DIMENSIONAL JUMPS UPWARD NOW! 5D 6D 7D 8D 9D 10D 11D 12D Time-Space-Continuum Dimension Jump Meditation by Ashtar + From SOURCE for All + Archangel Michael's Call to His Legions + PULL YOUR SWORD (Use your Sword of Love and Light!) 



It is not toO late to contribute your lightwork to 
the Ascension by performing your Groundcrew Mission! 
Make contact: janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com 
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Family with open starship hatches! Come aboard! 

Time-Space-Continuum Dimension Jump Meditation 
Lord Ashtar 

channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad -- janisel(((at))sanandaseagles.com
To Begin Monday, August 17, 2015 

To Meditate Every Day Intentionally 

For At Least 15 Minutes Per Day

Greetings! Ashtar here. Whenever Earth receives such a variety of intense energies as it has during your Lion’s Gate opening, there is always some maintenance to specific grids which need be done afterward. Therefore, we are asking you, our Ground Crew partners, to join with us during your coming week in making some adjustments to these grids.

[Do the Project: Eagle Protocol first by Grounding, Centering, and Intending your ENERGIES of your MEDITATION to join those of Project: Eagle Triad]

For the first five minutes of this meditation you are asked to send the Energy of Love to the electromagnetic grid surrounding Earth. 

For the next five minutes you are asked to send Love to the mass-consciousness grid of Earth. 

And, for the last five minutes you are asked to send Love, again, to the Crystalline Matrix of your planet. 

These energy downloads are far from over, my friends, and the remainder of your month of September will be full of changes on every level. These changes, of course, cause some chaos, so your job is to remain as a grounded witness only, without getting caught up in the drama of what is going on. 

We have told you time and time again that great changes were and are coming to Earth, changes that are bringing you closer and closer to your ascension into firth dimension and beyond. You are now well on your way and there’s no turning back! So be of good cheer, and see these changes for what they truly are: the old ways breaking down and being replaced by the Qualities and Attributes going forth from your Crystalline Matrix into your world. 

I AM Ashtar, working beside you and cheering you on!




It is not too late to contribute your lightwork to 

the Ascension by performing your Groundcrew Mission!

Make contact: janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com

We welcome you to our Starseed Walk-In Galactic

Family with open starship hatches! Come aboard!


A Message from SOURCE for All 

SOURCE (Also called Adonai, the Great I AM, Aten)

channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad -- janisel(((at))sanandaseagles.com

Your ascension is your own internal process. What is going on in your world right now is in illusion, remember? Forget everything and everyone in this illusion. Concentrate only on your own Heart Center and coming Home to me. That is all that is truly important now. Stay in touch with Me. I will guide you all the way, and I will not let you face more than you can endure. My love is always with you, and that is all you really need to sustain you. Let the past fall behind. It's over. Move on into communion with me. Stay in the NOW and know that in that NOW moment you are Home. It has been nothing more than a "bad dream".... but you are awake now and it is time to begin stepping into the Dawn of a New Day. You are surrounded by many who are waiting to begin a new and marvelous work with you. Let it begin now. Remember.... you are creating in every moment, so do not dwell in the past and create only more heartache for yourself. 

Create only in this moment what you would like to manifest in the next moment. As you now truly understand, manifestation is taking place very rapidly, so choose carefully what you desire to create.... be it abilities, a pure and forgiving Heart, , or a deeper attunement to your true Home....whatever. You will bring into your life that which you truly desire. 

I am closer than your very breath, I hear every beat of your heart, and I am leading you steadily in My Love to heights you have not yet dared to dream. You are my precious child in whom I am well pleased. Open your arms to me and I shall fulfill your every need. Go through each day knowing I walk beside you, behind you, in front of you. You are in me... I in you. We cannot be apart for we are One and I will never fail you. Tend only to the mission at hand, allowing all in the world of illusion to pass by you, holding nothing back from it, eyes firmly fixed on your goal, and your feet on the path. 

It is not toO late to contribute your lightwork to 
the Ascension by performing your Groundcrew Mission! 
Make contact: janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com 
We welcome you to our Starseed Walk-In Galactic 
Family with open starship hatches! Come aboard! 

Archangel Michael's Call to His Legions 

Archangel Michael 

channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad -- janisel(((at))sanandaseagles.com

This one (Janisel) has been asked to call together members of my Legions, for if you have not already done so, it is time, or past-time I should say, for you to pull your sword and be about your missions that you have come here to do. There are many that resonate with my energies and know themselves to be under my leadership, yet the knowing is not enough. Merely claiming that you are one of mine in no way assures you of fulfilling your earthly duties. The sword must be pulled from your Heart and put to use. This is not a third-dimensional sword as you may think of one. This is a mighty sword of Light, wielded by Love, and perfected by Truth. You can no longer give lip-service only to being one of my warriors. If you are indeed one of mine, are you battling for the Light empty-handed? Is your sword in your Heart or in your hand? In short, you cannot be of real service to me with the sword still in your Heart. It must come out! Some of you have already done this. I know who you are and, thus, this message is not for you. This is a call to those who are still sleeping under the illusion that carrying the "Lightworker" banner is enough. It is not. I do not ask if you are a member of my Legions… I well know who you are. I ask if you have pulled your sword. 

