Dennis Hopper Film Left Big Legacyto UFO Researchers
(June 2) -- Dennis Hopper may have passed away, but along with his many film appearances, he has left animportant legacy to UFO researchers.
That's the belief ofVancouver-based paranormal researcher Jon Kelly, who says the scriptthat Hopper and "Easy Rider" co-star Peter Fonda wrote for the 1969counterculture classic helped introduce a lot of information about UFOsto a massive audience.
Kelly points to the campfire scene whereHopper (who played Billy) and cast member Jack Nicholson (George)discuss extraterrestrials and their presence on the planet.
In the film's dialogue, Hopper states, "I saw a satellite, man. And it was going across the sky. And it flashed threetimes at me and zigzagged and whizzed off, man. And I saw it."
To which Nicholson replies:
"That was a UFO, beamin' back at ya. Meand Eric Heisman was down in Mexico two weeks ago -- we seen 40 of 'emflying in formation. They, they, they've got bases all over the worldnow, you know. They've been coming here ever since 1946, when thescientists first started bouncin' radar beams off of the moon. And theyhave been livin' and workin' among us in vast quantities ever since. Thegovernment knows all about 'em."
In spite of Billy's protests to the contrary, George continues:
"Well, they are people, justlike us -- from within our own solar system. Except that their societyis more highly evolved. I mean, they don't have no wars, they got nomonetary system, they don't have any leaders, because, I mean, each manis a leader. I mean, each man -- because of their technology, they areable to feed, clothe, house and transport themselves equally, and withno effort.
"Why don't they reveal themselves to us is because ifthey did, it would cause a general panic. Now, I mean, we still haveleaders upon whom we rely for the release of this information. Theseleaders have decided to repress this information because of thetremendous shock that it would cause to our antiquated systems.
"Now,the result of this has been that the Venutians have contacted people inall walks of life -- all walks of life. [Laughs.] Yes. It, it, it wouldbe a devastatin' blow to our antiquated systems -- so now the Venutiansare meeting with people in all walks of life, in an advisory capacity.For once, man will have a god-like control over his own destiny. He willhave a chance to transcend and to evolve with some equality for all."
Interestinglyenough, during the scene, it's Nicholson's character, a straitlacedACLU lawyer, who is the true believer that ETs are here on Earth, whileHopper's character, a drugged-out biker, is the skeptic.
Kelly thinks this scene is very significant to modern UFO research for avariety of reasons.
"Some of the themes brought forward in thisscene were, at the time, made by people who were considered marginalizedkooks," Kelly said. "To have them in this movie is revolutionary, andthe consistency of what Nicholson says has stood the test of time."
Kellysuggests the nature of what Nicholson says, especially about thegovernment's knowledge of aliens, is so on-target that he speculates thefilm may have been targeted by people in the know to be an instrumentof disclosure.
"You have to ask yourself, 'Where did thisinformation come from?' " Kelly said. "There is a strong possibilitythat other sources aligned with the movie decided to use it as a venueto disclose these ideas."
Kelly points the finger to Nicholson,who he suspects may have seen a UFO earlier in his life.
However,Kelly is more fascinated by what Nicholson unconsciously says duringthe same scene.
Kelly is a proponent of "reverse speech," theidea that a person's true unconscious feelings come to light when playedbackward.
To that end, he claims that when you reverse theline, "They, they, they've got bases all over the world now, you know.They've been coming here ever since 1946, when the scientists firststarted bouncin' radar beams off of the moon," you can hearNicholson say, "The mark. A new Babylon. The ion whirlwind."
Tothe naked ear, this sounds like gibberish, but Kelly says "the ionwhirlwind" that Nicholson is supposedly referring to is something called"mini-black hole Star Gate propulsion," which is how some peoplebelieve UFOs are propelled.
"In layman's terms, people who studyUFOs have noticed that supermassive black holes expel powerful jets ofparticles at nearly the speed of light," he said. "The theory is thatthe particles are accelerated by tightly twisted magnetic fields closeto the black hole. In addition, astronomers have watched materialwinding a corkscrew-outward path."
He believes this may explainhow UFOs are powered and also how they are able to shift dimensions sothat they seem to disappear and reappear.
If this backwardsentence by Nicholson truly explains the basics of UFO propulsion, thenatural question is, how did he get the information?
The UFOrumor mill has long speculated that certain Hollywood stars were allowedaccess to top-secret data. In fact, some people claim that PresidentRichard Nixon personally drove JackieGleason to a base to look at the carcasses of dead aliens. Still,Kelly admits that Nicholson wasn't a big enough star before "Easy Rider"to warrant such special treatment.
"There are twopossibilities," Kelly said. "Either he was a CIA plant -- a New WorldOrder insider -- or he pieced together everything on his own withoutrealizing it."
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