Multidimensional food for thought...


None of us who were raised in the orthodox Christian Tradition are likely to remember the moment when the priest placed his index finger on our foreheads and moved it so as to record the shape of the cross on our tiny brows.

Yet this moment becomes a symbolic and strategic ‘freeze frame’ within the wider context of our initiation into the control system called ‘society’.

Some at the receiving end of this ritual have gone on to repeat it with their own children. Holding, or passing to the priest, the little bundle of innocence so that the mark of the cross can be painted onto that beautiful expanse which links the two temples. But there’s one thing one can almost certainly count on, the fact that almost nobody truly understands what they are doing.

Those who enter their children into this ritual, believe they are being guided by Christian doctrine and are happy to offer their offspring into the protection of the church. But just what the nature of this protection is, very few (if any) are aware.

How many even comprehend the excuse given for performing this act – which is that we all arrive on this planet marked by ‘the original sin’ as enacted by Adam, Eve, a serpent and an apple tree.

For it is stated in the liturgical documents of the Catholic church – and it applies equally to the Protestant faith – that one enters life on Earth as a sinner. Still bearing the load of an ancestral line of connection to ‘the fall’ in the Garden of Eden. The baptism ceremony, in or by water, supposedly washes the infant clean of this ‘sin’ and places him/her under the protection of Jesus and the church, which are, according to the Catechism, synonymous.

In Catechism paragraph 1237 we learn: “Since Baptism signifies liberation from sin and from its instigator the devil, one or more exorcisms are pronounced over the candidate. The celebrant then anoints him with the oil of the catechumens, or lays his hand on him, and he explicitly renounces Satan. Thus prepared, he is able to confess the faith of the Church, to which he will be “entrusted” by Baptism.”


Let’s summarize thus far: the newborn infant, arriving (or re-arriving) on Earth is not greeted as  pure or in any way innocent, but as bearing the stain of ‘the original sin’. In order to be cleansed the infant is required to undergo an exorcism performed by the priest.

I emphasize this simply to remind us of the potentially huge significance this ritual could play on the unfolding life of the being upon whom it is performed.

Accepting that one is ‘a sinner’, once one is old enough to comprehend the meaning of this word, is a truly tragic start to life on Earth. Tragic for its fundamental misrepresentation of truth.

For it places the individual in question into a world where guilt and shame are established as the foundation upon which life is to be built.

I clearly recall the day when, as part of the congregation at our Anglican village church, I heard the vicar say “Repeat after me, I am a poor and miserable sinner…” I looked up and saw my mother repeating these words, and beyond her, the whole congregation doing the same. Their faces carried a fixed expression of sadness and obeisance.

I guess I was around seven years old at the time, but I refused to repeat these words. From that moment on I knew I was on my own on the greater path of life and would be unlikely to look back. It was a sober yet liberating moment. No one should be subject to a doctrine of superimposed fear and guilt, nor have ‘faith’ in any institution that attempts to pronounce on the will or word of God.

The official diktat of the Catholic church goes on to tell us in para 1250 “Born with a fallen human nature and tainted by original sin, children also have need of the new birth in Baptism to be freed from the power of darkness and to be brought into the realm of the freedom of God….. The Church and the parents would deny a child the priceless grace of becoming a child of God were they not to confer Baptism shortly after birth.”

Thus we understand that the power to confer ‘Godliness’ on a newborn infant rests entirely upon a man made ritual performed by an institution known as ‘the church’ … which claims to represent the will of God.

Just the other day a Polish colleague visited. A talented natural healer. He grew up in a devout Catholic family but found himself blocked, energetically and spiritually. His life experience had led him to explore other avenues of spiritual growth which did not conform to the Christian doctrine. One day he decided to seek apostasia (permission to leave) from the Catholic church; so as to be independent of the ownership it claims over its neophytes.

At a prearranged appointment with the priest, he put his case for why he wished to be absolved of his baptismal commitments and removed from the church register. The priest listened and then leaned forward and said “ There’s a seal on the soul that cannot be removed.”

That particular statement reverberated jarringly around my entire being. It has such a sickening sense of finality. How could any institution have achieved such inviolable powers of judgement over humanity?

