Enter the Messenger

 THE EIGHTH THUNDER … and the War of Valued Life

Are you prepared for the NEW Realities for the coming Century?  

from Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf



    Much of this information is in Dr. Ghost Wolf's book Days of Destiny, and drew global attention on those all night talks, (Dr. Ghost Wolf made 32 appearances on Art's Show) on the original Art Bell Show as he says  " That was before King Arthur ran from the battlefield."  But how many of you really paid attention to the messenger we are left to wonder? 

    Now it is upon us  as the Quickening  has become the experience  of change, and the  which is where Art got the Idea for entitling his books in the first place. Change causes the Awakening of the Sleeping gods , lost in amnesia. We are a species of ever morphing dreamers preparing the Stage for Armageddon and the emerging of a new dream.


   This presentation covers some of the events and potential experiences that  will occur during the first decade of the New Century.  What you see here represents only  a portion of what you can find in his book titled  DAYS of DESTINY.




Enter the Messenger


1.  Prophecy is a vision of what is, or could be, not what is  written in stone. It is not necessarily based upon fact, for fact is a past tense, what will be is a conjecture, and exists in the void where all things exists potentially, yet no thing exists materially…All that is written in stone is what has been, often times archived so that those who would follow might come to understand what was, and how it occurred. The script of the human drama is born out of our own imagination, so that we might come to know what are the cyclical rhythms of nature and the heavens.


    2: Prophecies can be both of  messages of hope and messages of warning of impending doom, unless change is initiated.. For all is formed in the mind, the mind of Mother ~ Father God, the mind of the Universal IS, the mind of the spirit essences and finally in the minds of man and other beings. This I say for not all-intelligent life in the universe is what we would now recognize as mankind. In the first decade of the New Century much is yet to be revealed about the truth of centuries old agendas, and ancient alliances between Terrestrials and those from beyond the stars. 

    3: The outcome of prophecy, any prophesy is the result of how you personally respond, the conscious choices you make, and the actions you and the masses elect to choose. It takes just as much energy to call forth the dark side of a prophesy as it does to call forth the light… in the end it is all a matter of personal choice.

4: We live in a holographic world, it appears at times to be dense and solid, and the matrix can appear to be fixed, yet at any moment we can elect to take the action, that causes the circumstances to change or shift, thus the outcome for us can be other then it is for those who follow the herd. That is the universal reality for this and all the other worlds in this universe, of which there are some ten billion. We however Mankind if at this time in a very unique situation, and much of the outcome for the entire universe, and all material life forms depends upon the decisions we make.

    5: Mankind is a special creation, unique unto the universe; one that is very different from the rest, for mankind has the potential to become the dreaming God, the God that creates from thought alone, and all that mankind embraces has and continues to come to pass to stand testament in the ever changing yet constant dream. What mankind chooses to embrace would affect all that passes though their mind, and that to which the mind has access is infinite.

    6: If our thought is allowed to pass through the heart, and the heart is allowed to rule, then the outcome can be sublime… for compassion is the divining tool. If the heart is denied, then a collapsing of divinity occurs, and the outcome is left to random thought patterns of a disconnected divinity, and the God essence in us stands by watching, a passive observer in the dream, for the God in us chooses then not to rule, but rather to be part of the unfoldment of what is.

    7: “Choose with full knowing your part in the Dream, and play it well” is the adage of the ancient sages. Contemplate the effect of the actions you take upon the next seven generations, for you will return upon the wheel of time to harvest what you have sown.

What is presented here is for the contemplation of mankind that they may make choices and learn to live in harmony and prosper. I have chosen to focus on those visions that pertain mainly to America and the western hemisphere, for it is here that the great changes will effect first, and the restructuring of humanity shall commence.

    8: Know that a great war shall  commence on the borders of Israel within the next generation, and the lands that were once Old Persia.  The western world shall choose  to turn its back upon this ancient place and her people choosing to respond to the whole for the actions of a fanatic few.   The Peoples of this ancient land will see the western democracies as an intruder and violator of Holy Islam, thus we shall see the playing out by both sides who are steeped in dogma and the situation shall escalate into a clash of their fathers transgressions against one another. 


