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THE PROPHECIES OF MITAR TARABICH...for full article log on
Nineteenth-century Serbian peasant Mitar Tarabich made some uncannily accurate predictions for the 19th and 20th centuries, so only time will judge how his prophecies play out for the 21st century.
Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 13, Number 1 (December 2005 – January 2006)
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From our web page at: www.nexusmagazine.comEditing and Commentary
by Neo
Mitar Tarabich (1829–1899), an illiterate peasant from the small Serbian village of Kremna, experienced occasional prophetic visions. Being a religious person and having a local Serbian orthodox priest for a godfather, he told this priest about his episodes of “seeing into the future”.
The priest, Zaharije Zaharich (1836–1918), wrote down everything in a small notebook, which was damaged by fire in 1943 when his family home was destroyed by the occupying Bulgarian Army. This text is now in the possession of the family of Zaharich’s great-grandson, Mr Dejan Malenkovich. Tarabich’s prophecies were literally very straightforward, unlike the prophecies of Nostradamus (1503–1566) that seem to be encrypted with the latest 1,024-bit encryption technology.
Tarabich’s best-known prophecy has to do with a series of political events in 19th-century Serbia. He predicted a sequence of events, spanning a course of decades, that eventually led to the removal of the ruling Obrenovich family from the Serbian royal throne. This prophecy came to be known in the Balkan region as “the Black Prophecy”, and it played out as predicted.
You should note that Tarabich’s words are translated from Serbo-Croatian and that the translation is not necessarily in its final form. You may notice that some of the phrasing in the quotes is awkward and rough; this is an accurate reflection of his rural accent. Tarabich’s words come from conversations with his godfather Zaharich, so you should be aware that any references to “you” or “your descendants” relate to Zaharich (the priest) specifically. When Tarabich says “us” he means the Serbs, but he does not distinguish between Croats, Serbs, Slovenians, etc. To him, anyone who spoke his language was a Serb. Perhaps it is also important to note that we don’t really know how much of Tarabich’s prophecies was influenced by his own opinion. Some of the adjectives used to describe the people and events he saw could be a reflection of his “peasant-like” interpretation of those events (examples: intelligent, brave, honest, horrible, calamity, etc.).Predictions and Events up to the End of World War I (1903–1918).....
Predictions and Events up to the End of World War II (1918–1945).....
Predictions after second World war..
“You see, my godfather, when the world starts to live in peace and abundance after the Second Big War, all of that will be just a bitter illusion because many will forget God and they will worship only their own human intelligence… And do you know, my godfather, what is human intelligence compared to God’s will and knowledge? Not even a single drop in the ocean.”
Historical Facts:
• With the increase in scientific knowledge and the consequent scientific explanation of phenomena formerly considered supernatural, atheism became a more natural and less despised philosophical trend.
“Men will build a box and within will be some kind of gadget with images, but they will not be able to communicate with me already dead, even though this image gadget will be as close to this other world as hairs on the human scalp are close to each other. With the help of this image gadget, man will be able to see everything that is happening all over the world.”
Historical Facts:
• Invention of television and the computer.
• Influence of the Internet, CNN, Al-Jazeera, Fox News, CCTV, etc.
• Searching Google with the search words “Ghost” and “Detector” takes us to this entry:
“EMF Detectors. EMF detectors were designed to detect electromagnetic emissions from microwave ovens and high-tension electrical wires. EMF detectors alert investigators to the presence of ghosts by measuring electromagnetic distortion in the two to seven milligauss range. The models that come most highly recommended by paranormal investigators are the TriField EMF Detector and the TriField Natural EM.”
“People will drill wells deep in the ground and dig out gold, which will give them light, speed and power, and the Earth will shed tears of sorrow because there will be much more gold and light on its surface than in its interior. The Earth will suffer because of these open wounds. Instead of working in the fields, people will dig everywhere, in right and wrong places, but the real power will be all around them, not being able to tell them, ‘Come on, take me; don’t you see that I am here, all around you?’ Only after many a summer, people will remember this real power, and then they will realise how stupid it was to dig all those holes.”
Historical Facts:
• Oil (petroleum), also known as “black gold”, powers the car, electric generator, plane, etc. Exploration to find oilfields is an economically risky task, but in the 1980s the oil exploration technique was perfected, although the risks of discovering economically non-viable oilfields still existed. Oil experts have estimated that by 2050, world oil reserves will run dry.
“This power will also be present in people, but it will take a long time before they discover it and use it. Thus man will live for a long, long time, not being able to know himself. There will be many learned men who will think, through their books, that they know and can do everything. They will be the great obstacle for this realisation (self-knowledge), but once men get this knowledge then people will see what kind of delusion it was when they listened to their learned men. When that happens, people will be so sorry that they didn’t discover it before, because this knowledge is so simple.
“People will do many stupid things, thinking that they know and can do everything, not knowing anything. Wise men will appear in the Orient, and their wisdom will cross all seas and frontiers, but people will not trust this wisdom for a long time, and this real truth they will proclaim for a lie. Their souls will not be possessed by the Devil, but by something much worse. They will believe that their illusion is the real truth, although there will be no truth in their heads.
