?!?Demons In My Dreams?!?

the last couple of nights I have been having just really bizarre and scary dreams. Last night I was running in some mall with this rolled up piece of paper (which i think was either the declaration or the constitution) and this man jumped me and wouldn't let me go and was saying over and over again "You will never have self governance". 

I woke up and fell back to sleep and i was at some house (idk where) and this priest was telling me we had to kill these people and i was like... No I'm not doing that. He got angry and i woke up.

I kept trying to fall back asleep but i could feel this "thing" that felt very dark and was rying to get me to do bad things.

I am REALLY freaked out by this my dreams have been getting worse and worse as  of last week. They started out just me smoking weed (which i DO NOT DO) and then me lying to people and doing all this stuff i just would not do. 

But last night was the worst in which someone or something was in my dream thats the only way i can interpret it

am i looking at some sort of reptilian in my dream or am just freaking myself out???????

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  • I haven't been having bad dreams but more a feeling of someone watching me. Observing me, which is creepy - I read a lot about Reptiles and such, and I easily get scared. I notice that when I speak to the angels, or just youtube some calm music, telling myself I'm safe - it actually goes away. So try that. You're not a fluid substance, you are you and you're in complete control of your thoughts - who else?
    Good luck :)
    • I can feel the love <3

      thank you :D
    • thanks for the pep talk Katt :)
  • to me i can feel this and from an outside perspective i would say to look deeper into every point in the dream that caused a reaction. what is the cause of your fear or your defiance to do something you are being asked to do. in what way are these emotions/reactions being proded. i believe each experiance and visualization holds keys to your awakening and a purer reality. i myself have dreams such as this that dig me deeper into a feeling or situatin that exists that i may be hiding from. dreams offer an opertunity to untie karma and self created things that do not serve. last night i too was having dreams that drug on in an appearing negative way but help me to devulge stuff in my waking state that need to be adressed and rearranged. If you really are having trouble looking into some sort of affirmation that may help you stray away any dark forces at work if there is any. a good practice before going to bed is to look at your life and ask yourself what u could improve on. In what ways could you be a better being. what holds you back? in doing so you are conciously affirming a stand against your shadow and may be shown ways in wich to shine the light(conciousness)upon these areas of turmoil. i send you love and happy thoughts that may bring you dreams of awakening:)*BLESSINGS*
    • Yeah, sometimes I get periods of uncomfortable dreaming, and I almost always feel as if I am learning something, even if I don't know what it is, because I wake up desperate to grasp something I was just thinking about, in a very direct way. I know a lot of people who are also going through phases like this.
  • thanks everybody for the love and advice your all just fantastic people ;)
  • Our aura can pick up lot of entities like discarnates, occupants, portals and wormholes etc..Nightmares are manifestations of these blockages in our aura or are "holographic inserts" from the matrix. Nightmare are NOT natural! They are a sure sign of a blockage/entity in ur auric field that is 15 dimensions tall. Every night we "walk" the astral which many ppl think is a good thing but forget that thats where all astral entites reside and we "pick" them up!..thats the source of ur nightmares. headaches in the morning (at least one of the reasons ;)! You might wanna get an auric clearing..or ask your higher self what the source of the nightmare is :)..run the eckasha code (u can google this) which is the code from 12th dimension which will keep out all lower entities away from your aura.
  • yeah i was having really scary kind of dreams but then i had a nice one and now i can hardly remember them

    like i just blink and its morning?
  • Hi Kevin,

    Dreams are usually the state of our mind when we go to sleep...

    But many times our astral body travels in various realms of the neither world...

    Try this...

    Get some instrumental music ( Please select only soothing ones like flute, violin, etc and do not harsh like drums, guitar, etc )... Put it on on a very low volume.

    Wash your hands and feet or take bath before sleeping... and also put some inscense sticks in your bed room.

    And sleep while concentrating on the music...

    There one thing these musics are of different frequency of vibrations which also depend on the person who is playing it. So you have to test it with different instruments and different players... You have to try it for couple of times say for 4-5 days each till you get exact results.

    The one which will give you sound sleep and also you do not get the dreams you are narrating above.

    Try it and let me know......

    Hope this helps...

    Let LOVE, LIGHT and DIVINITY fill us ALL..........
    • its all good last night was better as apparently i was hanging out with a pair indian twins (one of which was apparently my girlfriend) She had like golden amber eyes and it was very nice, the only bad part was i woke up

      :) thanks everybody

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