    This shall set the stage for the calling forth of the long rehearsed, prayed for, and anticipated appearance of an "Anti-Christ". The Anti-Christ shall as the Christos be a collective consciousness headed by a self proclaimed leader proclaiming to be the representative of the whole, a Prince of the Cause by divine ordinance. It would appear eminent that this present generation is observing the playing out of Armageddon Scenario. A drama of Biblical proportions designed by their fathers fathers, fathers. All this will become apparent within the first quarter of this new century.

9: Be aware this event shall not unfold as it has been predicted in biblical terms, neigh for it is a myth based upon factors created by mankind to fulfill its own agenda of misguided truths. It is a tale that for eons has been spun only for the purposes of enslaving their brethren, and deliberately keeping the masses asleep for a hidden agenda that will soon be revealed by the turning of divine events that are already occurring. For not the whole of the world’s peoples be caught up in the myth, and for them quite a different story shall unfold, as is the way of Great Mystery.  

   10: Already as the new century arrived new consciousness has been birthed upon our planet, and even the development and 'inner evolution' of new species.  This Seventh level man, shall be the receptor of the scepter, from the passing sixth level man.  And as we pass from one page of a great novel to the next so shall we cross the bridge from this experience to the next as the Fifth World Emerges.






  1.     11: There is known today the existence of certain funguses, which have become commonplace and are ravaging our forests. These funguses will continue to transmute and take on knowing of their environment, and a form of intelligence. Within the first three years of the decade this will lead to disastrous occurrences as mankind is devastated by the fungus moving from vegetation and the lower animal life forms and propagating within the bodies of mammals, including humans.
  2.      12: Many specifically designed for the purposes of the demise of the human species itself.  With the forethought  desire to remove the planet to no more than 50 million living beings, of combined race and culture.  And with perhaps a few less varieties of races. This was the great plan discussed at the meeting of the heads of this world in Brazil, which was covered like a Trojan Horse  by the devised program and propaganda campaign of being the " Year of the Indigenous People." 
  3.     13: The consequences will be devastating as millions of people become afflicted and we will eventually see tens of millions of people die from viruses, with which allopathic medicine has no method of dealing. These viruses  are not natural and it already is but not widely known that these are genetically mutated, and engineered designer prions and virus strains.  
  4.     Eventually  series of natural remedies will be found effectual; however the availability of those remedies, because of the wholesale imbalances existing in nature due to pollution and the disappearance of much of the forests natural plants that have been used for centuries in remedying these aliments, will be too scarce to go around. This will lead, as I have stated in earlier readings.
  1.    14: There will begin a great quarantine of urban areas for the fear of the “Plagues” spreading to the rural areas and to the affluent members of our society who have managed to break away from urban living and the social consequences it manifests.
  1.     15: Many communities will begin to form in the mountain areas openly as this situation becomes commonplace and ‘the Great Dying’ continues in pandemic proportions. These communities will at first be reclusive and remote as there is much to be concerned about…. the possessing of “Real Cures” becomes a threat to the economical machine that has been established in the last century surrounding disease and healing.


  1.     16: Thousands of refugees from the cities and outlying suburban areas will seek shelter in these communities as the sickness becomes unbearable, and combined with the social and economic collapse that is occurring with no solution in sight.
  1.     17: Thousands of refugees will seek shelter in the U.S. as the world situation become intolerable.  They will appear in the inner cities at our Northern and Southern borders in swarms.
  2.     18: Many of these refugees will be women and children. This will bring into awareness that the males of our society are dying and before the end of the next decade we will see a dramatic decline in the male population - almost 60%.  globally. There will be many changes in our global perceptions of society, as this situation becomes mainstream reality.
  1.     19: There will continue the falling away from organized religions  the numbers will rise into the millions as there appears  little or no solutions to be offered, nor spiritual answers from the sanctioned religions. Governments and Religious leaders and their organizations slip more and more into " Official Denial."
  1.     20. Old patterns, and old totalitarian methodologies seem to no loner apply to these ever more frustrated leaders.  They it would seem find themselves ever deeper in the creamier of chaos.    The advent of the internet and the Quickened pace of thinking and processing, meet the "excuses" head on.
  2.      Seeing things with their own eyes and struggling to think their own thoughts, many are beginning to simply say, " Sorry that doesn't wash." This is already being seen in the rise of new forms of expressing the old religions with a renewed understanding of their true perceptions and the knowledge they possessed. .
  1.     21: This new awareness, and the inability of " Hog wash," rhetoric to stick will only increase as the discoveries of many ancient archeological sites and ancient records are made public knowledge. The almost instant release of information will begin a process of universal query, under the constant eye of the camera so to speak. The veil will begin to disintegrate rapidly.  and the Great Myths of Organized -Political religions are revealed , as the camera finds its way behind the curtain, like the Wizard of OZ.
  1.     22: This again is accompanied by a rise in human consciousness due in part to a natural but accelerated evolution of the species in order to adapt to a changing environment and pervading social conditions. This is simply the advanced effect of what was called the Quickening in the previous century.
  1.     23: Signs of the Quickening will be obvious in the  extreme polarities in social occurrences as we see for instance, many elderly pregnancies amongst women, and what would have been thought of just a generation before as mere children parenting children. This again is nature’s way of dealing with a species which is in danger of extinction due to malaligned thought. The portals are being made for the entry into this plane of divine souls and are orchestrated by the divine power of Mother ~ Father God.