“Here at home it will be the same as all over the world. People will start to hate clean air and this divine freshness and all divine beauty, and will hide in rankness. Nobody will force them to do that, but they will do it of their own free will. Here in Kremna, many a field will become a meadow and many a home will be abandoned, but then those who have left will come back to heal themselves by breathing fresh air. In Serbia, it will not be possible to distinguish a man from a woman. Everybody will dress the same. This calamity will come to us from abroad, but it will stay with us the longest. A groom will take a bride, but nobody will know who is who. People will be lost and more and more senseless day by day. Men will be born not knowing who was their grandfather and great-grandfather. People will think that they know everything, but not a thing they will know.”
Historical Facts:
• As has been happening all over the world, people are leaving rural areas to seek jobs in the big cities. More women are having their hair cut short and are wearing trousers, as compared to the time of Tarabich. Children born out of wedlock has become commonplace.
“The Serbs will separate from each other and they will say, ‘I am not a Serb; I am not a Serb’. The unholy one will infiltrate this nation and bed with Serbian sisters, mothers and wives. He will sire such children that among the Serbs, since the beginning of the world, these will be the worst of offspring. Only weaklings will be born, and nobody will be strong enough to give birth to a real hero.”
Historical Facts:
• After the split of Yugoslavia into Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo, UN peacekeeping forces were stationed in the Balkan states. Most of them were male, so there was the possibility of their bedding Serbian females. Or this may refer to the widespread, systematic rapes during the Balkan War.
• The Serbs view those peacekeeping forces as foreign invaders that sided with Croatian, Bosnian and Albanian Muslims in Kosovo.
“At one time we shall disappear from this land of ours. We shall go to the north, and then realising our stupid deed we shall return. When we come back, we shall wise up and chase away the unholy one, not to see him, in God’s name, ever again.”
Historical Facts:
• By the time the Balkan War ended in 1995, the Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian economies were ruined and there was widespread unemployment. Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian people have to go to Germany, Denmark, Belgium, etc. in the north to work. In Kosovo, Serbs have become refugees.
• As of June 2004, there were 200,000 Serb refugees from Kosovo, and only 80,000 Serbs remained in Kosovo. As of March 2004, KFOR in Kosovo had 19,000 troops from a peak of 50,000; and as of June 2004, SFOR in Bosnia had 7,000 troops from the peak of 60,000.
• As of June 2004, there was news from Kosovo that ethnic Albanians were chasing ethnic Serbs from Kosovo, using mob riots to destroy churches and houses belonging to the Serbs, while KFOR troops were behaving like lame ducks.
“The whole world will be plagued by a strange disease and nobody will be able to find a cure; everybody will say, ‘I know, I know, because I am learned and smart’, but nobody will know anything. People will think and think, but they will not be able to find the right cure, which will be with God’s help, all around them and in themselves.
“Man will travel to other worlds to find lifeless deserts there, and still, God forgive him, he will think that he knows better than God himself. There, except for the eternal peace of God, he will see nothing, but he will sense with his heart and soul all of God’s beauty and power. People will drive in rigs upon the Moon and stars. They will look for life, but life similar to ours they will not find. It will be there, but they will not be able to understand it and see that it is life. One who goes there, God forgive him, not believing in God as it is proper for an honourable and decent person, when he comes back he will say, ‘Oh, you people who mention God’s name with doubt, go there where I was; then you will see what is God’s mind and power’.
“The more people will know, the less they will love and care for each other. Hatred will be so great between them that they will care more for their different gadgets than for their relatives. Man will trust his gadget more than his first neighbour…
“Among people of a nation far in the north, a little man will appear who will teach men about love and compassion, but there will be many hypocrites around him so that he will have many ups and downs. Not one of these hypocrites will want to know what is real human grace, but his wise books will remain and all the words he will say, and then people will see how self-deceived they were.
“Those who will read and write different books with numbers will think that they know the most. These learned men will let their lives be led by their calculations, and they will do and live exactly how these numbers tell them. Among these learned men there will be good and evil men. The evil ones will do evil deeds. They will poison air and water and spread pestilence over the seas, rivers and earth, and people will start to die suddenly of various ailments. Those good and wise will see that all this effort and hard work is not worth a penny and that it leads to the destruction of the world, and instead of looking for wisdom in numbers they will start to seek it in meditation.”
Predictions and Events during World War III (2050–2100)
“When they start to meditate more, they will be closer to God’s wisdom, but it will be too late because the evil ones will already ravage the whole Earth and men will start to die in great numbers. Then people will run away from cities to the country and look for the mountains with three crosses, and there, inside, they will be able to breathe and drink water. Those who will escape will save themselves and their families, but not for long, because a great famine will appear. There will be plenty of food in towns and villages, but it will be poisoned. Many will eat because of hunger and die immediately. Those who will fast to the end will survive, because the Holy Ghost will save them and they will be close to God.
“The greatest and the angriest will strike against the mightiest and the most furious! When this horrible war starts, woe to those armies that fly over skies; better off will be those who fight on ground and water.
“People waging this war will have their scientists who will invent different and strange cannonballs. When they explode, these cannonballs instead of killing will cast a spell over all that lives—people, armies and livestock. This spell will make them sleep, and sleep they will instead of fighting, and after this they will come back to their senses.
“We will not fight in this war, but others will do battle over our heads. Burning people will fall from the sky over Pozega [a town in Serbia]. Only one country at the end of the world, surrounded by great seas, as big as our Europe [Australia?], will live in peace, without any troubles… Upon it or over it, not a single cannonball will explode! Those who will run and hide in the mountains with three crosses will find shelter and will be saved to live after in abundance, happiness and love, because there will be no more wars…” ∞
Note: The Editors give full credit to MITAR TARABICH
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