Death Anniversary

Next week will be the 4th anniversary of my father's passing. My Mother want's to get together at mass and then all go to the mausoleum where he is buried.Does anyone have anything really good to offer that I could read at his tomb?Many thanks.

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  • Wow, thank you very much.
  • Alrighty then.
    • Shure is one of my favorite teachings...Course in Miracles...:))...Scared the hell out of my Ego this of a sudden it was scared it would disapear.
    • Hi David,
      Maybe if you tried the net and ask for poetry there, sometimes you find something just the way you wanted to say it..
      I am sure you will find something you will be happy to read.

      I specifically like the Irish writer John O'Donohue.
      He is a deep. thoughtful and compassionate writer and writes the most wonderful and sensitive stories and poems.
      He wrote 'Anam Cara' and also 'Benedictus' is absolutely amazing I just love and smile and cry when I read his work. Have a look at his books in most larger bookshops I would think.

      For Absence

      May you know that absence is alive with hidden presence,
      that nothing is ever lost or forgotten.

      May the absences in your life grow full of eternal echo.

      May you sense around you the secret Elsewhere
      Where the presences that have left you dwell.

      May you be generous in your embrace of loss.

      May the sore well of grief turn into a seamless flow of presence.

      May your compassion reach out to the ones we never hear from.

      May you have the courage to speak for the excluded ones.

      May you become the gracious and compassionate subject of your own life.

      May you not disrespect your mystery through brittle words or false belonging.

      May you be embraced by God in whom dawn and twilight are one.

      May your longing inhabit its dreams within the Great Belonging.

      John O'Donahue

      Blessings to you David Martin!
  • Sorry can't help you there, i never visit tombs and if i did the speach should come from myself. It is also diff to write something if you do not know the man. But me being me, and if i had to speak i would probable talk about everything he is doing now instead of what he was doing when on the planet...:)) Never mind people think i am nuts.
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