Last night I was so close to falling asleep when a small voice came to me and said " what if my boss checks the C-Can! I woke up sweating and started to recall the situation. I had placed some materials in the wrong container and hadn't gotten around to removing it so I started worrying about it because if my boss found out he would be pissed and I don't handle this well. So I tossed and turned for hours over this until finally I said to my higher self that I would like to move into a reality where this was not an issue. So next morning (today) I arrived on the site and no body was around so I simple picked up the material and put it ware it belonged and the rest of the day went smoothly. Morrow of this story is to learn to trust in yourself and believe in the power of creating your reality no matter how small it is for the universe actually does move in mysterious ways.
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