Compassion is an "action" we "perform" within ourselves... it is connecting us to our Inner Strength and linking us up with the Universal "powers" of Creation... so that the aspects of the "motorized mind" can be mightily motivated for higher purposes. Compassion is the Foundation on which we "stand" as Individuals... Always allowing us to move freely and explore the richness of Life's "treasures". Compassion lies at the heart of all creation, and "calls out" to us to "come home", and join with the creative forces, for the Complete healing of ourselves and all others. We are in the process of reuniting with our Source... which is... of course... Compassion.<3

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  • ❤Your Gentle "hand"... has softly "land-ed" ... once again... ❤
    ❤ Your sweetness and completeness "echoes" through your "pen" ❤
  • ❤Saphirian Jade ❤... you have made... my day... I Love that you've stopprd in to "play".
    As we work... out the "quirks"... we inherit the "perks". : )
    Beautiful Blessings you bring... from Your compassionate "Wing"...❤
  • Fruitful, ❤Feather❤... Yes... and I'd also say... the more Gentle you become, the "Stronger", and more effective you will be. : )


  • ...<3 ...For You Tally...:)...

    • ❤Sky ❤... I... am delighted you bring... your Love to this "ring"... You make my heart "Sing!"... ❤
  • Hellen... Well, an extra boost... of compassionate "juice"... has "let us loose" again. Thanks be to you, my "frequent" friend... : )

  • In buddhism a person who is wise will also be compassionate and a person who is compassionate is also wise. they are one and the same if someone lacks compassion (lets say most of the time) most likely they are not wise people.

    • Welcome... t*t*t... it's a pleasure to see... you here... : )
      It's nice to have "backing"... as we continue "tracking"... our way back Home in the Heart.

  • So true, Tally, compassion is a big part of who we are. Without compassion a person is not going to be much of a healer if that is their interest.

    I like this definition of Compassion...

    n. noun
    1. Deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it.

    • Thank you for creating a "conversation"... which "calls" me into celebration... : )
      It seems almost "strange" to me how easily how folks can forget, and easily "dismiss" the Value of love and compassion, in favor of mental "chatter" and bitter "banter". I do, though, feel that we are "coming back to our senses". : )

      <3 ...Blessings... <3
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