colonists and soon aroused a counter-strike from protectors of Earth and humanity from outside the solar system.

The Sahara Desert, according to Mr. Wilcock’s whistleblower sources, is the footprint of a space strike that took out both the Giant’s settlement in Northern Africa and the Giant glass dome settlements on the surface of the moon. The Egyptian Homo Capensis Conehead pharaohs are the descendants of the Giants who survived in the Nile highlands as remnants of the attack on a remaining Giant solar system outpost on Earth and its Moon.

It is uncertain whether the Giants, though diminished in size, remain as the dominant human species on Mars, the Tiamat Moon, where they are to this day as Homo Martis Terris, the Martian human.

The Giants are reported to have white skin with red hair. That is the reported physiognomy of the Martian female humans (Homo Martis Terris). They also uniformly have white skin and red hair according to whistleblowers from the US Secret Space Program.

According to Mr. Wilcock, as a people, the Giants colonized North and South America. In North America, Giant skeletons have been found in the Ohio area around Serpent Mound and other mounds. There are multiple examples of Giant skeletonn being discovered, event though there is a Masonic secret society conspiracy to hide the Giant skeletons.   The Smithsonian Institution was created with the purpose of curating the Giant bones and archaeology in a quasi-secret fashion.

Ancient Giants Who Ruled America

Ancient Giants Who Ruled America

See also, Richard J. Dewhurst, The Ancient Giants Who Ruled North America: The Missing Skeletons and the Great Smithsonian Coverup



Giants are the High Cabal, hidden controllers of the Depopulation Program and End Game.

Both Mr. Wilcock and Dr. Edward Spencer agree that the Giants’ descendants (possibly Homo Capensis) are the High Cabal and are the hidden controllers of the current depopulation program to depopulate the planet of Homo Sapiens through a plan involving nuclear radiation, environmental warfare, GMOs, Chemtrails, biowarfare through vaccines, warfare and other means to a level perhaps of 500 million from our current 7 billion.

Independent scientist Leuren Moret, MA, PhD ABD and NewsInsideOut.com reported on this plan in Leuren Moret: Jesuit Depopulation Plan=Radiation + GMOs + Vaccines + GeoEngineering + Wars + $Collapse + Transhumanist Agenda


Giant’s End Game: Collapse & Giant New World?

According to Mr. Wilcock, the Giant’s end game appears to be to micro-manage the apparent collapse of the civilization of Homo Sapiens (along with the collapse of large portions of Earth’s ecology), and thus to functionally exterminate Homo Sapiens and relegate humanity’s remnant to diminishing slave status. One plan may be to repopulate Earth with the Mars colonies and Mars humans with a more robust Giant DNA.

USMC cc Randy Cramer and NewsInsideOut.com discussed this possibility in Marine Corps: Plan to replace humanity with Mars elite DNA colony


Giant’s End Game, The Positive Timeline & Unity Consciousness

If David Wilcock’s interpretation of the Giant’s End Game is correct, the Giant’s bid to commit species-level Genocide against Homo Sapiens humanity will be attempted along the Positive Future Equation (FQE):

Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness

That is, the Giant’s End Game involves a mass extermination of Homo Sapiens that may have been planned under “Duality Consciousness” of a prior catastrophic holographic timeline on which Earth’s time-space hologram was traveling.  It is highly unlikely that the mass extinction of Homo Sapiens humanity will occur under the current Positive Timeline that operates under Unity Consciousness of “We are One.”

As a strategy, the descendants of the Giants who are attempting to micro manage the End Game [whom Mr. Wilcock states think of themselves as the “Illuminati”], have adopted a psyops disinformation strategy of attempting to make Homo Sapiens humanity think that they are on a catastrophic timeline and not a positive timeline through the technology of false flags, by making it appear that Homo Sapiens ecology, finance, government and health is falling apart by using covert technology (the “Hidden War”).

Since December 21, 2012 (or thereabouts), a new positive holographic timeline in which Unity Consciousness (“We are One”) has replaced the old catastrophic timeline governed by Duality Consciousness (“I Win You Lose”)

More likely, those minds of awakening Homo Sapiens humanity that are attuned to frequency and dimensional or density ascension will be evolutionarily favored by the living planet Gaia.

As more of Homo Sapiens humanity can see through the intentional false flags engendered by the Giants’ Duality Consciousness End Game to cause war, disease, crime, and poverty,   humanity can awaken to a reality of that Earth is on a positive timeline.  A genocide of Homo Sapiens cannot be carried out, and Earth humanity establishes its conscious Sovereignty on Earth.

Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness – An Editorial


Other Versions of Solar System History

Exopolitics, the science of relations among intelligent civilizations in the multiverse, is in its infancy on Earth, and there are many competing versions of solar system exopolitical history.

The above version of solar history provided by David Wilcock’s whistleblowers contradicts at least two other sources, though granted two other sources have not had the reported benefit of verifying that specific Moons in our solar system as well as the debris in the Rings of Saturn appear to have residential and other artefacts designed to fit beings who are 75-100 feet tall.

One source, UK Town Councillor Simon Parks holds that Mars is a planet (not a moon of Tiamat) that was denuded in a Pleiadian nuclear attack gone wrong on a Reptilian base on a verdant Mars.

Roundtable with USMCss Capt. Randy Cramer & UK Town Councillor Simon Parkes: Pleiadian nuke destroyed Mars ecology? Cheney ran Mars Colony Corporation


Another source, a prominent working theory of why Mars has a weak atmosphere and denuded surface ecology is that a fragment of the Vela Supernova that entered the solar system about 11,500 years ago and caused a solar system catastrophe that denuded Mars and also destroyed Earth’s great maritime civilization, Atlantis.



Is Homo Capensis, the Big Brain Conehead, Earth’s High Cabal & Covert Controller?

Is Homo Capensis, the Big Brain Conehead, Earth’s High Cabal & Covert Controller?

By Alfred Lambremont Webre


VANCOUVER, BC – In an impassioned interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre onNewsInsideOut.com and with a public plea, neurologist Dr. Edward Spencer has posed a public question of whether Homo Capensis, Big-Brain Conehead hominid, is Earth Humanity’s Homo Sapiens Covert Controller, and covertly responsible for the plan to depopulate Earth’s surface dwelling humanity?

Circumstantial, not direct evidence

Dr. Spencer’s interview presented no direct piece of prima facie evidence as to whether Big-Brain Conehead hominids, whose IQ may average 180, covertly control the destiny of homo sapiens, our small-brain hominid species. Rather Dr. Spencer’s case is a circumstantial one using evidence that other researchers have applied to prove there is a plan to depopulated Earth surface dwelling humans, ascribing the plan to groups such as the Jesuits, Illuminati, Draco Reptilian/Orion Grey occupiers, manipulatory Anunnaki ETs and others.

Archaeological Evidence of Big-Brain Conehead

Dr. Spencer cites archaeological evidence that establishes a species of Big-Brain Conehead hominids approximately 50,000 (or more) years ago in South Africa, as well as in South America. Following this, the Conehead hominid appears prominently around images of the ruling Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten (1353BC-1335 BC) and his wife Nefertiti.


Dr. Edward Spencer: Example of Conehead charioteer (Egypt)

From there, according to Dr. Spencer, the trail of Homo Capensis Big Brain Conehead hominids direct control over human affairs becomes circumstantial, barring the surfacing of further empirical evidence.

Dr. Edward Spencer – Survival Plan

Dr. Spencer writes, “It seems to me that a definite picture is emerging, a picture composed of: Epigenetics, Trans-humanism, Brain Dysfunction, Autism, Psychopathology, Vaccination, EMF Saturation, Targeted humans, Electronic Mind Control, Drought by HAARP and geo-engineering, de facto non government corporations pretending to be government, Circumcision, “Religions,” Masonic courts, Common Core “Education, “Funny Money,” all tied together by Big Brain Mathematical Cone Heads intent on managing their Small Brain Herd.

“And, of course, there is more.

“How best do we inform the People?”

Dr. Edward Spencer – Public Plea

Dr. Spencer released this “Request for intellectual and emotional assistance” on Feb. 9, 2015, the date of release of his interview

My interview by Alfred Webre is above.

Alfred suggests that we have a video conference to examine the question of Large Brain Hominids interacting with Vatican power. It is a gift that we have learned that the Pharaoh Akhenaten, a Large Brain hominid, had a second career as Abraham. Can we expect another find like that?

My hypothesis is that we are controlled by a High Cabal, composed of elite bankers and Large Brain Hominids (Homo Capensis and Cone Head). The large brain Hominids dominate this High Cabal, which in turn controls human governments and institutions, and is ultimately responsible for the incredible number of assaults on the humanity, assaults on our minds, immune system, health, genetics, education, economic well being, scientific understanding, freedom.

