David Wilcock’s Comment on Benjamin Fulford’s 11-28-11 Article

David Wilcock, 11-28-2011


Hello Everyone,

I’ve been through the entire legal document, line by line and page by  page, as of Saturday night. I contacted Ben for an interview and it  will happen Tuesday.

While this is very obviously a legal document, backed by extensive  research, I was alarmed by the fact that the entire section on the World  Economic Forum, beginning at number 33 in the document, is copied  almost word-for-word out of Wikipedia with very few changes:


Fulford Document:

33. Upon information and belief, defendant the World Economic Forum  (hereinafter, “WEF”) is a Swiss registered non-profit foundation best  known for its annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, which brings  together top business leaders, international political leaders, selected  intellectuals and journalists to discuss the most pressing issues  facing the world, including health and the environment.

The WEF was founded in 1971 by Klaus Martin Schwab, a German-born  business professor at the University of Geneva. It was originally named  the European Management Forum, but changed to its present name in 1987  and sought to broaden its vision further to include providing a platform  for resolving international conflicts.

The WEF is headquartered in Cologny, Switzerland, near Geneva. In  2006 it opened affiliate offices in Beijing, China and New York, New  York. The WEF purports to strive to be impartial, and is not tied to any  political, partisan or national interests.

In 2009, it opened an office in Tokyo, Japan. It is committed to  improving the State of the World and has observer status with the United  Nations Economic and Social Council, and is under the supervision of  the Swiss Federal Government.

*  *  *



The World Economic Forum (WEF) is a Swiss non-profit foundation,  based in Cologny, Geneva, best known for its annual meeting in Davos, a  mountain resort in Graubünden, in the eastern Alps region of  Switzerland.

The meeting brings together top business leaders, international  political leaders, selected intellectuals and journalists to discuss the  most pressing issues facing the world, including health and the  environment….

The foundation was founded in 1971 by Klaus Schwab, a German-born  business professor at the University of Geneva.[2] Originally named the  European Management Forum, it changed its name to the World Economic  Forum in 1987 and sought to broaden its vision further to include  providing a platform for resolving international conflicts….

Headquartered in Cologny, the foundation opened, in 2006, regional  offices in Beijing, China; and New York City, New York, United States.  It strives to be impartial, and is not tied to any political, partisan  or national interests.

The foundation is “committed to improving the State of the World”,[9]  and has observer status with the United Nations Economic and Social  Council, and is under the supervision of the Swiss Federal Council.

DW: I also noticed that the only thing that was added to this  document that was not in the Wiki version was the sentence about an  office having opened up in Tokyo, Japan. My initial fear was that this  office may not even exist except as part of a vast fraud being  perpetrated on Fulford.

I would say my number-one concern out of all this is that the  document alleges that the Dragon Family has “thousands of trillions” of  dollars in metals-backed bonds and is only giving Neil Keenan control of  one trillion (the matured value of the 134.5B, most of which was issued  in 1934 and has built in interest ever since.) However, if I were the  Dragon Family and watching the world’s economies going down the toilet,  including China’s, I doubt I’d hand over all power of attorney and  trusteeship to a single representative.

The document becomes very repetitive in the last 40 pages, and again  and again the reader is presented with the idea that Neil Keenan has  been wronged, Neil Keenan has suffered financial damage, and Neil Keenan  needs to be paid a trillion dollars to make up for this.

The document sets up the possibility of a single-point failure. Kill  Neil Keenan and there is not one written provision for a backup in terms  of who the equity would transfer to in that event. Hardly anyone in the  “Dragon Family” is even named as a potential beneficiary. China  obviously could desperately use the control of legitimate money to prop  up their economy now, but we are supposed to believe the Dragon Family  has given Keenan exclusive control of this money to do whatever he  wants.

In addition, the OITC website is painfully amateur and obviously  fraudulent. It forced me to reload my entire browser in 32-bit mode to  run the videos. There are lots of obvious grammatical errors. The two  “videos” are both very amateur Power Point presentations that anyone  could have easily cooked up on their PC. The Illuminati-based symbol at  the beginning of the first video is too obvious and therefore appears to  be deliberately planted to make conspiracy theorists think they “found  something.”

The document refers to the OITC as if it were a real entity, or at  least constructed as part of a front for an elaborate scam. However, a  quick Wikipedia search on “Office of International Treasury Control”  reveals that the same people named in the lawsuit appear to have been  involved in fraudulent activity, including an attempt to finance Fiji  with billions of dollars that did not materialize.