  1.  24: Many of these new children coming into the world over the next decade will, especially in the rural and outback regions of population, be as it seems immune to the new plagues due to some kind of natural mutation in the genetic DNA structure.
  1.     25: There also will be amongst these Children of the New Dream a total contempt for the consciousness (religious)  political and social structures, to that which which created the abominable conditions that they will see running rampant in the world bent on self destruction.
  2.     During the first quarter of the New Century pestilence and poverty shall prevail, as the corruption of human consciousness will bring our species to the brink of causing the obliterations of all Valued life.  With the turning of the Century  we are already experiencing both in our humanity as well as in Nature what is  being called by those who see it as the Great Dying.
  1.     26: This will cause a complete turn-around in the concepts of what was once hailed as the rapture. There will be those individuals that will seemingly depart from this plane of existence, both young and old. But also there will be a new form of being, a New Race, which will be evident both in consciousness as well as bio-physically. The intelligence of many will be so in advance of their parents that in essence they will be directing the behavior of the parent as the will of the parent will be of no contest to the powers these children seem to possess.

27: There will be multiple  attempts upon our President's life.  One will be a very close near miss. The President will become seriously ill as the result of a failed Terrorist, assignation attempt. This will be played out globally as an attack from outside terrorists, actually it will be from within factions here in the United States.  Some of the fanatic organizations having established themselves here in the West at least two generations ago.

  1.  28: There will develop a Great Malaise  in the People of the 'Free World" resulting from the breaking of faith, experienced by the People who hold power of leadership the DC government. A long series of events and the consistent exposure by the media of political corruptions, and deceit, as the public awareness of the shallowness of present leaders themselves.  The Great Dream has fallen into a decadence liken unto Rome in its final hours. The Peoples’ faith in the old régime and the Republic will be forever broken.  The emotional storms resulting from this causing the rebirthing not of  a zerox version of what came before, but a new Spiritualism in understand the true heritage of the Americas. An inner revival of sorts.
  2.     29: Expect that there will be a passionate movement to place women into top Federal positions. The Peoples’ faith in the Republic will be irreversibly damaged from  a century of political corruptions. There will be great movements in the mid-to-later days of the first decade, to restore the Republic in accordance with its founding principles .
  1.     30: We will see many changes on all political fronts during this time, as many individuals who have been influential in the new technologies and the arts (cinema) begin to take on positions of political influence. No longer will the People be satisfied with the system of academia, and the “Good ol’ Boys’ Club” that have prevailed in the previous century.
  1.     31: As new means of technology enables us to match our actions with the speed of our thoughts, the growth of individual intelligence will no longer accept the Children’s stories that have influenced the development of our new global society that were dispersed through the religions and educational systems of the old world.