The Creator of All, through our Lord Sananda, called upon me to teach my Legions currently incarnate on Earth exactly 'how' to pull their swords from their Hearts and keep it at the ready. If you have not consciously, and with intent, done so, then you are not ready for service within my Legions. I am asking all of you who claim to belong to me but have not as yet pulled your swords from your Hearts, to contact this one for the instructions which she has already received from me. There is a little 'ritual' I would suggest you go through so as to consciously remove your sword from your Heart, place it upon your back within easy access, and deliver your commitment to Source to begin being of service to Michael's Legions. I know those of my number, I know who you are, and I now call you by name to respond to my message. Namaste, my dearest Ones. I AM Michael

It is not to late to contribute your lightwork to 
the Ascension by performing your Groundcrew Mission! 
Make contact: janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com 
We welcome you to our Starseed Walk-In Galactic 
Family with open starship hatches! Come aboard! 

"Michael's Legions - How To Pull Your Sword" 

channeled through Rev. Deb Wright of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad -- janisel(((at))sanandaseagles.com

We have had much, much discussion as to what this lesson would be about, and I was over-ridden. For it seems to be that many questions have been asked concerning Michael's Legions and what, precisely, Michael's Legions has to do with ascension... and stuff about pulling swords and that kind of thing. *smile* So this lesson is going to be concerning Michael's Legions. He (Michael) wanted to come in himself. *smile* He wishes this to be very 'formal', and very 'precise' information. However, it has to go through me! (laughing out loud) 

First and foremost, we are going to get a few things straight. Apparently there are some that believe that my brother Michael and myself are the same (Being). We are not. We are nothing alike... in ANY aspect. *smile* He's a bit taller, he's a bit more "broad of the shoulders', the hair is a bit longer, and blonder... and he has those things that you in 3D would refer to as a 'muscular physique'. *smile* I tend to look more eye-appealing in a more pleasing manner than all of those 'bumps' and 'crevices' and such. *smile* Anyway... I shall be very 'formal' *smile*... but I do wish for all who read this lesson to realize the vital importance of my brother Michael and his work. I wish for all to realize the importance of their swords, and why their swords were implanted in their hearts in the first place, and why has come the time now to pull the sword from the heart and carry it upon your back. Therefore, we are going to answer all of those wondrous questions that have been coming in. 

My brother Michael is the one that you may consider the "protectorate" of what we refer to as the Divine Blueprint. My brother Ashtar is the one that makes sure that it comes into fruition, however, he works hand-in-hand with my brother Michael, who makes sure that none get in the way of my brother Ashtar doing his work. And this comes in many forms. Michael's Legions, in your third dimensional thinking processes, number in the millions... the hundreds of millions. Does this give you an idea of my brother Ashtar's Command? Now, I will be very lenient in speaking of the fact that, of my brother Michael's Legions, approximately 1/8 of them walk upon this planet right now.... embodied. Now, since I have not told you exactly how many hundreds of millions, this will give you a little idea of how many of Michael's Legions are walking upon the face of this planet right now. For you see, out of all the universes, out of all of Creation, this planet, right now, is 'on stage', the spotlight is on Her. She has a vast audience and she has a vast crew backstage. She is giving the performance of her lifetime, and my brother Michael and his Legions are here, on and around this planet at this time, to make sure that she has no 'hecklers'. 

Now, there are many wonderfully enlightened Lightworkers walking upon the face of this planet right now that, in their own minds and hearts, they refuse to see 'evil'. They claim there is no evil. And, in a way, they are right, But also, in a way, they are wrong. For you see, all of Creation has been within polarity and we have discussed this in several of our classes in the past concerning the 'split-aparts' and how opposite those split-aparts have been. At one point in time, we even looked at you and asked you to imagine in your own mind, what your split-apart would be like if it was your total opposite. We will get more 'down and dirty' with this lesson. <grin> If you are righteous, and if you are good of heart, and if you are pure of thought, then what would your split-apart be like? Now, we are not asking you to look upon yourselves and see the evil that you could be, but we do wish you to realize that that's what evil is. Evil is the containment of the opposite of what all strive to be. Therefore, the more enlightened that you get, in most circumstances, the more evil your split-apart becomes. As you are walking closer and closer into the Light, your split-apart is walking further and further away from the Light. My brother Michael and his Legions are here in Creation to make sure that those of the split-apart nature, that are walking further and further away from the Light, do not lose themselves completely, for they are merely doing nothing more than learning. They are learning information through experiences to take back to the Creator, just as you are. But in their walking further and further away from the Light, some of them occasionally play havoc with those that are walking closer and closer to the Light. My brother Michael and his Legions are also here to protect those that have their mission to accomplish from those that are walking further and further away from the Light. For you see, in his mission, in making sure that the Divine Blueprint comes about and is accomplished, he also makes sure that it gets done without too much harassment from those that are walking further and further away from the Dark. 