All those are the principal negatives. The idea that so much content  would be plagiarized from Wikipedia in a lawsuit that the future of  humanity is supposedly riding on seems troubling to me. If I were paying  a lawyer 400 an hour, I would at least expect that “due diligence”  would require him to rewrite those sentences, or add something inspired  by our knowledge of this organization on an insider level that  supersedes whatever is public on Wikipedia.

If at any moment Neil Keenan begins saying that he expects to take  possession of this trillion dollars and will distribute it to  “shareholders” in a “prosperity program” he is offering, and in order to  reserve your money you need to “buy in”, then I would consider that to  be the kill-shot that proves this entire document is a highly elaborate  scam.

We have seen before how people create vast stories about how the  Federal Reserve owes some entity money, and based on the accrued  interest it would wipe out the Fed to pay it back. Then they rope in  “investors” who have a minimum buy-in of 100 dollars and are told they  could increase their yield by a factor of 1000 percent or more once the  “prosperity funds” are “Financed.”

Back in 1998 and thereafter I had the first of a series of contacts  from people, sometimes in large numbers, telling me it was “urgent” that  I get in by Friday, let’s say, or the “window” was going to close.

Then we found out that one of the perpetrators of a scam like this  went to Federal court. He defended himself and actually laughed about  what he had done. He told the judge that if people were dumb enough to  believe him and send him money, they deserved to lose it and just bought  themselves a valuable lesson. The judge did not agree. His followers  then blamed the “Dark Illuminati” for this man ending up in prison. This  all happened about a decade ago now.

So I don’t like the fact that this document provides no structure as  to how Neil Keenan would distribute the equity in the event it is  transferred to him. The statement they gave Fulford on his typepad blog  blames the world’s problems on “Jewish bankers,” which is not what  Fulford agrees with and this poses another problem, as it is clearly  untrue. It clouds the legitimacy of this legal instrument for one of its  principals to be publicly saying that it is a suit against “Jewish  bankers.”

All that being said, I have direct insider knowledge of how the  Bretton Woods / international banking system really works. There is a  LOT of info in this document that is accurate about how the system runs  and is NOT public. In fact, I was told never to type in certain keywords  online as it will get the SEC tracking you as someone who “knows”. I do  believe this is true.

There is no question that the BRICS alliance [Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa] is rising up against the  Old World Order. There is no question that they are planning on  launching their own financial system. There is no question that a large  number of underground bases have been completely cleared of materiel and  personnel as of the end of September.

I have direct insider confirmation that the Monaco Colloquium did take place. Many things Fulford has said corroborate very nicely with what my own insiders have shared with me and I did not make public. This has happened so many times as to be dazzling. The China’s October Surprise story I’ve been documenting on my website divinecosmos.com is heavily backed by provable evidence of stunning equipment failures and bizarre events, like mass bird and fish deaths around the world apparently due to HAARP being used as a defense.

Let’s also not forget that my insiders told me the 50 ICBMs that were  powered down in Wyoming in October 2010 were hit by a UFO, and then  Robert Hastings revealed that following July that a cigar-shaped  metallic ship was seen hovering over the base for hours as this took  place.

So, my point is that something real is going on here. I do not want  to definitively conclude that this new legal document is fraudulent. It  is too early to tell and copying from Wikipedia is not a damning  indictment. However, others with more legal acumen than me may decide to  pursue this and see how well it holds up under further examination.

I told Ben it is possible that he has been the target of a DDT  (Decoy, Distract and Trash) campaign. Simply put, we have extensive  evidence BRICS is turning against the Old World Order. Fulford himself  has bonafide contacts with insiders that give him information that  extensively corroborates what I’ve heard from insiders as well… a pool  of people that I gained access to, in part, due to my connections with  Project Camelot. Their connection to insiders is easily provable with  all the videos they have released, featuring live interviews with them.

If this is a DDT campaign, the idea would be to possibly even take it  so far as to start soliciting “investments” in a “prosperity program”  so that some people get excited and expect to be rich, whereas everyone  else thinks it’s a total ripoff. Then it would appear that’s all there  is to the story.

However, I must say that this is a hyper-complex legal document. It  does not have grammatical errors (I found one) and is highly intricate.  It also names many people by their full name and gives detailed  allegations. The effort it would take to fake something of this  complexity would be vast. If it were a scam to make money, why put  Wikipedia quotes in the document that people would find almost  immediately? If someone went to this much trouble just to try to rip off  unsuspecting Internet “investors,” then I would expect them to do more.