  1.     32: Many of these new political figures, will in a way be seen as the new founding fathers and mothers, (as there will occur a great evening of the genders), will form new industries in opposition to the previous power lords of a more material and limited vision.  During the 20th Century the  Corporatiztion of America  reached unparalleled  proportions,  and often crossed the borders of Psychopathic obsession and madness.  The methodical  plan for the elimination of any signs of self worth or integrity had to be removed from the playing field.  Small businesses, farms and ranches vanished  within a single generation from the landscape and for that matter the consciousness of America and a centuries old, way of life was no more.
  2.      Slowly  a new consciousness began to emerge that instinctively felt the absence of the human qualities that the former, pioneer spirited people of this land placed in the ethos.  life had become hollow empty meaningless walk through a forest of gray meaningless matter.   Life it would seem, created of its own resource a new species from within itself. Now this fledgling consciousness makes its way through the twisted corrupt remnants of a self destructive reptilian world.
  3. .
  1.     33: The awareness of the reality of this occurrence, by the withering War Lords, and will caused a turn-round in the dealings of exchange for services and goods. The matters of human welfare and well-being will become more important than the archaic economic structures that prevailed above the welfare of humanity in the previous century.
  1. 34: The age of materialism will continue to crumble before our eyes, so to speak, and in its place we shall see the beginnings of a “Solon’s Republic” arise from the ashes of the older dying regimes of governmental and social control. It will be a fulfillment of the prophesy of the Phoenix Rising.
  1.     35: There will be a great Leveling the of Political structures in America.  And as well their Sanctioned Religious structures as humanity faces the reality of the existence of alien life forms that have been amongst us for some time. \\

 36: This will also be evident as there will be an open policy of revealing of past relationships with alien beings as the old governments collapse from their own corruptions and years of misleading the People for reasons of material gain and power. There will be no stopping the unveilings of the truths as the monetary systems of the global banking systems continue to fail at an alarming rate. As the veils are lifted and we are witness to Full Disclosure.

  1.     37: We will be witness to much chaos and public displays of violence in the inner cites. This is an unfortunate but necessary part of the process of Purification that the Hopi have warned us about for so many years. In the inner cities it will become a situation of almost medieval crime lords ruling the local neighborhoods; there will not be enough numbers of police to maintain order, and the military will be called in as a necessity.
  1.     38: These War Lords will reign for a period of about seven years, during which many of us will experience curfews, and policed cities, under a state of Martial Law ff=or the sake of National Security. It will not be a time to be in the inner cities for anyone. The governments will encourage to a degree, or allow the insurgents to execute their terrorist acts, as it will ensure them little opposition to their manipulating events to have the people grant them more, and more liberties with taking power and control.


  1.     39: Employment of the unskilled will become a nonexistent reality as we will see many of the former labor force for industry coming from prison reform camps. This will be initiated and embraced by the public, and presented as a great social plan for reprogramming the growing numbers of criminals that must be kept in the penal systems. Also it will be presented as a means of returning the former industrial glory of America to her own shores by affording reasonable labor at affordable prices for industry. This will seem a first to be the answer to so much of America’s manufacturing being moved off shore and depleting income to the enormous working class
  1.     40: There is already in effect a system that will soon become known in the aware political and patriot circles, which is destroying the structures of global economies and the existing banking systems. It is merely a matter of a few years before there is no way to uphold the myth that all is fine, as we see literally millions here in the western hemisphere lose everything to a malaise of economic disasters.
  1.     41: Insurance companies will begin to fail due to disastrous weather calamities that will be occurring during the first decade, and industry implodes due to 1000 percent inflation in some areas of America and our allies. The paper economy will disintegrate as those who oppose us begin to back their currencies with Gold.  (See Last Cry, Native American Prophecies…by Robert Ghost Wolf.)
  1.     42: As well there will be no way to afford the treatment of the population in hospitals as the numbers of dying and afflicted people reach the tens of millions, with no viable cures from the medical industry.
  1.     43: The realization of an actual global political policy of depopulation will be revealed and there will be massive revolts and tearing down of existing political systems.
  1.     44: The situation here in America will evolve into a mutiny of the military being divided first into three factions: One upholding the political agendas of the UN.  Another upholding the old military régimes of the last century and the Pavlovian Dogs of War.
  1.     45: And a third will develop, as there emerges a new Western States faction that will see the splitting of America into five distinct regions. The Western States, which are not entirely reliant upon foreign oil and exchange in the European markets, will stand as an icon for the last stronghold of the American Dream on the spiritual and ideals set forth by the founding fathers.



  1.    46:  People of the Western Regions of North America for the most part  have overcome much of the cultural and racial illusions that  despite outward appearances, still plague the East, and South East portions of the country.  The newness, the possibility of that newness blossoming into a dream was sewed into the ground a generation ago. The Western Portions of the Americas have long been home to many cultures and have witnessed the blossoming of some pretty incredible civilizations bearing witness to that fact.