Now, each and every one of you that are of Michael's Legions, whether you believe so or not, WILL encounter some of those split-aparts that are walking further and further away from the Light. You see, it is guaranteed. For each and every one of you will have a time when you will be faced with, perhaps, not YOUR split-apart but someone else's, who will attempt to 'tempt' you away from your mission. It is just the way that things are set up. It is one of those things that is referred to as a 'test of faith' of when you decided that, yes, this is something that you wish to do, my brother Michael will make sure that you get this test of faith. Not to prove to anyone but yourself that you are ready for your mission. <grin> Now, when you were born into this world, or when you walked-in to this world, and you were a member of Michael's Legions, your sword had to be kept in a very protected place for you. It is not necessarily something you wish to keep lying around until you are ready to acknowledge the fact that it is there, so therefore, the safest place for this was where your soul could watch over it... which is your heart. Now, some of you may think, "I have a third dimensional heart, and you're telling me that I have a sword stuck in it?" However you wish to look at this. <grin> Some of you, when you grab the hilt of your sword for the very first time, and decide to pull it from your heart, you will swear to the Creator and all of the Heavenly Hosts that you had your hand around the hilt of a third-dimensional sword! You could feel it! That is because it is as much a part of you as anything else is a part of you. It is as much a part of you as your ego, your personality, or your big toe. It is there for you, and it has waited far too long for the hand of it's Master to stroke it, to turn on the Ray of Love that comes out of it. My brother Michael has seen, in his infinite Wisdom, that since so many have become dreadful of the coming times, it's seems that more and more are walking away from the Light than are walking towards the Light. So my brother Michael, to make sure that all of his Legions awaken to their duty, has sent a 'call'. Now, this call isn't something that you would hear as a 'battle-cry'. It is nothing that you would hear as words. Everyone of the souls of Michael's Legions have a note in their song that belongs to Michael, and he sang this note... which causes your sword to become agitated if it has not been turned on yet. <grin> For you see, your sword cannot turn on its light of Love until it is removed from your heart. 

Therefore, what does Michael have to do with ascension? Now just imagine all of those Legionnaires walking upon the face of this planet, that have not pulled their swords from their hearts yet, and all of a sudden the quivering begins from the note being sung, and all of those swords are pulled from the hearts and turned on with Love at the very same time... or close to it, as far as time is concerned. Do you think this would affect the planetary ascension whatsoever? It would raise the rate of vibration of this planet very drastically, if you wish to know. <grin> Once all of these swords are pulled, and they are turned on with Love, all of the split-aparts that have been walking away from the Light will be magnetized towards these swords. It is the pulling together of ALL... Light and Dark... closer to the Light. All of those on the face of this planet, that have been walking away from the Light, will not be able to help themselves... they will be attracted to all that Light of Love coming from those swords. THESE are the ones, in answer to all of your questions that you have been asking, that you will look at and say, "Yes, I can tell you of Michael's Legions. Yes, I can tell you of Ashtar's Command. And, yes, I can speak to you of ascension." For you see, in order for this planet's ascension to take place into a higher dimension... fully... some of those split-aparts that have been walking away from the Light, can turn and begin walking towards the Light... for that is the correct time for that to happen. However, they shall need guidance, they shall need love, and they shall need compassion. 

Now, my brother Michael wants me to make sure and explain to you that this does not mean that you are going to be explaining all of this to your fellow Lightworkers. Some of them are awakening, yes, and some of them need a little bit of guidance, too. We do not deny this. BUT, the ones that need the most awakening, the ones that need the most Light, are the ones that many of you... prior to this day... would have shunned, would have turned your back upon. Perhaps they have done things in their past that you find repulsive, offensive... could be murderers, could be rapists, could be those that are nothing more than 'lost' and have never had anyone show them love in their life before. We thoroughly enjoyed the conversation that took place in the classroom yesterday, for yes, these are wonderful ideas. *smile* Now... how about prisons? How about reform schools? How about the homeless? We are not telling you that you have to walk into a prison. We are not telling you that you have to walk among the homeless, for some of you could not bring yourselves to do this... no matter HOW hard we tried. However, there are many that you can write to, there are many that you need not even mention Ashtar, Sananda, Michael.... all you need do is perhaps print up a flyer that says, "No matter what your past, it is done. You are loved deeply and joyously from this day forward." We have heard the term that some have used called 'Random Acts of Kindness'. We wish to coin a new phrase. We shall call these 'Random Acts of Love'. Think in your mind, especially at this time of year, how many, whether they have been nasty or mean or horrible beings walking the face of this planet, that feel all of the love that goes on at this time of year, and feel separated from it because they think that that love is meant just for families... that it is not meant for strangers. For you see, as we have told you before, your sword is not a sword that draws blood. Your sword is a sword that gives Love... period. That is it. 