Their motive is simple: They overtly controlled the earth during the Ice Age, and the want to overtly control it again without any hassle from little brain us. They regard us a chattel and are not impeded by conscience.

A critical piece of the puzzle is the fact that the Homo sapiens mind has weaknesses, which are exploited. Psychopathy is one of those failings.

These assaults are carried out by an assortment of bamboozled human fools, directed by psychopathic leaders in a system were phony money reigns supreme, the bigger the lie the better, and brutality, like greed, is good. But who orchestrates all of these attacks, or are we to believe these are all coalescing random events.

I think that non-human, non Extra-terrestrial, flesh and blood brains are behind this. The time scale, the vast number of instances and worldwide locations of the assaults, the relentlessness, all seem beyond the organizational capacity of mere human evil. (The Holocaust cannot be used as counter argument as it was a hoax. (Arthur Butz: The Hoax of the Twentieth Century)

The large brain hominids are prime candidates as they possess significant intellectual ability and they are actively being hidden by a system of minions who don’t know what they are doing.

My strong feeling is that the probability and the danger are far too high to ignore, and that viewing the world from this perspective will greatly enhance the psychological orientations we needed to prevail. If there were no galloping tyranny there would be no great pressure to understand the large brains.

Right now we are confronted with ever growing lists of assaults of every type, e.g.: Weather Warfare by HAARP and Geo-engineering, vaccination assault on immune system and brain, Mind Swaying/Control by remote technologies, drought delivered by weather control, constant economic threats. We need a theory of destruction, a framework on which we can hang and categorize the various attacks. Endless lists by themselves do not help; we need a theory of tyranny.

The effect of mind control on the population is significant, and unrecognized except by targeted individuals. If someone is passive and in denial regarding conspiracy, and is absolutely certain he/she is not mind controlled, the chances are that he/she is being driven deeper into passivity and denial by an unrecognized signal. Then there are the incredible visual tactile and emotional experiences such as Alien Abduction and Moth Man.

In South Africa we have the Adams Calendar ancient observatory with the rough boulders mapping the constellation Orion and equinoxes. A short distance away is a small pyramid is on the almost exact line of longitude of the Great Pyramid at G iza, 3300 nm to the north, where the Pyramids are positioned as the stars in Orion’s belt. We have the ruins of a huge ancient civilization near by to the North, vast ruins including agricultural fields and thousand of rough stone silo structures without windows or doors, a civilization mysterious, and unexplored archaeologically. The Map of Mitochondrial Eve’s migration shows the starting area to be approximately the location of this huge ancient civilization.

Below is an excerpt from the Coda in Big Brain

“Just about 100 miles from the original Boskop discovery site further excavations were once carried out by non other than our indefatigable museum director Fredrick FritzSimons. He knew what he had discovered, and was eagerly seeking more of these skulls. At his new dig site he cam across a remarkable piece of construction. The site has at one time been a communal living center, perhaps tens of thousands of years go. There were many collected rocks leftover bones, and some casually interred skeletons of normal -looking humans. But to one side of the site, in a clearing; was a single, carefully constructed tomb, built for a single occupant; perhaps the tomb of a leader, or a reverend wise man. His remains had been positioned to face the rising sun. In repose, he appeared unremarkable in every regard… except for a giant skull.”

The enormous ruins of the ancient civilization in South Africa are not studied and it’s very had to find them on a map. Michael Tellinger has performed a great service in producing beautiful photographs of these ruins, but I think his interpretation of what he finds there is totally incorrect. Look what FritzSimons discovered. Consider what we are likely to find in a comprehensive archeological study of the ancient ruins!

I think we are engaged in a controversy of: Anunnaki, Nephilim, and Extra-terrestrials vs. Large Brain hominids that mapped the earth, built megalithic structures now under water, built the ancient civilization in South Africa, built the Pyramids at Giza, and built many other astounding artifacts, discovered but ignored by establishment institutions. The Large Brain Hominids did design work but we Homo sapiens did the manual labor.

Does it matter if humanity is remotely controlled by another species? After all, the numerous attacks on humanity are organized by humans. Shouldn’t we just consider the human element and deal with one attack at a time?

