Thirty years after the Roswell event, Friedman met military personnel who were involved with the events of 1947 and he says they eventually stepped forward to advance the account of a crashed spacecraft and dead alien bodies.
Because of Friedman's dogged determination, the Roswell UFO legend was born...
"Now is probably the time to say, yes, we're part of a galactic neighborhood; unfortunately, we're not the big shots in the neighborhood."
I checked back again at 2:43 pm, and this article had now rocketed all the way
up to #2 on the charts!
I liked the 1111 and the 777 thrown in for good measure as well -- two numerical synchronicities
in one shot, plus you've got two 66's right below it... very interesting:
Twenty-four minutes later, I checked back again -- and to my surprise
(and shock), it was GONE!
Here's a screen capture of my file list, showing when I took each of the images today:
Click on David's Website to to see the screen:
OR - -
All of this comes directly on the heels of the Australia Spiral, which was effectively identical to the Norway Spiral in its appearance and behavior -- except that it was on the move,
drifting through the air as it spun.
Early reports that it was making 'jerky' motions have not been further substantiated yet -- but the drifting made it much, much less likely to be a rocket. However, the 'official' explanation is now
that it was simply the booster from a Falcon 9 that had been launched ha... Riiight.
In the article I just posted this past weekend, I shared with you some prophetic testimony I received from one of my highest-positioned insiders, who is very difficult to speak with due to extreme
security concerns.
This insider told me that "something rocketing will come forward [on June 7-8th]... it has to."
No further information was provided. I did not want to publish the date in advance in case it was disinfo, though that seemed unlikely, or the plans changed and nothing was done.
Also, I knew that publishing the date could screw up the plan. So I didn't. The day before that time window, the Australia Spiral arrived. It seemed to fit the prophecy nicely.
In addition, as I wrote in the previous article, the mainstream media ran two different pieces on Phobos being potentially artificial on the inside within five days on the Daily Galaxy,
a space-oriented blog.
Then, in Benjamin Fulford's 8-dollar-a-month blog, he had this to say on the same day
the Australia Spiral appeared, June 6th, which was another very nice confirmation
(emphasis added):
Click here:
The Bilderbergers have failed and are now trying to activate plan B
The participants at the just ended Bilderberger meeting in Spain are scared they are going to be identified and eventually hunted down, according to an inside source at the meeting.
For now Clinton, Bush, Baker and the other Bilderberg Nazi’s are trying to cut a deal with China that will allow them access to large amounts of funds which they plan to hide and use to re-assert their power after the current political storm blows over, the source says.
Unfortunately for them, this is one storm that is not going to blow over to and allow them to resume their plans for world fascist dictatorship...
The Old World Order Nazis do not plan to retire quietly and are planning assassinations and other forms of mayhem. Although we have no direct evidence, based on their past behavior, it is likely they are behind a new disease which has started spreading in China...
The mass awakening of the peoples of Europe and North America is a genie that is not going to be put back into the bottle. The situation has now reached the point where assassinations, bribes and propaganda are not going to be able to work their old magic...
The White Dragon Society has been asked by the Pentagon not to take any action for now because “something big is about to happen.”
It may well be the American people and thus the people of the world will have something real to celebrate on this upcoming July 4th independence day.
However, as usual we caution that it isn’t over until it is over. People need to stay alert
and make contingency plans for any eventuality.
This is the right time to be politically active. DIGG has been caught red-handed.
They are supposed to be a site that represents the will of their readers. This story was 'rocketing' up the charts, clamoring for Number One, and then was shot down in flames -- without any explanation.
This is one of the best mainstream media Disclosure articles I've ever seen. It was published on the exact day my insider told me "something rocketing will come forward... it has to." It shot to the top of Digg the very next day, which was still within the two-day window I was given.
Fulford's statement is so similar:
We need Disclosure now to free up the technologies that will allow us to heal our planet
from the Oil Volcano. We must do this.
I have friends in Florida. I do not want to see them have to go through a hurricane that rains oil down on them. Property values could suddenly drop by as much as seventy percent.
This may be the big crisis that FORCES Disclosure to happen. Good people cannot stand
by and let this go unchecked.
If anyone ever plans on disclosing, you God damn well better do it NOW. If you don't, we will eat you alive for not having intervened when you knew you could have done something to stop this madness.
If DIGG dares to suppress this story, which has the potential to awaken our world to a technology that can save us all, they are effectively guilty of mass murder. They need to hear from you.
Let them know how you feel about this.
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