This discussion is to explain the meanings behind the post:Accepting Evolution Of Consciousness By Frank Hoogerbeets Channeling Archangel Uriel.I will do this by italicizing the passages and responding to them.Beloved souls on planet Earth. There is a tense situation on your planet which is being caused by a separation of souls - those who wish to evolve to their next level of consciousness and those who wish to remain in their present, limited state of being. This separation is inevitable, as the concourse of life for planet Earth must go on and will go on, leading the benevolent souls to their next level of evolution and relocating the disobliging ones to their appropriate new environments.The separation between spirits mentioned here relates to the dividing of the timelines. Where choice, free will choice creates your future. Those of us, the spiritual who have realized that this existence is not all that there is. Those of us who have chosen polarity in service to others (as Jesus taught) shall ascend to another world of existence. The spirit of that world will be Gaia renewed as it is her time for ascension also. Those of this world who have chosen the negative path, (the elite and those who only care for themselves), will follow on this world experiencing the calamity they created for the rest of humankind. A world of their own creation. Finally there is the third type of being, the ones that have not chosen, those who have not polarized, those who remain indecisive as to what type of being they will be. This third group will be spared the devastation and the disease. They will be taken to another third density world to continue their path, to choose as they will their polarization.Know that this is NOT a punishment for them, as they themselves choose this next course of repeated evolution. They do so of their own accord and their choice is being approved at the highest levels of the Spiritual Hierarchy of your universe.They do so of their OWN accord, free will is their choice their guarantee and their sentence. The Law of Attraction in action. What you reap you will sow.Understand that this is a necessary step in the present evolutionary state of your planet. No matter what, the souls on the path of enlightenment are to be the examples for those who still linger in the shadowlands of their limiting thought patterns. Whatever the reason for their choice, it is to be accepted and responded to with unconditional love from the souls who have chosen the path of ascension.Free will, the elite who chose to enslave millions and live off the labors of others. Their choices draw their future to them.For centuries there have been forces on your planet who's primary goal it was to oppose any advancement in consciousness. These forces are still at work and it is important for you to understand that all of your main stream media are being controlled and manipulated by these forces.Who are these forces? Organized religion, government and politics, and elite who own the media.Have you ever wondered why phenomena in your world which could stir millions on your planet, are not being reported on your news networks? As an example we would mention the phenomenon of what you term "crop circles".Consider the anecdotal thought that two old Englishmen are still stomping down fields in Europe at the age of 86. How does stomping down fields explain expulsion cavities and 90 degree unbroken bends in the stalks? If you do not know about these, get off your butts and research. Hey I am the one who is telling you I am from another world, so either I am crazy, or I am just what I say I am.The Light Beings who create these beautiful formations in your crop fields operate on a highly intelligent level of consciousness, and the geometrical patterns they lay down for you are meant to stir your mind and to help open the doors to new levels of thinking and understanding. The forces of limiting consciousness are very well aware of this and they try to do whatever they can to keep the masses ignorant of these phenomena.The use of the term light beings here is a misnomer. Yes advanced beings are doing some of this but 80% comes from the government leaving crop circles designed to draw your focus away from the real ones that hold information. If you spend time on stud of the government made ones you have less time to study the real ones. The advanced beings do this through technology, just as the governments do. Use of the term light being is misleading. Primarily because we are all light beings. Technology can do a lot of things, including raising consciousness, but having it does not necessarily make the owner better or higher than any other.Appearances of UFO's, although we do not appreciate the term because of its limiting connotation, are also being filtered out by the daily news on your television, radio, and in your newspapers. It is part of their program. For years benevolent extra-terrestrial civilizations have been trying to cut through the veils of ignorance surrounding your planet. It is the purpose and intent of these civilizations to assist humanity and planet Earth in transcending to higher levels of existence, to ultimately become a part again of the Cosmic Family of Light.Last year the Pope reported that UFOs and aliens exist and that not all are bad. Which is a grand change from the church's stance that aliens are demons. But it also indicates that some are bad, do you know how to tell which is which? If the government supports any type I would choose to avoid those. How do you determine a good person from a bad one today? First impressions? How well does that work for you? Look at my picture! How is that for a first impression? Hey he is a tattooed biker! No I am not. I do not own a motorcycle, my family comes first. I have 286 college credit hours of continuing education, how many does a doctor need? I am a computer geek with multiple licenses in networking. I am an instructor of advanced electronics. I am a chief engineer of a television station. I also am an inventor. As well as retired military of 22 years.How is that for first impressions?How do you determine a good alien from a bad one? Well if you feel you could be dinner? Are they all beautiful? What would that indicate? First impressions are not always best, but there are abilities within your self that help so see beyond the physical, the gut instinct. I have met dogs that had more honor than many humans.Why would these