                        Buffalo Soldiers


  1.     47: The degree of racial violence and corruption of the inner cities,  political and social depravity turns the inner cities into virtual war camps causing the government to have to relocate in the Colorado area.
  1.     48: Under the protection of the military who holds the technology which is necessary to defend America against the ever rising threat of UN forces ruled by the European financial lords who will seek to take the land by force, if necessary, in order to have America cow-down to the pressures of their needing the resources of America, for the fulfillment of their agenda of global dominance in their kind of One World Order reality.
  1. 48: This realization of the political agenda for the European Common Market will cause rise to a new international alliance consisting of Canada (being British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan) and the corporate overlords….. the newly reformed United States of America, Japan, Mexico and the expatriated Chinese governments that once made up Taiwan and Hong Kong.
  1.     49: Globally this will result in two factions: The European dominated faction and the New Global Alliance comprised of the herein-described forming a third world’s realty and holding the majority of the global industrial resources.
  2.     50: China emerges as the " Big Brother & Protector" of many third World nations who oppose not only our politics, but literally our way of life and existence upon planet Earth.
  1.     52: At first this will cause in the West challenges for power and political position, which will be short-lived, as the western hemisphere and Asia are already well on the road to social and cultural integration.

            53: Korea attempts create a new third world religion, which although it of itself fails, seeds that have been planted for two generations feeding on ancient hatreds begin o take hold in the poverty nations.  The political and economic strife that devastates the common People turns radical philosophies into a Socio Religious movement . This gives birth to the philosophies which will be gathered like wheat by the Growing-Anti Christ sentiments, and " A New Age of Darkness calls forth it's Prince of Darkness to take the Helm."

  1.     54:  Spiritually, the Western Hemisphere will not buy into the Anti-Christ propaganda as three will actually be manifest… a male individual holding true to the patriarchal dominance of the old religions and their narrow and archaic perceptions. After a brief period of the world being enamored by his apparent miracles here in the western hemisphere, many will see through the ruse of the true political and religious agendas.
  1.     55: There will be many enlightened souls here in the Western Hemisphere that will create like-miracles, in attempts to reverse the adverse effects of the Great Dying, causing the truth in our true spiritual heritage and inheritance from the stars to be fully realized.
  1.     56: This will however, spur on a new War of the Gods not unlike that which occurred upon this plane many eons ago. When legend has it Horus sought vengeance for the murder of his Father Osirus.  In Biblical tales of the Judeo-Christian Myth, we refer to this as The War of Angels. This, of course, will be heightened by the presence and revealing of a long-term relationship and agenda with the existing extra-terrestrial beings already inhabiting the Earth.  This we will know is ongoing when we observe the light in he heavens and the shaking of the whole of the Earth as if it were held in the talons of a giant raptor.
  2.     57: As well, with the factions of the many contingencies that will be starting to openly interact with global governments in their attempts to create a political peace between the warring factions with the failing of the takeover of the American will to Self. Sovereignty by propaganda and public legislations, the forces of the Anti-Christ will resort to force, and the magical reign will of its own energy begin to crumble from within.
  1.     58: In many ways this country and the government which takes over our political arena at that time, will be reminiscent of Nazi Germany in the final months. The once invincible forces of darkness will turn on each other and devour themselves. We will see the symbol of the Serpent eating its own tail as a sign of the silent rebellion everywhere in the industrialized world.
  1.     59: And to redeem the damaged environment and restore the balance of nature required to assist in sustaining life forms as we know it through the coming changes which will also be evident and beginning all over the globe
  1.     60: As we witness strange new weather patterns and phenomena in weather, we will call them "Super Storms"  as we have not yet witnessed, and the seasons get confused, and the Sun becomes a deliverer of death. As the beginning of the Purification makes itself apparent, we will see many devastating Storms in America, extremes of all types, by Fire Storms, Water, Earth Quakes, and the awakening of ancient Volcanoes , Draught right alongside Floods, and the wholesale destruction of our crops and livestock.  

            61: During this time it will be realized that our Sun is in fact malfunctioning.  Its once beneficial rays will become harmful to the whole of life, What these rays do not destroy they will cause to mutate, this will bring about bizarre mutations. Many of these mutations begin to occur at alarming rates. 

