Time for a special update one good one.

Tim Geithner - FORMER Secretary Of The Treasury
Timmie boy of the treasury lost his job and has been formally arrested. He has been replaced by a "Beverly" of the Treasury. He is outing out all his former buddies of the Nazis NWO, Banking Buddies and Obama. He is singing like a canary trying to get immunity.

The Chinese were instrumental in getting this done.

Wonder how safe O is feeling now?

A Patriot Of The Republic
John MacHaffie



Re-Posted from



Thank you John for that!!


Love and Light

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  • Friday, June 1, 2012

    Deep Intel Down The Rabbit Hole 6-01-12

    These Intel bits just came in a few minutes ago --------

    Scheduled to go live this evening at 6:00 PM EST from Wash. DC
    Suppose to be live on all mass media networks.

    Topics of discussion will be:
       Basil III Banking Switch over
       Currencies RV
       The end of the Federal Reserve
       Introduction of Treasury Banks
       Timothy Geithner Dismissal And Replacement
       Bernanke Dismissal And Replacement


    Timmie boy has been singing and singing like a canary to save his own bacon. He has been given diplomatic immunity and presently in China to retrieve his family.
    Guess he be living in safe houses from now on. The Dark Cabal is a step ahead of the Mafia per payback!


    This is speculation on my part ---- But per the "Plan" as quoted by Drake, the massive arrests and lock down is about to happen. DRAKE is right on!  
    America Thanks You Sir  

    GOD Bless You All 
    GOD Bless America Again

    John MacHaffie - HIS humble servant
  • lol is this the same rabbit hole intel that told you the Dinar was going to be revalued a couple of weekends ago Mr Ed?

    It was wrong. So before you call ppl 'sheep' in a condescending fashion, perhaps you should check what you follow blindly first.

  • Like the RV which was supposed to happen at the beginning of LAST week and still hasnt happened? What us "sheep" do not understand is why no sources can keep their promises.

  • Praise the lord Mr. Ed.  I will await the arrests of Bernake and Geithner on 06/01/12.

  • Amen Brother I've been there a couple of times now and reading comments as they come in. It appears John won't put up with anymore crap either, good on him ;)

    Keep us posted if something comes in we don't see will ya Brother?


    Love and Light

  • Praise the lord.

  • He was arrested and released on february 24th 2012.  Thank you for the "current" update

    • Did you read the comments? mr One?  hmmmm

      Acording to this he was RE-arrested and REplaced ;)

      More news tommorow, Friday.


      Love and Light

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