What is this invention called religion that claims the authority to irrevocably decide and impose the will of another – in this case our Creator. What kind of arrogance has been unleashed upon humanity by those who teach and uphold such doctrines?

My friend recalled that he did finally achieve his mission of being struck-off the official church register. The ‘removal of the seal’ had to be achieved by other means. Means that are known to a fair number of alternative spiritual healers.

Under the sub-heading ‘The Necessity of Baptism’ the official wording goes on to state:

Para 1257 “The Lord himself affirms that Baptism is necessary for salvation … The Church does not know of any means other than Baptism that assures entry into eternal beatitude … God has bound salvation to the sacrament of Baptism, but he himself is not bound by his sacraments.”

Well, how very sensible of him…

Many many millions, over hundreds of years, have sought refuge in the church, to give guidance and leadership in matters of a spiritual nature. I myself felt drawn by the parables of Jesus Christ and gained some sustenance form a sense of mystery which can still be found in certain churches whose subtle energies rise above the standard teachings performed by vicars, priests, bishops and archbishops. This may be because many churches were built on ley lines and at places where strong subterranean energies intersect. Energies well known to the pagan communities that preceded the take-over by Judeo Christian doctrines.

In the process of replacing paganism, the church drew certain elements from that which it was ostracising. However, it felt a strong need to exert a tight sense of control over its initiated ones (neophytes) and to impose a dogma which, to give itself weight and orthodoxy, was said to come direct from God – or Jesus, son of God. It is here where everything starts to unravel.

Para 1269 “Having become a member of the Church, a person baptized belongs no longer to himself, but to him who died and rose for us. From now on, he is called to be subject to others, to serve them in the communion of the Church, and to “obey and submit” to the Church’s leaders, holding them in respect and affection.”

Here the crux of the deception is laid bare. Only those suffering a manifest lack of self belief and high levels of naivety, would willingly place themselves under the unquestioned authority of others, regardless of the spiritual authority those others claim to be in possession of.

Those who do ‘obey and submit’ quickly loose their ability to resist any and all forms of authority figure-heads. Be they in schools, clinics, government, the military or corporate conglomerates. They become slaves to the top-down pyramid of exploitation that holds the world to ransom to this day.

By claiming authority in the name of God, the church plays a crucial role in the formation of a doctrinaire power imperative which thrives on an unquestioning acceptance of its dark and deeply misguided agenda.

Being ‘wedded to Jesus’ and no longer yourself, might have some consolation within the terms of spiritual practice. However, the Jesus adopted by the church has been stripped of the revolutionary elements of the teachings that shook the foundation stones of that epoch. Teachings that challenged the status quo and dogmas of the Roman Empire and Jewish faith.

Look at this commentary on the gnostic gospels of the ancient Nag Hammadi texts:

“Orthodox Jews and Christians insist that a chasm separates humanity from Its creator: God is wholly other. But some of the gnostics who wrote these gospels contradict this: self-knowledge is knowledge of God; the self and the divine are identical.

Second, the “living Jesus” of these texts speaks of illusion and enlightenment, not of sin and repentance, like the Jesus of the New Testament. Instead of coming to save us from sin, he comes as a guide who opens access to spiritual understanding. But when the disciple attains enlightenment, Jesus no longer serves as his spiritual master: the two have become equal–even identical.

Third, orthodox Christians believe that Jesus is Lord and Son of God in a unique way: he remains forever distinct from the rest of humanity whom he came to save. Yet the gnostic Gospel of Thomas relates that as soon as Thomas recognizes him, Jesus says to Thomas that they have both received their being from the same source.”

A veritable gale of fresh air blows through the above illuminating discourse. Many of us will instantly recognize and respond to the message that reverberates through the Nag Hammadi gnostic writings. The ‘division’ which underlies the message of the Catechisms, is turned on its head by the powerful expression of a unifying principle that rejoices in the essential oneness of man and God…

…the Judeo-Christian tradition does not embrace Eastern traditions of karma and reincarnation; a route by which souls can be purged of the repercussions of dark deeds, over multiple returns to a third density existence and the subsequent ‘working out’ of that which blighted the path of emancipation.

