The following was transcribed from: Jennings Experiences Amazing Recovery with Nature-based TherapiesFrom Ken Adachi, Editor 8, 2009Desiree Jennings is the 26 year old cheerleader and marathon runner was who severely crippled with a neurological disorder diagnosed as dystonia in the wake of taking the Wonderful Swine Flu vaccine (that government officials and pharmaceutical shills keep telling us is "safe").Don Nicoloff mentioned to me on the phone tonight that he heard an audio clip from a radio show in which Dr Rashid Buttar of Huntersville, North Carolina, the physician who helped Desiree detoxify her body of the POISONS given to her when she got vaccinated with the saving Swine flu vaccine, explain how he applied intravenous solutions including chelating agents, anti-oxidants, nutritional support, and NATURE-BASED anti-viral compounds over a period of 36 hours which resulted in a stunning and amazing turnaround for Desiree from the seizures she was experiencing nearly EVERY MINUTE, with no ability to talk, and unable to breathe for 10 or 15 second intervals when first carried into his clinic.Medical Director, Dr. Rashid A. Buttar is a graduate of the University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences, College of Medicine and Surgery. He trained in General Surgery and Emergency Medicine and served as Brigade Surgeon and Director of Emergency Medicine while serving in the U.S. Army. Dr. Buttar is board certified in Clinical Metal Toxicology, Preventive Medicine, is board eligible in Emergency Medicine and has achieved fellowship status in three separate medical societies.You can hear the entire story from Dr Buttar himself in this radio show interview with Robert Scott Bell On October 25, 2009The interview below is a November 6, 2009 update with Robert Scott Bell on the Michael Savage radio show on Desiree's amazing recovery with a review and update from Dr Buttar on Desiree's treatment, along with comments from Desiree's husband, Brandon Jennings. video clip below from Desiree Jennings herself taken on October 29, 2009:"This year my husband warned me not to get a FLU SHOT....Now, I wish I had listened." ThoughtsThis woman was approaching DEATH and through divine intervention was lead to the right physician with the CORRECT understanding of how the human body works and the need to NOT TOXIFY the body's immune structure with PHARMACEUTICAL QUAKERY which POISONS the body and can lead to tragic consequences as seen here. Please note that Dr Buttar employed NATURE-BASED therapies and was able to remove the toxins that were poisoning Desiree's body and return her body to normal functioning.She was POISONED by a pharmaceutical product that the government, Big Medicine, and the pharmaceutical industry had ASSURED her was SAFE and efficacious. She was BETRAYED by the liars and cretins of government and Big Pharma who could DO NOTHING to help her in the wake of the vaccine poisoning of her body, and could only offer BOTOX (!!!) as she slipped closer and closer towards death.The Desiree Jennings story should be a wake up call to people around the world that Big Pharma, along with their Illuminated pals in government, are engaged in the GREATEST POISONING CAMPAIGN in the history of mankind.The sooner that people everywhere in the world wake up to this dastardly deception and STOP TAKING THOSE DAMN VACCINES, the sooner this nightmare will draw to a close.Ken Adachi

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  • That's amazing. Just weeks ago this lady seemed like she wouldn't make it, now it's almost completely turned around! Just incredible what these alternative cures can do. But Big Pharma doesn't want anyone to know about it!
    • Teddy,
      'Alternative cures' have been around for countless millennia on earth. But these cures were not called 'alternative' then; they were just 'cures' plain and simple. And of course you're absolutely right: "Big Pharma doesn't want anyone to know about it!", for obvious reasons.
      But always remember: Justice Prevails in the Universe.
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