Hi guys, received this in email, I thought it might interest some of you. There is some stuff about the"announcements" and the planets we will have an option to go to if we dont ascend.Interesting, but Im not taking it too seriously...You are fast moving into a World where there are absolutely no forces in power who rule over you.No criminal Judges.No stealing Politicians.No corrupt Bankers.Sure, when you heard billions would be gone, it was hard to conceive. How does that happen?Will there be a parallel Earth with the war criminals there? NO. They, Bless Them, have agreed on the compassionateroute, being released through the Scorpi Black Hole and back to the Source of Creation. They will dissolve into light, for a new creation.They will be erased from every TimeLine now and in the future. The parallel Earth where many will go has been around as long as this Earth. It is another Dimension of Earth and separate. Many will go to parallel Earth, but not the criminals. The criminals will go to Herculobus. This Planet is pristine and fighting off dinosaurs is part of their reality. Who goes to parallel Earth? Those who are in a kind of anomaly bubble for another 100 years, give or take. Those Ones will live in duality a bit longer before they have to decide if they are coming with us, or staying back for a different reality. The Ones going to the Planet named Wolf 359 will be there of their own choice. They have decided not to go on this potential possibility. That is the division of the billions who are leaving.What will it look like?On the day the Announcements begin there will be a new way of broadcasting the news. Currently you have a few TV outlets, a few Newspapers, and some Blogs. All of these are essentially owned and controlled by only a few individuals. It is the same news in several languages day in and day out-no new news. No news which is helpful AND only the news necessary to keep the sheep flocks satisfied that nothing has changed. The news now is a bunch of pushy bullies explaining you have no choice but be a slave and give everything to a few. Also, if you need solace, turn to corrupt religion, not the State for help.On the day of the Announcements Ones like Rachel, Randy, Keith, Ron, Thom, Montel and others will be invited into the top spots as television news anchors, if it is their desire. The TRUTH will be told and there will be 100% transparency. There will be no more scouring the World over for one tidbit of news. All the Worldwide News will be available, unchecked, 24 hours a day.So now you envision a world without criminals, a place where all are guaranteed abundance of every necessity as well as money and travel. Also see the information is truth. Now see your Galactic Family is here. There will be no more wondering if the IRS is erasing the final shadows of its TimeLine. No more wondering if Leon Panetta et al are gone. You will know, on the morning of Announcements it is so.This is what is meant when it is said: Your Illusion doesn't exist. For those of you agreeing to go on, the Illusion will be wiped away in one day. The questions will no longer exist. There will be new questions.Each person hearing this can only hear from where their consciousness is this moment. Stretch.You have eyes to see, and ears to hear, do so now. Each One of you staying on the New TimeLine called Terra Nova do so because you are a Star Seed. What is a Star Seed? A Star Seed is an Ascended Extra Terrestrial, also known in your circles as a Christed ET. You are already ascended or you would not be here. You have agreed to go through the Ascension Process within the Matrix, forgetting that you are An Ascended Master. You are dropped into a lifetime which has had its many challenges and you have made the choices along the way that have brought you here, minutes away from Earth Ascension. Some of you here are still on the precipice of deciding where you will be next. You carry illness and you truly are not sure, in your heart. If this is you, please look at your situation today and be flexible in the rigid lifestyle you have chosen. Have the heart breaking honest conversations with yourSelf and with family members you had given up on. Sort out which house you belong to. Terra Nova? Parallel Earth? Wolf 359? There is no judgment here. You are not any more or less Judged than anyone going before Annubis, before Mother Sekhmet. Mother Sekhmet has said, You Do Not Want To See What You Have Done In The Past. It is why we come here with veils intact. We are all equal and willing partners here. We are clearing and cleansing. We are throwing our veils off, of our own Free Will. Some of you continue to believe in things that are outmoded by 20 years or 100. It is time to course correct now. Check the Path you are walking. Make sure you see me, St Germain, ahead on your path, lighting the way with my lantern. No one on this Earth is free from clearing and cleansing now. Sananda, Mother Sekhmet, and Metatron have all meditated with this Group, a Worldwide Group, and there is no limit to the assistance you have finding the path. You must ask and you must allow.Mark and Beth did not know how the events of the past two weeks would play out. They had been prepared, and in the end, realized it was something they both asked for, a profound healing for all involved, including Tara and Rama and this Group. They both agreed on the Inner Planes to experience it this way as a loving and compassionate act. They were supported by their Guides because they asked for support every second of the night and day. This support is available to every man woman and child on Earth now, Please Ask!These two Ones were asked, without prior knowledge, to demonstrate their Mastery and Be Grace through this hard time. After the initial confusion, they both were able to suss out what had happened, and finish the long way home. Please do not think this was easy, it was just these Two agreeing to be the Light Warriors they are in front of a very large and very public audience.This Example is not a personal pat on the back, not at all. This is a wake up call to you-Cosmic Masters!! No one is free from this cleansing and clearing now. You all are every bit the Light Warrior. Come into your fullness now! Remember who you are.On the Day of Announcements these Ones will be sipping champagne, hugging and laughing that they made it through. They have worked on themselves on the Inner Planes again and again and again. They have brought back to you their adventures for your perusal. They have had the attitude of love, take what you like, and leave the rest, but above all Know You Are Multidimensional. Know that there is much much more of Your Truth of Who You Are and Where You Come From than what is before your eyes.When Star Seeds came to Earth this time and they were left in their Vehicle, to Ascend it, with their Soul Family and physical family, there were no guarantees they would make it. None. A Star Seed voluntarily enters their training. They are advanced each time they Master a lesson. For 10 years Archangel Uriel has been silently beside you, Guiding you to look at life's challenges a different way, to Train you Up. As you had successes you were rewarded with more training and more challenges. As you had failures you suffered by staying put, of your own choice, for longer. As you asked and allowed more challenges were heaped on.As Star Seeds pass their tests, they come to see through the eyes of the heart. When this happens, they soon realize there is more fun to be had; levitation, transfiguration, teleportation, telepathy, and learning the art of battle for truth.Very very soon (Beth keeps saying this month, but only the Admiral and Captain truly know) you will have to make your final choice.You will have to decide, by right action, and by right relationship where you will be. Those cowering in fear will be off to Wolf 359. Those arguing they are always right, could be off to parallel Earth. Those seeing through the eyes in their heart and standing the ground of their truth, will be here. Mark and Beth talked about 'What Is Next' on the morning Mark left for the hospital. They both foresaw the end of their websites as they now exist. They both, together, offered them good riddance. Do not worry, it is because they saw the Group moving forward together, inseparable, and the Shift in Intention. After the First Announcement is Made, they agreed together, their Mission Together, will shift. Galactic roundtable will shift focus and there will be discussions, after First Announcements, on traveling out of body, living on liquid light, going home, telepathy, teleportation, and you all, who remain, will pick up on these things quickly. Together, you will have passed all your tests. Your Galactic Mentors will be here. The lessons for the Light Warriors are already being written.Blessings,~St. GermainMark and Beth www.GalacticRoundTable.com