For fallible mortals, a taste of power is hard to forget. Hierarchical pyramids of power such as those put in place through the establishment of the church, carry great allure for the institutionalized aspirant. Centries of religious belief, such as the Vatican, are steeped in the glittering robes of rank, the highest of which are heavy in gold embroidery and medals of ‘the faith’. Symptomatic of the vast wealth the church hoards in far flung corporate vaults.

What is on offer is a perversely materialistic interpretation of ‘the kingdom of heaven’ as against how it was expressed by the church’s very own Son of God.

In the end, the entire package resembles a vast Leviathan of static energy. A stagnant unmoving ‘mass’, lacking the courage to break its own chains of illusion. And ultimately an ‘unholy mass’ which inhibits mankind from taking control of his own destiny, provoking instead a pacifistic subconscious obedience to authority.

The perfect tool for the centralization of power which lies at the heart of Illuminati ambition…

*read entire article at:

*It is time for Humanity to reclaim our true Birthright... our Union with the Divine. The Second Coming isn't about the return of one Christed Yogi sent to judge & condemn his Brethren & Sistren... No! It's about the remembrance of Chist-Consciousness in ALL... our natural state of b e i n g. ~InLight555  




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  • well written....I just wonder if some other religions have rituals to put a seal on the soul?  I've heard that there is a practice in islam to say a prayer in the child's ear....could it be the same thing done in a different way? If somebody has the information about other religions, please write...I would like to know

    While reading this text, I rememmbered that I was also quite young when I got this strong feeling that something is wrong with the religious teachings...kept asking various questions, but was always told to stop doing that, that I am too young to understand....other similar nonsense....but I was actually the only one from my family and friends that did question

    I have a feeling that the way to annul these rituals, to remove this seal on the soul, could be a very important thing for inner liberation of a person, for all of us....any ideas how to do that on your own?

    • ~I imagine there are a myriad of ways to disengage from the countless rituals we have all been indoctrinated into, Happy Person... of course reclaiming our Spiritual sovereignty is a very personal process. Still, without doubt, the first crucial step is to find the courage to question doctrine (especially religious) that we've been conditioned to believe is always of 'positive' intent. While I was never Baptized, I can appreciate what it would like to cut ties with a ritual that one's parents took part in... fully believing it was an essential step on their child's journey toward Salvation. I also agree that most religions have these kind of observances... rituals that have effectively been coopted by the Archontic agenda, who's singleness of purpose is to reinforce mass mental bondage to ideas meant to create a 'God fearing' flock, rather than a fully Awakened Tribe of Christed-Souls. Which is what we truly are... & what our journey back to Unity-Consciousness is truly about. ~TemetNosce247



      • Stick, you are right...we can always reclaim our sovereignty

        as for doctrine, I don't have a problem with that.....I was never "into that".....always felt it was something fake

        one thing really bothers me: how it is that it was allowed that even though we were tricked into believing into something, it still counts as a real thing, as if we fully knew what we consented to......that's beyond my comprehension, or my sense of morality, etics

      • When I was young I was afraid of rituals and then later in my life I investigated and participated in hundreds of Hindu and Buddhist rituals, these I always found empowering.  I now also understand how things like the Reiki  empowerment ritual works.  I had a water initiation from HH Dalai Lama as well as the 3 day very complex ritual of the was all very empowering.  I do realize how rituals can be misused, I see it when someone joins our pagan and wicca group....they start asking for love spells or ask what things to do to hurt their ex,,or how to get power or take power from others.  I do set them straight and tell them to take responsibility for their actions and say that the deeper truths will not be revealed to them as long as they misuse the force. 

        I went into a church a couple years ago and tried the bread and wine know the snacks they serve.  (not sure what to call it, only been in a church about 5 times in my life)...the blood and body of Jesus.   I found that this balanced the red and white energies of the body...blood/bones or life force/prana.  From a tantric energy work point of view this was a good ritual.  It was taught by Jesus, perhaps this is why it is ok.  The problem is that we are told we need a priest to do this for us.... not true,,,we should be taught to do this at home for ourselves.   This is the same problem with mainstream Hinduism, the priest does the ritual.  In Tibetan Buddhism we learn to do all the rituals for ourselves and we are encouraged to be creative within the structure.  In Buddhism we are actually worshiping ourselves and aligning with the  qualities of our true Self and celebrating the energies of the body which become deities (light beings) once they are purified.  The effects of ritual are hard to explain, it is very different when you view it from the outside or the inside as a practitioner.  Ritual is very powerful and ,like everything, it can be used or is our choice.  I see good rituals as a celebration of life rather than the worship of any being..