questions concern the spiritual being? Because free will choices are paramount. If you were to choose to go with aliens your path of ascension will be delayed, replaced by another third density existence.With all due respect to the Plejaren, they are a beautiful people and hopping in the sack with one may seem a positive thing, the whole act is based on beauty and not deeper fact. When a species chooses a path that involves placing so much importance on physical attributes, what other values become suspect? Specifically where ugly humans are involved? Ever wonder where the idea of a Master Race came from?Yes, the stakes are that high, and if you are aware of the gravity of the situation, then you as conscious members of the Orders of Light will not hesitate nor waver to send out the message of God Consciousness into your world, and be an example for those who are still confused and who's hearts are not yet strong enough to make the decisive choice.Here there are term conflicts, members of "orders of light" – indicates? Well we use the term "order" to indicate a religious group. Yet there are groups of beings or spiritual beings that evolve together and become a group consciousness. Depending on the path they choose they can be good or bad. These groups can be from a planetary ascension and represent their world. These groups can come together for a common purpose. An example would be the group memory complex known as RA, yes the one called the sun god. This god term was placed on RA by the Egyptians and refused by RA. This was also the reason for their departure. There is another group consciousness known as the Christ Consciousness. Does a group memory complex or a group consciousness necessarily mean a single entity? No absolutely not. They can choose to act as a single entity, but they can also remain and act as individuals. These social memory complexes can also choose to evolve into planets and suns. The cycle of life...There is a Divine Blueprint for everything which has been or will be created in the universe, and sacred geometry is the best means as a language to make this evident.This is an assumption when it comes to sacred geometry, a more appropriate term would be symbols and sacredness has nothing to do with it. For an example when communicating telepathically which would be easier? To communicate the life of Jesus through many teachings over a long period of time to others who already know the story, or to flash a symbol of the cross? The cross of course... Yes I know a poor choice when it comes to using the term sacred. Yet the story of Jesus is only sacred to those who choose to see it a such. How about Geometry?Hyperdimensional physics, how would one indicate that as a subject to another who is educated concerning it and its purpose? Well for those in the know a simple circle with an equilateral triangle inside it. Would indicate the subject and its conceptual meaning with a simple symbol. Just as a side note Ukert Crater, the closest crater on the moon in relation to the Earth is a circle with an equilateral triangle in it. Hmmm how do you suppose that happened? See a photo of Ukert in my photo section.Already at a very young age this channel through which we are sending this communication, showed a great interest in the mathematical structure of your solar system of which your planet Earth is a vital part. This mathematical pattern is indeed the Divine Blueprint for that Great Lightbody of which you are a part and for which your Sun is the Heart Centre.The term light body does not mean a humanoid body. Yet the relation of the Sun as the heart of this solar system is accurate. Just as the Sun is the Logos of this system and earth is a sub logos and humans are sub-sub logos of this system.Its bright Light is indicative of its high level of consciousness and each of you, benevolent or not, appreciates its Light, Warmth and Tenderness. Your Sun, as a representative of the Great Central Sun and as a manifestation of God Consciousness, always sends its Love and Light unconditionally to everyone, not a single soul excluded!A perfectly written relationship of the sun to the cosmos.Your scientists have been aware of this blueprint of your solar system since its discovery in your 18th century by enlightened souls who's mission it was to bring knowledge of greater truths into your world.Yeah this latest group of scientists. I wonder why they considered it a discovery when the church had this knowledge and chose not to release it long ago... Reinventing the wheel?But for the most part these truths fell on deaf ears, and most scientists in your scientific community chose to ignore this fact because they found themselves inconvenient having to face the undeniable truth that forms of creative intelligent consciousness exist in your universe which greatly exceed the levels of today's human consciousness.They still do this today, what are the odds of having a moon that revolves once every 28 days keeping one side facing the earth at all times?Benevolent souls will accept this fact from within their heart centre as the highest truth of existence. However, those among you who are not interested in spiritual growth and the advancement of human consciousness will reject these truths, because at present they do not want them to be part of their self imposed limiting way of thinking.This is true and they will not be reading this either. Unless by mistake or by beginning to wonder if there is another truth out there. I invite the wondering types to begin a series of questions.They will surely state and maintain that these higher truths are a random conversion of circumstances at the formative stages of your galaxy, so that the existence of these phenomena is based solely on coincidence. We can assure you that 'no thing' in creation is a coincidence; 'every thing' in existence has meaning and purpose, even a single hair on your head or a blade of grass in your garden!Another absolutely correct and well put statement! Why hair? DNA in the hair acts like an antenna. 4 inches is the best length... Figure out the wavelengths and the harmonics related to that..A few years ago some new planets have been discovered at the outer edges of your solar system. One of them in particular is of great importance, the one your scientific community has given the name Eris.Hmmm Eris, what do you know about Eris?Eris (pronounced /ˈɪərɨs/, or /ˈɛrɨs/ as in Greek Έρις),[a] formal designation 136199 Eris, is the largest known dwarf planet in the Solar System and the ninth-largest body known to orbit the Sun directly. It is approximately 2,500 kilometres in diameter and 27% more massive than Pluto.