That is what we try to do and it isn’t working well enough. The attacks are proliferating rapidly and each attack is considered and fought in isolation, but each attack is part of an all-encompassing plan. We want to go after the top and neutralize the mind directing the whole thing. All of the men working against humanity are confused, and some of these have doubts about what they are doing but don’t understand. Some of those in doubt will react strongly when they realize they are taking orders from a species intent on rendering humanity extinct (no independent thought or action, in effect a computer radio controlled Zombie)

The whole tyrannical system is a matrix of lies that will dissolve in truth. However, we need numbers to do this. If one person educates two, and each of those goes out to find two more, ten doublings gives us a thousand, an impressive number. If ten more doublings are accomplished we are at a million. Knowing the power of doubling provides motivation to learn and teach. We must be motivated.

Vaccination is hysterically pushed by the establishment at every level.

It is a world wide biological attack against Homo sapiens children and is best explained as a species attack.

Desiree Rover: “Vaccinations, Weapons of Mass Destruction” – “State of the Planet”


Silent Epidemic: The Untold Story of Vaccines (Video)


Half of All Children Will Be Autistic by 2025, Warns Senior Research Scientist at MIT


In this UNCED 1992 video, Rothschild speaks of combating global warming by shipping dry ice to the poles. It is so bizarre I think he is speaking in code telling us everything is out of control.


Karen Hudes: Coneheads & the Grey Pope

Dr. Spencer originally introduced former World Bank Counsel Karen Hudes to theHomo Capensis thesis of world domination. He cites emails from Karen Hudes about Homo Capensis to the “Grey Pope” Pepe Orsini and to the Webmaster of Jesuit world headquarters on Borgio Sancti Spiritu in Rome.

Karen Hudes in turn believes the “Grey Pope” Pepe Orsini is the liaison with the Homo Capensis Coneheads. One source states, “PEPE ORSINI … THE GREY POPE – The most powerful man right now in the conspiracy over this World is a Roman by the name of PEPE ORSINI of the powerful Roman Papal Bloodline the Orsini also known as Orso and the ancient Maximus family.

“There is no one more powerful than this figure who is really the Grey Pope.

“Pepe Orsini of the Roman Maximus Clan. He’s the Grey Pope and is the King of the Holy Roman Papal Bloodlines. Above the Rothschilds and Rockefellers but in line and of equal stature to the Breakspear, Aldobrandini, and other Papal Bloodlines…

“Knight of Malta, Tom Cruise donates to the Optimum Population Trust of Manchester, England. He and his father are major depopulationists. Both are tied to the Papal bloodline Orsini family a most powerful family in complete control of the conspiracy. Pepe Orsini is the grey Pope working with his Black Pope in his Society of Jesus. The Orsini (Maximus/Orso) family are the Zoroastrianist shadow hierarchy of the Jesuit Order.”[1]


From: Karen Hudes < >

Subject: Re: hmo capensis

Date: July 16, 2014 at 11:25:19 PM PDT

To: Marco Bufferli < >, Edward Spencer < >

Dear Marco Bufferli,

Thank you for your email.  I am copying Dr. Ed Spencer, who is the neurologist that introduced me to this information.  I am going to respond only tentatively, because I do not have reliable answers to many of your questions.  I believe that the grey pope, Pepe Orsini, is the human interface with these beings, and so I am also copying the webmaster at the Borgo Santo Spirito Church in Rome.  This communication may or may not have reached the Grey Pope or the big brains, as Dr. Spencer and I refer to them.

I tried to put these beings on notice that they needed to deal with us ultimately, and the sooner the better.  The reason that I wrote to Raymond Greenburgh is because he is the only person whom I know that admitted to first-hand acquaintance with these beings. They did not respond, nor did Raymond.  I do believe that our very thought processes have been “hacked” so that they are acutely aware of our questions, and are responding through disinformation, and attempts to distract us.  This is obviously not working, but my observation is that these beings are not very capable of changing course in response to feedback.

I am responding to the rest of your questions in italics below.




———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Karen Hudes < >
Date: Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 11:50 AM
Subject: Impasse

Bcc Webmaster, Jesuits:


Dear Raymond,

I wanted your advice, because it is high time for the big-brained hominids to recognize homo sapiens’ birthright before this becomes impossible with mutual destruction the only outcome.  https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter6.18.14.pdf
Pepe Orsini, the “Grey Pope”, has no remaining authority and must step aside.



Online Conference on Homo Capensis as Earth Controllers

NewsInsideOut.com has called for an online video conference to help elicit more evidence and critical thinking as to whether in fact the hypothesis that Homo Capensis as a species are covert controllers of Homo Sapiens and are at this time culling Earth humanity. This conference would examine all possibilities including that this hypothesis is: (1) Correct on its terms and Homo Capensis is the High Cabal that controls the destiny of Homo Sapiens on Earth; (2) Another way of referring to the Anunnaki ET influence over human civilization, or (3) A disinformation and psyops meme to distract resistance to Illuminati control.