  • it's hell but I'm ok with being in the Christian system-tests and hardships are used to energetically cleanse me/us as we go through life and pay debt, cleansed at the atomic level for travel and higher consciousness-also a form of karma yoga by serving others for the general good-you anti Christians will end up in a some type of system-probably a power only based where you are used for energy -like in the film Matrix but at a different level(actually we all are anyway , tied into the MONSTER)and you will have gained nothing in the way of cleansing-Christianity accesses the natural process of 3d/4d suffering in this world and uses that to reach higher realms-don't let dummies who don't know lead you astray-or go try one of the Hindu systems or Buddhism-Suffism preaches peace and no doubt through prayer you'll be cleansed-These anti Christian posts etc are no doubt going around now , by you hard leftie, to say 'western Christians bad and selfish tribalistic  anti gay anti women raping moslems good' to help empty out the middle east so the suadis and kuwatis feell a little more safe-knumbskulls

  • well i am glad someone else wrote a ballsy piece of writing and i second that as this is what i understood it to be.

    you are on the right path, i never was baptised when god came to me out on a bridge oneday, the catholic churches ecetera still too this day nor any other church i have come to have a clue what took place out on the desert when god came to jesus because when i read the christ returns speak his truth it was almost i dentical in everyway that happened to me, but with different connotations to it but the idea was very similar except i did not see it with the spiritual eyes but when i read it it was spiritualy heart warming because i knew that i was on the right track.

  • And many people realise this 'I AM', that means I and God and everything AM one. But our psychologists opted to call it the 'I am Jesus' syndrom! They treat such self realization as a mental disorder!

    Even now I say I AM God. Am I now insane? It is God within me declaring himself through my own mouth and I am part of this God.
  • The message of Jesus was simple, he said ´´I AM the way, the truth and the life.´´´He was speaking about the I AM presence/Higher Self and telling us to align with this. There is a typo in the bible...a simple way to distort the original msg....but, it is there, another secret in plain sight.

    • ~Yes... & hence the deeper meaning of the biblical phrase: "Be still, and know that I AM God" This also reminds me of another Vatican distortion- creating a hyper focus on the crucifix... on the bloodied & tortured 'Christ' nailed to the cross. Another Archontic/pain body distractor, specifically intended to prey on the energies created when there's mass focus on suffering. How refreshing it would be to see Jesus honored not as 'savior'... but as part of a collective... a brotherhood of many Cristed yogis who have Graced this planet with the message of Unity-Consciousness. Include that Jesus was an initiate of the Mystery Schools, married to Mary Magdelene & a father...well, from there, the mental chains only loosen more. It's time to look Christ in the eye... as an extension of ourselves. Not looking downward on bended knees. ~InLak'echAlaK'in 


      “Jesus Christ knew he was God. So wake up and find out eventually who you really are. In our culture, of course, they’ll say you’re crazy and you’re blasphemous, and they’ll either put you in jail or in a nut house (which is pretty much the same thing). However if you wake up in India and tell your friends and relations, ‘My goodness, I’ve just discovered that I’m God,’ they’ll laugh and say, ‘Oh, congratulations, at last you found out.” ~Alan Watts

      • stick, yes, the bloody cross and the dead Jesus.  I wonder if this image is designed to trigger our pain body and thus keep us out of alignment with the  I AM.   I also saw it as a warning to people...don´t think deeply or question the status quo,,  or even believe this stuff He taught or you could end up like him.  Why would anyone want to be a christian if a bloody death was the result.  It scared the crap out of me as a kid.  What kind of father sacrifices his son.  Must say I find the whole way it is presented in the bible a bit weird and pain oriented.  Gave me guilt, too ...Jesus died for me.  Never understood the real message till I practiced Buddhism..


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