[9][12]Eris was first spotted in January 2005 by a Palomar Observatory-based team led by Mike Brown, and its identity verified later that year. It is a trans-Neptunian object (TNO) native to a region of space beyond the Kuiper belt known as the scattered disc. Eris has one moon, Dysnomia; recent observations have found no evidence of further satellites. The current distance from the Sun is 96.7 AU,[10] roughly three times that of Pluto. With the exception of some comets the pair are the most distant known natural objects in the Solar System.[2]Because Eris is larger than Pluto, its discoverers and NASA called it the Solar System’s tenth planet. This, along with the prospect of other similarly sized objects being discovered in the future, motivated the International Astronomical Union (IAU) to define the term planet for the first time. Under a then-new IAU definition approved on August 24, 2006, Eris is a "dwarf planet" along with Pluto, Ceres, Haumea and Makemake.[13]In your particular part of the galaxy, as with any other planet, this planet is the ruler of one of the twelve cosmic energy fields, called Gemini. Unlike the story in your mythology, Eris is not a deity of war and conflict. Instead, its quality brings either mastery of Self, or greater descendance into density, depending on how you utilize its energy.Interesting statement, it might make sense to one who studies and places value in the astrological. I made the voyage into that realm long ago, I did not find that which I could use so I parted ways. I guess it is because for me this not my homeworld. Not my planet of beginnings. I do see some interesting relations in astrology and circumstance. I do know that the Elite place great value in the astrological, specifically when it comes to observances of conjunctions and alignments. The elite do follow ritual and sacrifice in regards to these dates. Yes live human sacrifice. The Vatican is not exempt from this category.Gemini is directly connected to number 11, the number of mastery, which is the energy vibration of your present year 2009. With the rulership of this number 11 energy and Gemini, the world will see two faces: one of progress, expansion and liberation, and the other of stagnation, contraction and limitation.Sorry not my area of awareness...Truths have been spoken throughout the centuries, and there has been no other time in the entire history of your planet when the truth of your existence has been presented to you on such a large scale; each one of you has had the opportunity to embrace these truths as part of your reality. Each of you has had the opportunity to expand their level of knowledge, wisdom and consciousness.Absolutely correct, you set your own limits of understanding. Just as I do.Let it be known that there will be no further warning, as each soul as a student of life must make its own choice without the direct presence and guidance of a master!Please please! I do not like being called a Master, just because my lives may have started longer ago than yours, time will allow you to gain the knowledge I have (just by asking). You might be in my place someday helping reveal the truth to younger species on worlds readying for their spiritual evolution. I do this by choice, returning from the 6th density to aid worlds and peoples who either by nature are ready for ascension or in the case of this world as mentioned above, held back by others in a form of slavery incarnating repeatedly to be workers for a greedy elite and human farming reptilian species.It is the nature of your world where it was decided that free will would rein. It still does with the knowledge that each soul, being stirred by its innate desire for spiritual growth, will eventually return to Light and harmony within. Your path is truly one of mastery and we admire your spirit and strength. We will always be with you, even though our presence may not always be apparent. I send my unconditional Love to each of you!Yes you can choose stagnation for whatever reason, please make sure the decision is one made from education and not manipulation. The church, the government and the media are all owned by those who wish only manipulation and control. Need proof?Archangel UrielI do not care for terms that indicate deity. Because deity has been misused for so long to indicate or potentiate beings as better than you. Nothing could be more from the truth. I invite these Angels to have a nice sit down conversation with me. I guarantee I would be kindly and appropriate in my manner in regarding this type of communication.Those who have read my posts in the past have seen these invitations I have given. I have yet to receive a response by these beings. I have never channeled nor have I ever been abducted. Going by choice is not an abduction. What I write comes from actual knowledge and not from pretty words of those who consider themselves "higher" beings.A note from Frank Hoogerbeets: The energy of this transmission was very powerful, both with tenderness and strictness. I sense both glory for humanity as well as a warning to some that the time for an ego- driven society will soon come to an end.It is true that I have always had great interest in the mathematical patterns of our solar system, which also led me on the path of number theory and sacred geometry. You can read my articles on this subject which I have also posted on the website, because I believe that this knowledge will greatly add to our understanding of the world and the universe we live in.Some people say that this is the time of times. I am not sure about that, but I do know that these are the times that try a man's soul!I agree with the being channeled to a certain extent, this is the time of decision and action. There is no time left for waffling around and playing aw jeeze. You have little time to decide and even less time to prove your polarization. Your actions speak your intentions. This is not the I believe in Jesus and that he died for my sins promise made by the church. This is the I understand and will walk in his path decision.Nobody can promise you ascension; it is in your actions, and choices. Placing others before you in almost every way.Chewbit

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