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A Vision for the Magnificent Gifts We Receive Daily from Creator The following Vision came in last month from Lynne Newman whose words are so poetic and touching that we are honored to share them with you. Thanks so much, Lynne. I see a world…
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"Sighting in Lake Erie Part 9."
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"Sighting in Lake Erie Part 8."
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Photo above is from CNBC. A basic conclusion is provided at the end for the uninitiated. The incident occurred "shortly before 9 pm" according to sources. A standard search for the time of this event revealed 9 pm.…
They are all to make you in fear. Be happy enjoy life.
Life is great.
Lets not underestimate the work Spirit is doing in all people's hearts....and many are beginning to pay lets not judge.
We have to begin to BELIEVE that we have POWER and are MAGNIFICENT BEINGS ( which we have been told for a long time now....) and we CAN change and influence things.
When we stand in our light and truth be can move worlds...we are doing it now (more unconsciously than consciously)...lets do it consciously and group together and focus our Light and Love on those that make decisions and those who can stop this escalating and those who can make this thing more public and those who can show us where we really should be looking and focussing on instead of all this scaremongering, .....let's talk to the viruses, lets stretch blankets of protective covers, against stuff from the air, over our countries, ....let's clean our rivers and lakes, let's bathe the rooms where decisions are made in the violet flame of St.Germaine ...let's get amongst them...let our love transmute the darkness!! We came because of what's now evolving, the time is NOW!
In the bigger picture all is well and we are moving forward. Let's do the work and take the time to become quiet and connect with our heart and let's be grateful and bless this earth and all that are living on her.. Life is good!!
Love and Light....we are children of the Light!!
Japanese links Tamiflu to abnormal behaviour in children
Swine flu: Baxter seeks swine flu sample to begin work on vaccine
Apparently in 1976, there was a swine flu outbreak that originated from a U.S. army base in Fort Dix, New Jersey where some soldiers got sick. This prompted President Gerald Ford to activate a nationwide vaccination program but was stopped because some people who got the vaccine started developing Guillain-Barré syndrome, a paralyzing nerve disease. According to the CDC site regarding this 1976 outbreak, ‘The source of the virus, the exact time of its introduction into Fort Dix, and factors limiting its spread and duration are unknown’. I doubt soldiers come into contact with pigs unless the base had in-house pig farms which is unlikely! They say that the origins are mysteriously unknown which would lead one to consider that the genesis was probably military-related.
There were also other instances wherein viruses were ‘accidentally’ released in mysterious fashion. In 2007, the Foot-and-Mouth disease strain was identified and traced back to a laboratory complex in Pirbright, UK. As to how this was released to the public, “Experts speculate that either it escaped through the ventilation or possibly an employee carried it out accidentally on a boot or clothing.” This is not acceptable!
Just recently a Baxter lab vaccine was found to contain the H5N1 flu virus which killed ferrets when a subcontract technician did a lab test. Scientists claim this mix-up is virtually impossible. One would deduce foul play did have to occur for this to happen.
These suspicious occurrences could point to viruses being manipulated and genetically-engineered to become weaponized viruses or vaccines. In a 2003 report, the U.S. military planned to resurrect ‘Spanish flu’ virus “as a biological weapon”. It further states “Influenza usually requires a low level of containment; but when scientists begin recombining virulence-related genes, the danger dramatically increases.” Isn’t the current swine flu reported as being a combination of different viruses? This would only lead to the notion that this flu was constructed in a lab as a bio-weapon.
Who would benefit from an outbreak? Using Problem-Reaction-Solution where the problem is the questionable outbreak, the reaction is people now in fear, the ‘solution’ now would be a push for vaccination wherein vaccine providers would greatly benefit, like Tamiflu and Donald Rumsfeld who was behind its launch. Interestingly Rumsfeld also has some history with the 1976 swine flu outbreak. Another ‘solution’ could be more controls and regulations among the populace.
Nevertheless, people need to keep a level head still when it comes to vaccines and be discerning. There is a controversy regarding small traces of mercury in vaccines that lead to autism. In another example, the vaccine Gardasil has also been reported to having severe side effects. The point is, check what is in the vaccine and what it should supposedly protect you from.
With regards to the current outbreak, take the necessary precautions like washing your hands and not being around unsanitary places. Avoid crowds as much as possible and if there’s nothing else to do outside, return home and relax. Eat healthy and drink enough water. But more importantly, stay grounded and do not fear. Be positive in the midst of all that is happening. By doing this, you attract the positive which is light that protects you from lower energies such as diseases. This powerful and all-encompassing light will also expose the ‘mix-ups’ and the ‘outbreak’ for what it truly is, and the people behind it. Peace
March 24, 1976: Ford Orders Swine-Flu Shots for All
Lessons From a Plague That Wasn't
Swine Influenza A Outbreak, Fort Dix, New Jersey, 1976
UNITED STATES: Military resurrects deadly flu virus
Foot and Mouth Virus Released From Government Lab
Foot-and-mouth strain identified
Baxter: Product contained live bird flu virus
Rummy, Aspartame & Swine Flu
Sensible Action For Ending Mercury-Induced Neurological Disorders
Vaccine Watch: Gardasil Side-Effects?