Why was there a digitalisation of all aspects of our world and lives? Why have we all come to live in a digital world?
And what was wrong with a world in analogue mode?
Many years ago I spoke with Konrad Zuse, he used to live one hour from me at this time. He is the father of the computer.
He was looking for a way to process countless data, and he had a smart idea by breaking down all to a binary code - 0 and 1, yes and no. Thus he constructed relays in a certain way and made them work in a binary way - the basics of any computer.
Now there was a way to understand natural processes in a digital manner. Meanwhile all possible things and cycles are processed by bits and bytes. The analogue understanding is fading away. Our world has become a binary field.
The consequences are more than immense. We have forgotten the nature of the analogue, which is in fact kind of fuzzy.
We don`t like fuzzy things and cycles. Binarisation has led us to believe there is no analogue necessary. Our digital understanding has even our libido turned into computable processes helping in social networks to find a partner. Funny stuff.
I can only superficially touch the impact digital thinking has on our lives, but there is a big lie. Actually, our life is an analogue process related to lots of fuzziness far apart from computability.
I believe, a big part of human pain and disappointments are coming from our denial of the analogue mode of life. Instead of taking digital thinking too serious explaining lives and meaning, we should take it as nice tool processing data in fast ways - again: a tool, not an explanation.
And we should get more familiar with the phenomenon of fuzziness in life.
Which is a general heritage of being human...
WOW you met Konrad Zuse?! awesome! :D
But maybe is a personal feeling that you don't like it,
maybe you don't see the potential in it,
maybe you don't know that there is people who think that technology should help us and should be free (open source)
Yes, it may also be used by corporations like facebook to control how we socialize, but at the same time we can use it for good.
I wouldn't know half of what I know if I didn't had access to the internet, schools nowadays only teach what is better for their goverment.
In the internet, knowledge is free! and is a manifestation of our colective consciousness so the range is pretty wide ;)
Oh! I have to leave :O! I'm late for my biology classes!