Did You Feel The Green Wave?
We are confirming a super concentrated high vibrational light wave is building on the surface of Gaia! This standing light-wave has a beautiful green glow as seen from above and started rising in the am hours of July 3rd and will continue to rise through this evening peaking at 11:11am edt on the morning of July 4th to the highest levels in the known history causing the largest creation manifestation ever observed on Gaia!
You will feel this wave in the body’s magnetic field strongly as the 12 strands of DNA respond to the light-pressure-wave. Your DNA is becoming super activated as it finishes connecting to the 12 chakras in and around the body. As the body becomes light-er (mer-ka-ba) you will experience the physical sensation of this light bath causing high levels of endorphins and adrenaline to be released.
Wonderful warning
You may experience tears of joy and relief, sweaty palms, trembling hands, goose bumps, hair standing, floating sensations, an increase in blood pressure a racing heart or the feeling of ‘butterflies’ in the stomach. This is all safe and good! You will feel intense positive emotions which will turn the creation wheel faster towards the (close) golden age (a higher vibrational frequency-dimension)! You are doing all of this dear ones with some help from above and below! You are now in upper 3d moving past 4d onto 5d! It is time! You are ready for this blissful experience so let it wash over you, enjoy it fully and share it with others! Now is the moment of the realization of truth of freedom referred to as ‘the event’! This is your great independence day!
As above so below
The current standing light wave on the surface of earth is a result of light forces above pressing and focusing light downward and so resistance below responds forcing light upward to meet at the surface of gaia’s inner atmosphere. The super light wave on earth this glorious day is being further amplified through the heart fields and intent of Gaia and its sentient beings. All darkness (negativity) is being forced from every crevice becoming temporarily trapped so it can be gathered (contained-arrested) and disintegrated by the light!
Glory to all the earth for the great time (the ascension) of man has finally come! You are the light of the world! The kingdoms (false-control-matrix) of this earth will now fall away and you will see a heaven you can finally walk into!
Pleiadian channel
~micah, a guardian of the divine plan for Gaia’s ascension.
Commissioned by prime creator
I wonder, sometimes I feel really high too, and the world looks shiny and sparkly and everything is kind of like super HD. lol the only thing is, I'm not stoned. I've been having these random feelings a few times in the week though.
michelle light i think i know what you are saying i getting that now and then too. It made me think of it by your statement. Sometimes it feels like something touching me with spirit fingers especially around the meridian smaller nodes they call chakras but in the palms of the hands at the back and light touches on the head and things like that. I did not realize that i thought it was just guides now i think it is the body being transformed.
I have been a kind of emotional wreck the past couple of days...Extreme HIIIGGHHS..extreme LOOWWSS...lots of smiling and crying.
Think I'm clearing some stuff out, but seriously have had a really really strong opening in the heart chakra since about Friday. Like someone pulled it open with a rope. And I feel like I can manifest what I want...or that there is so much love felt in my heart when I think about what I want to manifest. Which is great. :) And green is my favorite color, so double high-5.
Yeah, sorrry Krishna. I must have missed that green wave but I'm still hoping I can feel the pink, yellow and blue.
Nice photo Rune...uplifting ....ascending