Movies like Thrive are putting the truth in black and white. I  consider the release of that film to be a seminal event in world  history, even though I would have done it differently in certain ways.  There is an entire hour, from about 38 minutes to 1:37, in which an  airtight, damning indictment of New World Order / Illuminati material is  given. I think the people who attack and hate on this movie are  probably doing so because they are severely traumatized by being hit  with so much information about the real nature of the world in that  one-hour burst of time.

In this case, we know the document had to be written by a lawyer or  someone intimately familiar with legal structure. I’ve been through many  contracts in my work and this document is very intricate. It’s an awful  lot of work to do just to hopefully rip off a few thousand people at  best, although if some “investors” gave 10K or more, you could  potentially become a millionaire from something like this. It has been  done before and is still being done now. The people who get roped into  these things believe it with religious fervor and you cannot tell them  otherwise.

Again, though, this document has powerful insider knowledge that is  not public. It aligns very nicely with a variety of things I’ve heard  about and have not published. It clearly aligns with data that Fulford  has independently obtained from witnesses firsthand.

If this lawsuit were to be taken seriously on the world stage, the  ensuing discussion could pry open many doors. We do need to follow up  regarding the legal firm that is cited in the document… are they a real  firm, do they have a history, do they affirm the validity of the  document. We need to verify that this was actually filed as a civil suit  and get the dedicated link that proves it, from an official site. So  far pacer.gov does not have it on record.

Again, I am not drawing definitive conclusions at this point, but I  cannot publicly support this as a valid document. Fulford admitted that  the “OITC” is fraudulent and that raises many questions, as it is  referred to extensively in the document.

There is still excitement and sizzle in this story for me because the  document may have been deliberately created to LOOK LIKE it was nothing  more than a scam. Think about it. If insiders created something like  this, what could it do?

Every insider I know says that the big game is always that “the truth  is sandwiched between two lies.” There is Pavlovian-type research that  shows that if you give a dog two opposing pieces of information strongly  enough, so the dog has no idea which one is correct, it actually will  go into seizures and ultimately die of a heart attack.

This is THE most classic mind-control / disinformation tactic there  is. You can see it every time UFOs are written about or presented in  mainstream media. They give you interesting info that is likely true,  but then end it with skeptical dismissive statements that make it seem  likely false.

They ALWAYS have to work this way. Any time there is something out  there that is true, that they don’t want you to know, they have to fight  that truth by putting out something that discredits it. The best way to  do this is to embed the information you don’t want people to know  directly into the mechanism you then use to destroy it.

In this case, if the document Fulford posted is a total fraud, then  its purpose would be to rope people in for a period of time, get them  all excited, and then at a certain point someone pops the balloon and  everyone who believed it is humiliated. The average person now says  “Fulford is totally full of $#!+ and this whole thing was a lie.  Everything was a lie. No one is going to save us. The Illuminati are  still in control. WHY GOD, WHYYYYY?!!?”

That’s the game. They want you to be disgusted, horrified and  hopeless. Fulford is a marvelous antidote to the fear porn that  dominates the alternative conspiracy media and I support him and his  work. That’s why I took the time and studied this as if it were a  contract I myself was reviewing for a potential signature as a binding  agreement.

Fulford has accepted my interview invitation, so there is more to  come. He knows these are the types of questions I’m going to be asking.  More will be revealed. I do believe that “where there is smoke, there is  fire,” and we are heading into some very interesting and very positive  events. This document may be a highly sophisticated way to cloud the  truth with disinformation and attempt to completely destroy Fulford, his  career and his credibility.

So again… I personally do not support this document as legitimate  unless compelling new information addresses the inconsistencies.  However, I have no trouble believing it is an insider creation that  neatly matches the truth and could be intended to distract and derail an  international effort to bring these perpetrators to justice.

And justice will be served. You cannot run a “secret evil government” when everyone knows about it. Thrive [the movie] [or here or here]  is the proof that it is now only a matter of time before it all  unravels, and as soon as BRICS’ squeeze play on the Western economies  makes them collapse (my insiders are saying they are trying to hold this  off until Spring) then we will see all sorts of things happen quickly.

I highly encourage you to maintain a positive attitude and not give  into fear. One of the cornerstones of my work is that our thoughts are  not private — they influence the world around us. That has now been  proven in my book The Source Field Investigations beyond any reasonable doubt, with extensive, verifiable scientific evidence.