Individuals interested in contributing to the conference are encouraged to contactNewsInsideOut.com and to consult:

Online Conference: “Is Homo Capensis, Big Brain Conehead Earth Humanity’s Homo Sapiens Covert Controller?”


Below in archival format are significant research resources made available toNewsInsideOut.com by Dr. Edward Spencer.


Resource Materials: Online Conference on “Is Homo Capensis, Big Brain Conehead Earth Humanity’s Homo Sapiens Covert Controller”?

Alfred Lambremont Webre


With thanks to Dr. Edward Spencer

Date of Conference To Be Announced

  1. Who Controls the World. Could it be an Ancient Cabal the World has never Considered? (PDF)

Download 12-Who Controls the World


  1. The High Cabal – Fletcher Prouty

Download The HIgh Cabal-Fletcher Prouty


  1. What are the Big Brains?

Download What Are the Big Brains


  1. What’s Hiding in South Africa?

Download What’s hiding in South Africa?


  1. American Museum of Natural History, Homo Capensis: A New Species of Primitive Man

Download 4-R BROOM A023a02(3)


  1. Does Big Brain Live?

Download Does Big Brain Live?


  1. The Conspiracy of Homo Capensis – The Coneheads

Download The Conspiracy of Homo Capensis – the Coneheads





  1. Dr. Edward Spencer: A Deeper Understanding of the Conehead Conspiracy




Online Conference: “Is Homo Capensis, Big Brain Conehead Earth Humanity’s Homo Sapiens Covert Controller?”



 Recommended Reading

Leuren Moret: Putin Plan-HAARP the Fukushima radiation out of Russia. BRICS saves world from $collapse


VIDEO – Roundtable with USMCss Capt Randy Cramer & UK Town Councilor Simon Parkes: Pleiadian nuke destroyed Mars ecology? Cheney ran Mars Colony Corporation


VIDEO: Alfred Lambremont Webre: Positive timeline transforms planned 2015 Federal Reserve fiat US Petrodollar collapse through BRICS into Sovereignty and planetary Golden Age

This planned and unsuccessful 2015 (or so) $dollar collapse is actually one of the functional components of the Jesuit-Matrix depopulation plan that includes Fukushima radiation, GMOs, Vaccines, GeoEngineering, Wars, planned financial collapse and the Transhumanist Agenda, all orchestrated along a catastrophic timeline that is no longer operative in our time-space hologram.


Marine Corps: Plan to replace humanity with Mars elite DNA colony


Gay, LGBT movements socially engineered as depopulation ops


Fukushima polar vortex radiation in USA exceeds 2-3 times for evacuation


Ebola depopulation plot in Obamacare codes & UN takeover will fail


EU TI Activist: NSA/CIA Pegasus is using DARPA/Motorola nano-technology to torture, kill me


SevenGate Lawsuit exposes syndicate stealing prime TV & funding 7/7 false flags

by Alfred Lambremont Webre


VIDEO: Parts 2-5 – SevenGate: UK Queen+7/7+BBC+ITV+Virgin-TV+ABC-TV+Courts+MSM in 120 countries ;-)


Investigator: CIA, Pope John Paul II, Bush Sr. & Jr., Bill/Hillary Clinton do ritual child sacrifice. The Transhumanist Agenda is the core driver of global pedophile, child sacrifice and child-trafficking networks

by Alfred Lambremont Webre



VIDEO – PART II – Leuren Moret: Jesuit Depopulation Plan=Radiation + GMOs + Vaccines + GeoEngineering + Wars + $Collapse + Transhumanist Agenda



Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News Tips:




[1] http://www.experienceproject.com/stories/Dislike-The-Secret-Government-Who-Rule-The-World/3035206


[1] David Wilcock, Lecture on Secret Space Program


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    The new Head of the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ambassador Jonathan Moore, assumed his duties in Sarajevo on 3 September 2014.

    Moore, a career member of the U.S. Senior Foreign Service, has extensive experience in the Western Balkans and Eastern Europe. He served in Bosnia and Herzegovina as an advisor to the OSCE Head of Mission in 1996, and as U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission from 2009 to 2012. Prior to his assignment as Head of OSCE Mission to BiH, Moore was Director of the Office of South Central European Affairs at the U.S. Department of State. He also served at the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade.

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