If you've been even mildly interested in the events of the Newtown, CT. tragedy, you should read this article which highlights obvious discrepancies in the media and law enforcement stories. This reporter does an excellent job of uncovering some flaws in the coverage which point to possible framing of the suspect. Here's the article from Rense.com:
It is action time. The whole thing is so horrific I have to pull back from the media and set to work. Rise vibrations so high and set to work.
It has been this way for time immemorial, just now we're coming to the end of a long period of evolution. Maybe we'll begin again on another planet. We need to fix this one first before we'll be allowed to venture on. I think it can be done, what do you think?
Yes, the conspiracy facts are truly astounding. The thing I have been struggling to comprehend is if the gov't has an alterior motive other than creating a "fear vibe" in the public. It actually doesn't look like it. Both the Aurora CO, and the Newtown, CT shooters' fathers were involved in a the LIBOR legal issue involving money/tax laundering.
Re: Newtown CT shooter dad LIBOR Senate witness <<< Google this for the article on Yahoo.
Everyday people don't have time to do the necessary amount of research to discover the truth behind many of the events that pass thru the media machine, so it would seem almost easy for the malevolent figures in gov't to orchestrate events such as this one. But it does seem as if people place themselves in harm's way by becoming in any way involved with gov't with the excuse that the job pays the bills. I should know, I was in the military, and always had the sense that there was much more going on, just had no ability to discern exactly what and why. Even the most good-intentioned among us must be cautious, actually it is most likely too late.
I don't have the time or space to go into detail on many of the horrendous discrepancies that occur in gov't, with well-intentioned figureheads who couldn't possibly keep up with all the shady dealings and underhanded tactics.