Deaths in China from Flu Vaccination

Five people have died after being vaccinated against seasonal influenza since the nation’s health authority began providing free shots on the first day of this month.Yesterday, an 80-year-old woman died slightly more than one hour after receiving the seasonal flu shot in Ulsan, according to the public health center in the northern part of the port city. On her way from the center in the morning, she experienced a breathing problem and fell to the ground, her daughter-in-law reported.She was immediately moved to a nearby emergency room but died 75 minutes later. She was diabetic, according to the health center. The center is currently investigating whether the shot played a role in her death. Having secured 3.93 million doses of seasonal flu vaccine, the centers are providing free vaccines to people 65 years and older and to the needy residing in government-provided welfare facilities.A fourth death of a flu shot recipient involved a 51-year-old man from Gyeonggi. Since he was not eligible for the free vaccination due to age, he paid for the shot. He died Oct. 9, two days after the vaccination.The Health Ministry said an autopsy showed he died of hardening of the arteries, not from side effects from the vaccination. However, he had not been treated for heart disease before the shot.The first three deaths occurred three days in a row beginning Oct. 5 – all involving people over 80 years old. Without elaborating further, the Health Ministry said is looking into the “possible link between the deaths and the vaccine.”This is not the first time that deaths have followed flu vaccinations. The largest tally came in 2005 at six, followed by three last year. Of the 3.93 million government-offered free vaccines doses, 3.44 million are from the Green Cross, a local pharmaceutical manufacturer.As a follow-up measure against the recent deaths, the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an agency under the ministry, advised that those with abnormal physical conditions should postpone the shot even if they are given notice of a free vaccination. They can reschedule later, the agency said.The health agency noted that the seasonal flu shot “won’t prevent the A(H1N1) influenza,” which was originally known as the swine flu.The agency said “healthy adults” need to give preference to senior citizens 65 and older for the seasonal flu vaccine.

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  • Hiya.

    I think this is meant to be Korea gents and ladies (not China.)…
  • Thanks for sharing this with us. We need to know what is happening to people after the shots (which I NEVER under any circumstances will take, they can throw me in a Fema Camp for all I care. Will not let them inject me EVAHHHHHH). It is no surprise that as the death toll mounts that it will be swept under the rugs and that the people, of course, died of other stuff than the shot, ya right. I think unfortunately as we see it dispensed here in the US now that supplies are in that we will be seeing similar headlines, and similar excuses for why the people are dying. I expect all sorts of bogus be used to sweep the dirt under the rug.
    • I agree. The same thing happened with the Gardasil shot wherein a few cases popped up early on with girls getting harmful side effects like partial paralysis. But it was just swept aside with doctors saying that these are just some 'rare' cases. But later on, more and more girls started getting sick and even dying after taking the Gardasil shot!

      The same trend is happening with the flu shot with a couple of cases with deadly side effects. Doctors are saying that these are just those 'rare' or 'one-in-a million' cases and there should be no worry! But you never can tell if these flu shots won't cause others to suffer the same fate. Just looking at the Gardasil trend, you can guess that the flu shot victim count won't stop at 1 if people keep taking the shot unwisely.

      Wichita mom blames HPV vaccine for her daughter's terminal illness

      Schoolgirl dies after cervical cancer vaccination

      Parents Doubt Gardasil's Safety

      Gardasil Causes 400 Percent More Deaths than Other Common Vaccine

      A One-in-a-Million Shot: Flu shot suspected in Redskins cheerleading hopeful's neurological condition

      By the way, Marique, please don't allow yourself to be taken to those 'preventative' detention camps. Rather, it's better to start networking and looking for other like-minded people in your neighborhood or town and possibly be active in protests like swine flu and others. There are many pockets of protests going on over there in the US like mandatory vaccinations, 911, healthcare, End the Fed, and others. And if the peaceful dissemination of key and truthful information continues, it will become a wildfire of protests and awakening which will ripple across the globe.…
      See related links to what you are looking for.
      • I so agree, I would never let myself be taken to a fema camp if I could avoid it either. I consider them death camps just like the Nazi's had. I meant what I said about the fema camps only metaphorically as in they would have to haul me away by force. I definitely am looking to join up with others in protest of manditory shots. Also I have been bombarding my congressmen about this issue because Florida is pushing to get manditory flu shots here. That would be disasterous because the vast majority of residents of this state are post retirement age and would be prime targets for the shots which are being pushed on the elderly whose health is shaky at best in many instances. It would be geriatracide.
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