    62: The microbiotic world from which all life is constructed, begins to take its role in the Great Dying. As the very forces of Nature seem to rise up against mankind and all Valued Life.

  1.     63:  The harmful effects of the Sun at that time will cause madness amongst many nations, and many will revert to hostilities, and perversions will break out like a plague, even our children will not be safe., as FEAR begins to warp and rule all human reason and logic. 






EXAMPLES OF coming weather Anomalies)

Some of these have already been witnessed as they begin to materialize upon our plane.


    1. A: Electrical Snowstorms and dry lightning in the dead of
    2.  B: winter set many places afire that have been affected by
    3. C: the unusually long droughts that will be occurring.
    4. D: Straight Line Tornadoes some attaining speeds of over200 mph, the prairies shall become desolate and dust storms shall blow across the parched land as many farms and ranches lie fallow.
    5. E: Hurricanes that are labeled  Super Storms:  will become frequent with wind in excess of 200 MPH
    6. F: Rain, and Snowstorms in the full sunlight, a phenomenon that will occur without the presence of clouds in the skies. This will especially be prevalent in the mountains and High County.


    1. G: Snow and hail in the heat of summer. Some of the hail will be as large as grapefruits, and blizzards will not be uncommon in July .
    2.  H: Firestorms, that rage for months, sometimes creating huge spouts of fire-like tornadoes. In other areas the ground itself will open and spew forth fire.  Building in many of the forested areas will not be permissible as huge areas smolder for months at a time with only the winter snows to quiet their progress.
    3.  I: Thick Clouds, which become denser than water, which will cause many airplane disasters for it will be like hitting concrete for these birds in flight.
    4.  J: Ice sheets that fall from the clouds, first like a mist that encompasses all it enfolds, then this occurrence will bring thicker and thicker mists which will appear as sheets of ice in our satellite pictures.  Ice Sheet Image Below
    5. K: Blood red rain from clouds as black as night shall fall upon the land, and death will follow quickly as the air burns the lungs, and the eyes become blind from oozing sores.
    6.  L: Still Storms - periods where there is absolutely no movement of air, and the atmospheric pressure is such that it is felt in the ears and is acutely painful, causing extreme and sudden disorientation, will accompany this phenomenon as many fall down from disconnecting with the energies of the life force, and they lay upon the ground as if in epileptic seizures.
    7.  M: Fireballs, pieces of star stuff, sometimes with the consistency of metallic ice, being almost razor sharp, will fall from the skies and cause huge fires and destruction.


    2. N: Giant G Force spouts begin to appear in the oceans and later the Great Lakes. These huge funnels will spew things up and out at tremendous heights and   distances. This last attempt by nature to protect her inner worlds and peoples will be the cause of much phenomenon
    3.  and controversy.
    4. O: The appearances of rainbows at night, and sky’s that glow red by day will throw many into fear of the end times, while to others it will appear as a sign of divine intervention.
    5.  P: Radiation Storms, as the holes in the ozone tear to an even greater extent, schools, and public airlines will be shutdown, and the public told when and when not to be out in the open. Contamination of crops due to these storms will be a devastating element to the economies of many areas.
    6. 1Q: Solar Burns Days…days when the effects from the sun are so hot the temperature rises to above 120 ° to 140° F, which will be very prevalent in the highlands. The lack of water in these times will make things increasingly devastating to agriculture.
    7.     As well, the effect in the cities and the consumption of power will cause frequent black outs that will last days at a time, and they will be erratic as to not follow the cycle of the seasons, for the seasons shall be two during the latter days of the purification time.
    8. R: Spider Webs. Strange funguses that fall from the sky burning the flesh and burning crops. In many forested areas these “spider webs” are already occurring and mutating into a strange life form, causing the death of many trees.
    1.     The trees of late all seem to die from the top down, and the forest floor is barren of undergrowth, thus the essential herbs that heal will become very scarce. In some places new species of plants are appearing. Species that have never grown there before. Also many familiar vegetation species will vanish and not appear again.
    1. S: Aurora Storms-. Strange lights similar to Aurora Borealis but appearing in very unlikely locations, that paralyzes electronics and communications.
    2.     These strange auroras are one of the effects of global warming will cause reason for many of the nations of the world to come together and disregard the edicts of the Political Powers as millions face annihilation form the widespread devastating effects.


