This takes 2seconds to sign. It's for the protectection of whales and dolphins, who are very special to not only us and our planet, but also the universe! :)
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Signed it...Thank you very much!!
Thanks for the info. Signed it .Olivia Newton John sang a song about dolphins. Google it. Just listened to it this morning. Syncrancity.
Signed it! :-)
..maybe it would be better if we assure Human Rights for start... and after we can see what we can do about the Cetaceans...
as long as humanity still consumes dead animals this is not gonna change anything. How can we protect one specie and anihilate another.................All Living beings are sacred on this planet and universe ; that's where it starts.............
yes, we need to start somewhere...................................................after we stand up for animals , sacrified every day for the pleasure of a taste of burned flesh..............harsh, but true ~!~....................
Well, hopefully this is a start.
well take a look around at nature all those other sacred beings eat eachother, if we cant eat another living thing what are we supposed to eat? ok lets see we could eat salt, its not living, hmm what else, we could eat sulphur, and only what drops off of plants, we cant actually harvest plants for food because THAT IS KILLING A LIVING THING FOR FOOD
how about we start with NOT TELLING OTHERS HOW TO LIVE THEIR LIVES. how about that for a star huh? how about letting someone who likes to eat meat eat it, and if you dont like it you dont have to? is that too F'n hard for you people to understand, you forcing everyone to NOT eat meat is just that same as us all being forced to eat it, you are not allowing the person to choose for themselves when you dictate what is and is not acceptable behaviour
event taking the fruit from trees is denying FUTURE life for those plants because those fruits are actually the seeds of the next generation, killing plant life is still killing life, and you are dictating others how to live.
people are so blind to their beliefs and how they are controls for others
We have to start somewhere, thank you for caring and sharing :)