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  • If there are sites out there that can be proven as disinfo sites in nature don't you think we should have a watch list for all of them that we can find?

    Isn't this site managed by people connected way up there that can figure out who really is who so that us the readers won't get confused at a critical time such as now?

    Since the information that the round table website gives out is similar in nature with this site calling it a disinfo site also hurts the reputation of the ashtarcommand site as well.

    After having read the evacuation plan outlined in the document “PROJECT: WORLD EVACUATION” it does show that before any decloaking will take place a selected number of earth representatives (commanders) will have to be first trained and then be brought back in front of the world’s media to present evidence of the fleet’s existence and other announcements. No decloaking will happen prior before that which should seem to be the more realistic route.

    So this proves whatever the roundtable has been presenting is disinfo and they should be listed as such some where on asthar command’s site to avoid any sort of doubt or confusion.
    • Andy...
      trust no-one for start... be in an observer mode for all, and u will see with whom u need to make friends later...
      i for one, will not go aboard to any ship, "Project world evacuation, or World Salvation, or Country liberation, or whatever 'olation"...unless i know with whom im dealing to...
      If ur in a hurry to go on ships... think again...before u go to hasty decisions...
      And dont count much on ET's to save humanity...
      personally i go the other way...if i see anyone who comes to me as a savior, or liberator...
      ...(just my point of view, as of now... :)
      • Everything you say makes sense. In this age of chaos and deception it is easy to be fooled so that you toss out the baby along with the bath water. Since that is not the route any person seeking for truth would want to take you have to build up a solid foundation some how from certain sources and experiences.

        I have been staying on the side line for sometimes now and did not take this route just by doing some light hearted seeking nor without putting any thoughts behind it. I always tend to open up to those that opens up new prospective on things otherwise our lives would stay the same and won’t progress.

        There has also been too much coincidence through out my life to not make one wonder. Many of the events and symptoms described in many of these documents have already if not are occurring at this time on a personal level. Lastly I have already caught some glimpse with my own eyes into this unknown.

        I’m beginning to understand what the word faith truly means. Perhaps in this 3D world we’ll only get to a certain point before you have to relay on your other senses beyond the 5 that you naturally use.

        Thanks for your time on giving out your views on this quest for truth.
  • I personally do not put any stock whatsoever into anything that comes from Mark Huber and the Galactic Round Table. I find the information he presents is full of crappola, espcecially in leiu of the fact that Mark seemed to have had a meltdown recently and his children stepped in to disassociate him from his website and live in friends. Mark and his website have been talking about announcements, mass arrests, cloned politicians, and Nesara being tomorrow for years now. So no I put absolutely no stock in this. I am always willing to read what he has to say however because sometimes it is downright laughable and I am easily amused at times, but no, I put no stock in what he is saying in this post. Sometimes though I do wish I had his hopes for how things will go down, but I am not an optimist by nature. He seems to wear rose colored glasses and an over active imagination but bet he is uplifting to be around. His picture is so cheery and sincere looking.
    • Command LightSpeed

      Whom are the official spokesman for these Ascended Masters? How is anyone suppose to find that out?

      What do you all think of the Phoenix Journal? Would that be a trust worthy source to get channeled messages?

      Would love to hear from you.
    • Yes your right, I should be a bit more careful. I honestly beleive that there will be first contact within the next few years and I think that something similar to what was said will happen. I am to be honest being sick of being told that "so soon" there will be "massive changes" and Nesara would be coming "so soon". I actually remember that one ET had the Audacity to say that Nesara had already been introduced???!!!!!WHERE?
      I read these channelings now with passing amusement but dont take them too seriously.
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