Hi All,
LINK: http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1023-financial-tyranny
Yesterday Jai Ashtar posted a link to David Wilcock’s “FINANCIAL TYRANNY: Defeating the Greatest Cover-Up of All Time” (thank you!) but since it's already disappeared from AC's main page, I think the article definitely deserves more exposure.
The article is REALLY long – took me hours to read – but has a great deal of important info that we all should be aware of regardless of how uncomfortable or outraged it may make us feel.
One part of Wilcock’s article is info provided by his contact, Svali. If any of you have read the “Hidden Hand” material, you’ll see similarities with Svali's info.
Here’s a snippet of Wilcock’s comment on Svali’s info:
I am sorry if this is upsetting for you to read. Some people will have no trouble with it. Others will be feeling extremely saddened, terrified and depressed at this point. I do understand that.
These overwhelming emotions have served very well in stopping us from studying and understanding the problem on any widespread level – but unless we know what’s going on, we cannot expect it to stop.
As you can see, these “stages of enlightenment” are nothing more than horrific abuse and trauma, leading to a fully suicidal personality. Such trauma also makes a person capable of committing murder.
Svali later clarified, in a short letter, that the last three stages are different, depending upon which branch the child has chosen and / or has been selected for.
Each branch has different requirements for leadership. Many children are unable to move past even the ninth stage – where they protect the lives of their abusers over their own.
The farther a child can go through these last three stages, the higher and more influential they will become in the Order – and in the public eye, particularly in Leadership, Media and Military.
Leadership graduates may become politicians, church leaders, judges or heads of corporations, for example.
Media graduates may end up as visible actors on television and film, news journalists or career musicians – though not all of them will work in the public eye.
Military graduates may end up with commanding positions for national defense in their native country, but may also work behind the scenes – such as for defense contractors.
Hey Lezlianne,
No update from David yet as of Saturday morning. While what he's put out so far was not all completely new to me, it was good to have all of the pieces together. I hope he drops a big bomb with whatever's coming up next.
Your response made me LOL -- I'm female, but truer yet may be my overall female and male energy. Call me what you will according to your impulse, my friend. : )
Hi Lezlianne,
Since I don't often check my email that's linked to my A/C account, sorry that my reply is a bit delayed.
This is latest comment from David that he posted yesterday:
UPDATE WEDNESDAY 1/19: Preparing Section Four and Section Five, and doing it right the first time, has taken longer than I had anticipated. Both of these sections are extensive. In this case it was hard to know how much work there was until I got into it.