If you were homeless, how would you feel at this time of year? How would you feel if you were walking along the street and someone gave you a piece of paper that said, "No matter what your past, from this day forward you are loved... fully, completely and without boundaries, without limitations, and without having to empty your pockets into a plate passed up and down pews (which makes you feel more guilt)." 

Have you ever done anything in your life before this day that you regret... that you wish was just wiped off the slate, totally and completely forgotten, something that you are not proud of, something that you wish, with all your heart, that God would never know that you did? 

If you could do something, just something 'anonymously', that could wipe that off your slate from Question No. 2, would you do it? 

Do you believe, in your heart, that there are those of Light and that there are those of Dark, that there are those of 'good', that there are those of 'evil', that there are those of Love, and those of indifference? 

Have you had a pain in your chest? And, if you have, have you pulled your sword out? And, if you haven't, why not? 

My brother Michael wishes me to explain to you that each and every member of Michael's Legions wears armor. It is 'etheric' armor, but it is to protect where your 'wings' use to be. *smile* For that is a vulnerable spot on some. This is why your sword is to be carried on your back, for your sword, once it's Master's hand touches it, and removes it it from it's hiding place, begins radiating Love. And what better place to radiate Love than to those that you cannot see because they are behind you? When you see those in front of you, they can tell if you are radiating Love or not, and you KNOW that you are radiating to them at that time also. However, those from behind you are not necessarily blocked by your third dimensional emotions that show on your faces or show from your posture... they just see the Love radiating off of your sword. And it also adds protection to those two little vulnerable areas to where your wings used to be attached. *smile* Now, this will bring up quite the conversation, I am sure. *smile* But each and every member of Michael's Legions DID have wings at one point in time or another, so get use to that fact. It is just the way it is. *smile* 

Now... my brother Michael wishes for me to give to you step-by-step instructions for pulling your sword out, so there will be no further questions on how to do this. 


Find yourself a quiet space. Make it a pleasing space... does not take long. It takes as long or as short as you need it to be. *smile* Therefore, light a few candles, maybe put on some soft music, perhaps perfume, incense, something that will appeal to all of your senses. Then, sit in a very comfortable chair, pillow, sofa, whatever you wish to sit in that is comfortable. Get in a 'prayerful' mood, and ask the Creator to guide you as you do these steps. Ask the Creator to call upon Michael so that he may be in attendance, or send someone to be in attendance with you. Then, with your right hand... even if you are left-handed, all of you use your right hand... and very calmly sweep it up, approximately 3-4 inches away from your body, up your chest. You will feel a little 'warmth', a little 'vibration', a little 'heat'. On some it may even be cold. You do not necessarily have to feel it on your hand, mind you, you may feel it on your chest itself, and you stop your hand right above your Heart Center. Then, you place your left hand over your right hand. Now, shall we make it a little ritual? Verbally say, "Michael, I acknowledge that I am here as a member of your Legions and I now remove my sword from my heart so that I may turn on the Love that has been waiting, and begin my job." Pull the base of your palms together, slightly, and symbolically (whether you feel it or not) pull it out... away from your body. I will tell you right now that your sword is approximately ten feet long, so you will not be able to pull it ten feet away from your body because none of your arms are that long. *smile* But it is a sword that follows your command... once you touch it with both of your hands, it does whatever you wish it to do. So, once you pull it out to where your arms are fully extended in front of you, then hold the hilt and ask the sword to 'seal' it's resting heart, it's past hiding place. There will be a hole there, and ask your sword to seal it with Love... that that hiding place is no longer necessary. Then, if you wish to admire your sword, you may look at, you may play with it, you may swing it around…just a little bit <grin> to get use to it, and then you tell your sword that it's new home will be a place across your back... and for it to remain 'active' and 'on'. For, as a member of Michael's Legions, you never know when someone might need Love from your sword. Then, if you wish, you may take it in your right hand or your left hand, depending on if you are right or left handed, and you may place it upon your back, and position it in an easy manner for you to quickly grab it if it is needed. Now, the most important step is to follow... thank your sword for still waiting for you after all this time, and still working once it has been pulled out. Then, it would be nice to thank my brother Michael for giving you the wake-up call to pull your sword out and turn it on. And then, above all else, thank the Creator for being in attendance, and for giving assistance when called upon. 

That is it.  *smile* 




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