                                            The EFFECTS of ACID RAIN


    Look really hard, is it not a bit strange? 





A Day in the Life.



  1. 64:   Cities are becoming virtual places of horror, as there is no relief from the heat, and the still storms that result. take a walk after midnight and dare to see all the people that emerge upon the city streets, from what you think by day light are abandoned buildings, and underground abodes that never see the light of day. this my dear children is not a fantasy...  


  1.         65: In many areas the animals will actually rebel against man, and those that were thought placid and safe will attack towns and isolated beings that happen to be in their territories. Even the rabbits and squirrels will become dangerous.
  1.     66: Quietly, over the last decade and it will continue, animals have been appearing in mutated form. These animals will keep breeding and strange and new forms of beast shall appear in our forests and our waters, as well in the more isolated areas, we will even see many that have not been here for a while.


  1.     68: Nature is creating new life for new situations, and not all things work out well, the first prototypes can be very strange…especially as the animals will not have any alternative but to eat the chemically treated vegetation, and that which is wild can be contaminated from the radiation storms as well.
  1.     69: The matrix is being reproached and challenged and shows signs of stress in the first decade.  religious, socio and political struggles to deal and cope with the acknowledgement with the matters of there actually an extra-terrestrial reality many of the factions of long cloistered secret societies will be revealed.
  2. So intense will the disdain of the People become that there will be open violence and drastic reactions to the old régime. Many will be killed in these new religious wars, and this will begin, seeded by activities in the middle east and far east.  in the more conservative areas of America, the activation of the Public compounds which have been an ongoing project by the would be New Word Order.
  2. 70: In the Western portion of the Country this will be short-lived and the concentration of UN military forces will be experienced mainly in California and Arizona and portions of Oregon and Washington state as these political factions have already sworn allegiances for monetary purposes to the Federal Government in Washington DC. They are essentially welfare states and have no strong politically sovereign established policies of political power.
  1.     71:Oregon and Washington will eventually rally as the localized political power switches to the more rural areas.
  2.     72: In the later part of the last Century there were many misguided Messengers,  and   misinterpreted messages   that told you the areas OF Oregon, AND Washington state WILL RETURN TO THE sEA FROM WHICH THEY SPRANG sOMe 5,000 YEARS AGO.  THIS BELIEF DOE NOT TAKE iNTO CONSIDERATION THE MANY granite mountainous AREAS, WHICH WILL Become THE NEW island empires OF THE EMERGING FUTURE.  the older the rock the more stable
  1.     73; There will be many isolated areas where the military will remain in opposition to the New United Sates Government that is already forming.
  1.     74:  These outposts will crumple of their own accord over time as the overpowering reality of pandemic disease, and financial un-liquidity of the old régime become increasingly evident,
  1.     75: And solutions are improvised in those areas to overcome the dependence upon the federal governments two-generation-long policies of deliberately creating dependency upon federal funding for base survival.


