Hey there,
Yesterday was the 12/12/10. Now I have to say that I had some expectations regarding the 10/10/10 portal but I didnt feel any different.
But yesterday was something else, I felt lightheaded, fidgetty and heard a ringing noise in my ears for most of the day (the sound that I usually hear when I exit my body). I had that feeling that reality is not real, and time was really speeding up. First time I felt like this was in spring when I had my awakening.
I also had some weird occurences involving the number 23(again..) and a bird (again..). To top it off I had some flashes of images that I don't know what they were.
So overall I think that it might be true that the energies increased yesterday...
Regarding time itself, more and more I feel that time passes faster and faster but at the same time the now moment is longer. Its hard to explain, it feels as if time is speeding up and slowing down at the same time...
What's your take on this ?
Felt very good and intensively activated between 12-10-10 and 12-12-10. very awesome:) woo whoo, numbers and energies. feel the light unfold. YAWEH BLESS!
Yes. I had stomach pain and diarrhea. But now I am fine.
And yes, my watch started speeding up that day. It was broken so I bought another one for ten bucks.
Perhaps this is true, many things that seem so unaware to us on a daily bases are to become meaningful and conscious to us. Some of you will notice things in nature, things with animals, even the way people act all have shifted in its most important time in the history of Human Kind. I Stress the word Human Kind because we eventually will discover there are those of us who live and walk amongst us who not experience the world as we do. They are to be identified at a later time. But for now enjoy the Speed of Time! Believe it or not some of us may be able to control it at a very minimal phase... Many of you have mentioned the "5 Dimension". Proper Names for the these Dimensions will be identified at a later time. But in all the existence of it is very real. But its discovery will come with a great price. So "enjoy the process". Please! Time is of great importance to the "5 Dimension" and all of as a whole will soon realize that.
If the Speed of light is the fastest known travel today. Imagine my friends, just how fast things will move as the shift continues.
Martyn Redd --signing off--
You state that which is known and named, as being unknown but to be renamed at a later time. What is that which is unknown but of a great price known by you?
Sophistry my friend.
Those loving and living amongst all of us have been placed in 'categories' and given names expressing beings unidentified. Their proper title will be later released to those whom it concerns. The price i cannot say. For even i do not know the exact measures. But our subconscious understands this, do not worry.
All things will unfold as they should. It is our job to "Just Be" and enjoy the world around us.
Martyn Redd --signing off--
All created matter is a combination of parts held together by consciousness – the consciousness holds the parts together by attraction – the energy of attraction is what we know as Love. Love is the energy that attracts all things to each other. The Law of Abundance states that to attract that which you desire, you must create the vibration within you that you wish to attract. The resonance of the vibration will travel outwards from you and attract all that has a similar vibration. Feelings are the thought processes based on your perception of the world around you and the manifested results of your thoughts becoming vibrations which you experience as emotions. Feelings are based on input. Emotions are the resulted manifested output.
Emotions allow the movement of energies to take place – combine these with the universal building blocks (particles of substance) and the key-code fire words (breath of intelligence) and you have the creative power behind the Universe.
The world around you is created by your own and all others projections – the result of the intent of emotion. When you wake in the morning, you have an expectation of the world you will see around you and that is what you get back. Your attachment to this world is created by the intent of your emotional energy. If all around us are creating their own worlds based on expected rules and regulations, then all will ‘experience’ a similar existence. Each expects those around them to do what is expected of them, to play their role, to act their part, for everything that happens to meet their expectation. How negative it feels when others don’t fulfil the expectation of the individual.
Create a world around you in which the choices you make are in the best interests of those around you. Universal law states there is no limit to what you can personally do unless that conflicts with the expectations of those around you or breaks the laws. Do not see yourself restricted purely by physical manifestations – your thoughts create your actions, you follow the drama of your own created scripts. Do not allow yourself to fall into the drama’s of others scripts or you will find yourself living within the expectations of others and not your own.
Who is in who’s drama - are you in someone else’s expected world or are you creating your own.
Yes – time is relative to the expected return of created events taking place. It appears to be speeded up – relative to the eye of the observer. Be careful what you wish for – its coming true.
Love, light, joy and abundance to all.
Well, yesterday, while I was on here, I thought I had spent 2-3 hours on here, but it was actually 1 hour.
And sometimes I just SHAKE. Like BOOM. I don't know, I'll just be doing something and I feel it come up and I just.... my body goes through a motion something like being surprised, but it feels like I just released something. Dunno.
12/12/2010 was my 44 th birthday :) for a gift to myself i wanted to go to a stone circle near where i live, i was guided there by signs and connections when i did a meditation and ritual at Lughnasa in August. I even had a cloud in the form of a man pointing to the Bestone Tor where the 9 Maidens Stone Circle was. Since August i have connected to Avesbury stone circle, we camped in the Eye of the Visca Pisces which is connected to the Great Pyramid via sacred goemetry. I didnt find this out until after we came back, so was another sign* from someone/thing.
Back to 12/12, so i had guidance and the month before got a Eye of God activation in my meditation which gave me links again to Arcturians. My energy was good, felt i was finding myself again, weird and wonderful, but totaly me and connected to my God/Divine Spirit.
I looked at the alignment s at the stone circle, i was surprised it was so small, but surely as it s near Belstone and Bel is a name for the Sun King all was well. My hubby suffered , coughing n sneezing , but did help by pointing out where he thought the entrance was, this was confirmed after i blessed the occasion and attuned to the circle and felt a vortex of energy on each side of the spiritual/vibrational entrance. This was a good strong connection, i was happy. The sun shone down on us, i didn't feel the bitterly cold dartmoor winds or breeze as i sat in a cold stone circle at 2pm and said Hi to the Divine Sun king.....
noticed the number of the photo 66 lol, year of my birth...........
this is me basking in the Sun s warmth, i know that as a Druid i will use this site in future, and dance there for my Son/sun king, wether he s Christos, Jesus, Sananda, Ashtar or a few others lol.
After doing further research i found out that it s the St Micheals leyline, comes to a point and goes into the stone circle, i live on or near the St Mary s leyline/songline/dragonline, so im sure to find out where they coverge, i feel it may be at the actual 9 Maidens circle. It's a time of balance, this energy line to me is a balance between the male and female, as i work more with planetry healing and sacred geomtry work im sure i will find more clue s to working with the earths grids.
Do you think this guidance in my path is to help stablise the planet during the magnetic shifts happening???
How many of us are near ancient site s and leylines and can do this also ?? Would our focus and energy help heal our planet?, i believe so ....
everything this year for me is all connected, i ve had quite a few Ahha moment s, as a Druid and shaman, spiritual healer and sun priestess...
what is my purpose is now the question, i ll keep spiritdancing the leyline s lol, and if you tap in when doing a meditation or a dance, give me a shout, i ll be doing a Winter Solstice meditation, all night during uk times,, join me to dance ur light!!
so yes i do feel different , and i forgot to say it was a 3 3 3 day, a Christo s energy day xx Namaste
Spirit Dancer
Thanks for sharing! Nothing happens for no reason, following your heart seems to lead you to the right place at the right time.
The stone circle you talk about is an amazing sight!
Peace and love.
Time flys when you are having fun :) - it's different for everyone - depending on your circumstances - not a bad thing- I have heard in the Phillipines, there are mehanics with enough faith to do a 2 hour car repair in 15 minutes. Anyway sure beats boredom.. If worked in a boring factory job I would want time to fly.. The ringing in the ears is attunement to Godhead or Atman or Divinity.
The number 23-is irrelvant-ask for a trusted guide if that happens.