From this body of data, we can demonstrate that there is a severely  disproportionate positive effect upon our world when people think  positively as opposed to negatively. That’s why seven thousand people  were able to reduce worldwide terrorism by seven percent, simply by  meditating as a group.

THIS is actually the real secret. The occult groups have to keep us  feeling tired, weary, hopeless and miserable, because otherwise we  create changes in the world that dismantle their power structures. It’s  all part of a shared, subconscious connection we have to each other that  influences our thoughts, decisions and behaviors.

So please don’t let my criticisms of this document make you feel  hopeless. If this was “built to fail” I highly doubt they expected it to  unravel this quickly. I do not see it as a negative. Someone went to a  great deal of trouble to put this together. If it is totally legit, that  is a fantastic thing for the planet. I have no difficulty with  supporting it if it turns out to be true.

What I do want to stress, again, is that this is all ultimately a  battle for hearts and minds. Your heart. Your mind. How do you feel? Are  you confident and optimistic about the future? Or, do you feel  despondent, wiped out, paranoid and fearful? That is the choice that is  before you each and every moment of each and every day. What thoughts  will you take? Do you support love or fear?


- David

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    Way 2 Men...tall! Saying planely the human name doesn't mean shit to a tree.

    Will I am

  • Who is right and who is wrong? Steven Greer, David Wilcock, Stanton Friedman, Steven Bassett, Shawn David Morton, James Gilliland, David Icke, Benjamin Fulford, Richard Hoagland, Bud Hopkins, Bob Lazar, Jim Marrs, Michael Salla, Whitley Strieber, the list goes on lol.....

    • one answer to your question. ALL of them, they are all right and all wrong and they are the ALL.... they each present things that are correct and they each present personal attachment fallacies that only serve them an as individual on their particular learning path


      follow everyone but be led by no one

      • aye, true, collaboration at some level

        • no no, many of these people shoot down the others works,  stephan molyneux the anarchist guy, i followed him for months, until he made a fateful mistake, he 100% declares there is no afterlife, no soul, and it is all poopy nonsense.  this video isnt about collusion it is about presenting 1 idea to people, none of the guests really agree when we compare their whole works.  if there is collusion i wouldd say it is between the producers and some other force wishing to provide only one option "hey pick us our team is great"

          • aye, this seems to be THE ongoing problem, everywhere. . and still so. hmmm, interesting, did not know how bad it is, (from what you mentioned)

            I think is important for some group to break through this cycle though, and this film I hope does this, only collaboration will really work with our collective open minds, in other words an open table for the messy process to continually let us shape and form things from. for groups of people to bring things out of it continuously, that we can build modularly, as world communitys in connected action. .

            at first their will be some group that will say "this is the way we are gonna do it", but that will not last, and will be temporary, this will serve as a crutch for the change to get fully under way, a kind of bridging towards a complete system change that actually will not be a "system" at all, but something perhaps we all, already know, we are human you know ;) . . something. .   alive

            • this film is for sheoples, it is not intended for those of us already aware of the amount of deciet by the PTB or the existance of other beings,  a 5 minute snippet by nassim is no substitue for watching the 30 or 40 hours of instructional videos he has from seminars regarding quantum physics.  this video being for the awakened is like saying alex jones is calm and rational ;)

              • ja, are you Ok today? You are contradicting yourself-on multiple discussions at the same time. 

                Here you have you split up the ALL into at least separate categories; 

                1) sheoples

                2) PTB

                3) those of us already aware


                • yes just like there are children and adults and elderly, in 3d we DO need labels, but understanding that ultimately those labels are irrelevant is the key, not pointing fingers at who makes labels and who does not. you are simply looking for reason that i am different somehow because i have commented on your comments today.  release attachemtn any comment offering a different view is not an attack on your person just statements,  yes there are "seoples" you seem them every day, and they are part of ALL, and so are PTB they are part of the all and no differnt or better than you or i, those of us aware is simply a way to show where someone is at.  how do you differntiate when learning between the one who is in grade 1 or grade 12 at school? they do not know the same things but are part of the all.  once again this is not black and white do not try to make it so, this is glorious technicolour here and there are different levels and differnt groups, think inside your body, liver and brain are way differnt, but they are both part of your all.

                  • i cannot explain it anymore than that, it is up to you to figure it out from there

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