  1.     76: Under the influence and interaction with the régime of the Anti-Christ there will be increasing activity with those factions of the extra-terrestrials who are not particularly favorable to human presence upon planet Earth.
  1.     77: We will see an attempt to enforce a global religion on the part of the European Corporate Power Lords, enacted through the Anti-Christ forces, which will dominate the United Nations. This in a desperate attempt to salvage the decaying religious structures that will lose their positions of former reverence and respect in the face of a dying world. The plan will be unenforceable only forcing matters of truth even more underground.
  1.     78: For by now Americans will be waking up out of the ethers of the untouchable quality of American life. We will have become big boys in our comprehension of the Street Tactics of political agendas and the use of military employed as their enforcers. When the Military turns on their own people, America will rise up, and old instilled values, which remain deeply seated in the culture, will become a torch of the New Republic.
  1.     78: There will exist many extra-terrestrials who are benevolent here in the Western Hemisphere and will help us in our understandings of the higher laws of physics and spiritual attainment. There will be a shocking realization publicly on a global level as to the extent that we are all Hybrid descendents of the Annunaki, and that they live among us and have for centuries.
  1.     79: This will cause great struggles, as old paradigms meet head on with a passionate new awareness that seems to spread from one region to another almost as if by magical means. No sooner will one group know of a spiritual truth then in the next moment in another region of the world, yet another group will come to the same awareness.
  1.     80: However as the socio culture of the People of the Western Hemisphere, People who have long practiced religious tolerance, the open application of multiple spiritual philosophies in households will eventually dominate. As the People integrate at a rapid acceleration the aspects of their own version of a new world religion will become clear….And the true Christ Consciousness will have begun to blossom….. And the reawakening of the way will have begun….
  1.     81: One based upon the commonality of the blending of many truths which exist within the greatly commonality of the wisdoms of the educated cultures of this hemisphere. We have already formed an infrastructure of a new faith which is comprised of almost every culture and faith that exists upon the globe
  1.     82:  This New Faith will seem to spring forth from many places, and many cultures. It will seem to come from out of the air. This New Faith will be greatly embraced, and we will see rapid growth amongst the newly developing Neo-Tribalization movement that is birthing here in the western hemisphere due to the acceptance of gender equality and the honoring of the divine feminine, which will be lacking almost totally in the patriarchal European régime.
  1.     84: Some of the reasons for this will be spiritual, while others will be out of sheer necessity for survival in communities where millions of homeless women and children will have come fleeing from the inner cities and the military suppression of the population, and the placement into “the camps” of anyone who is not participating in the system for salvation, demanded by the corporate structures of the Anti-Christ movement. Take not the mark of the Beast will become a common expression of the growing underground, as multitudes join a silent resurrection of the human spirit that is already beginning to surface in the rural areas, and finding its ways into the inner cities…
  1.     85: Again the revival of a true Spirituality, one without bondage, and with religious tolerance that is surfacing here in the western hemisphere will be one of its spiritually empowering forces that will cause Miracles to occur, and eventually they will overcome the darkness of the more limited perceptions of the old world régime. This is a War of Valued Life, one of Consciousness and Awareness.
  1.     86: These newly revived Wars of the Gods, Wars of the Heavens, that surround the political/religious régime of the Anti-Christ will be devastating to the socio economic systems of the globe and here in the western hemisphere they will meet an abrupt end as we witness the increased activity of cataclysmic weather changes and we begin to experience what in the last century was prophesized as the Earth Changes.
  1.     87: Violent reactions will be experienced from our Sun and as well the movement of the tectonic plates causing the long-awaited prophecies of the changing of the face of the known world to be seen as eminent reality. There will also be the interaction of those from inner Earth, which has been too long overlooked in its interaction and importance in the scheme of the emerging new reality.
  1.     88: The necessity for understanding and applying the new physics is already fast becoming a world concern amongst our educated and aware People on a global level. The process that follows the mental necessity to adjust to totally new energy frequencies, and the approach to our growing need for energy and the balancing of our environment are no longer the thoughts of a few avante guard individuals form the 60’s, nor are they alone the concern for a few meadow muffins and Earth Children in the remote woods of Northern Idaho and the wilds of New Mexico.


    89: It is an eminent fact that we are running out of many natural resources that fueled the old industrial age, that they are polluting and have severe negative effects on all life forms and could eventually quite literally kill the planet. . As well, we are fast becoming aware that the experimentation of synthetic chemical and technological remedies for the treatment of disease are no longer working….. That the present methods of agricultural development are a losing proposition and in fact genetically engineered foods and plants are killing us, is no longer a well-kept secret.


90: If the present process of official denial is continued at the present rate it is entirely possible that in the next decade we will lose more than 60% of the world human population alone. I say alone because I am not yet taking into account the loss of vegetation and animal life necessary for the holistic and spiritual balance of Earth life. If we kill the natural environment, and all Earth’s biosphere as well her creatures, (and we are headed that way), then how can we possibly hope to survive as a living, breathing species ourselves?

  1. 91: The reality of our interconnection to a greater reality through frequency, a holographic reality, will become one of the dominant concerns of the emerging new consciousness. this as we start to perceive interdimensional thought, with increased ease and frequency
  1.     92: This will bring about the realization of a greater holistic truth to the universe, and our relationship with the rest of our galactic reality, which our extra-terrestrial family will support, even those who are opposed to our continuance as a species, as it is the major factor in their disgust and desire to eliminate us.




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    SOME INTERESTING POINTS AND SOME YOU MAY NOT AGREE WITH...Please use your discernment at all times

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