I thought there was no hell-as some people say. 3rd hour.

In the latter half, Nancy Evans Bush talked about her distressing Near Death Experience, and shared stories of others who've had similar NDEs without a white glowing light of love. In her NDE, which took place in the early 1960s while anesthetized during the delivery of her second child, she was shot out into space. There, she saw black & white circles that began telepathically communicating to her. Their message to her was "you don't exist and you never did exist...Your life was a joke. Earth was a joke and you were allowed to believe it was real, but it never was real. And this is what there is-- just this big empty space." She argued passionately with the beings to confirm the validity of her existence. Upon her return from this annihilating experience, she kept quiet for years, until she began working for an organization that studies NDEs.

One's emotional response to an NDE varies from person to person, she reported. According to her studies, 1 out of 5 people who have NDEs are distressed by them. Many of these people are terrified even under pleasant heaven-like circumstances, because they've been pulled out of their bodies. Regarding her type of NDE, she noted that someone with a Buddhist perspective might not be so disarmed to find themselves in a featureless void.

A minority of distressing NDEs involve people finding themselves in a hell-like environment, which can be hot or cold, and have a bleak landscape. Rather than demonic entities, experiencers typically describe seeing shadowy, psychologically menacing somber-looking people, whose faces are either obscured or without features, Evans Bush detailed. People that return from hellish NDEs often turn to religion to seek out solutions or changes, she noted.


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  • I heard of and experienced the opposite for past #of yrs.

    However, since we are masters of our reality, let it be good or not, we experience our reality during living moment or death moment. It's like we master our actions , whatever that may be. Even in death situation.

    I live for peace, love and light, therefore I take that with me in any environment.


  • If you listen she says 1 in 5 NDE is harrowing-she worked in a clinic and talked to people about their NDE and not all were wonderful

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