This is great news and there will be much more to come, so read up now.

Love and Light


Massive, unprecedented ET interventions are completely disrupting any and all plans to start World War III, according to multiple whistleblowers. This and other fascinating developments suggest that 2012 may live up to many prophets' expectations.

[PLEASE NOTE: This investigation is undergoing dynamic updates, including new sections that will be uploaded as time permits. For this reason, please LINK to it and pull excerpts, but do not COPY and REPOST it, as it will be constantly changing. Thanks!]


Whether we like it or not, everyone is now being confronted with evidence that the world is being controlled by powerful, occult, negative forces behind the scenes.

In my full-length e-book entitled Financial Tyranny, I shared everything I have gathered on this controversial subject -- since I first found out about it in 1992.

If you have already read Financial Tyranny, the full scope of the problem we now face will be much more apparent as you enter into this investigation. Some of it will become clear as you read this first section.

This is the sequel to Financial Tyranny -- where we talk about the "good side".




Multiple insider sources, each of whom have been "vetted out" for their credibility and trustworthiness, have now confirmed that mass arrests of thousands of key conspirators in this vast cabal are about to occur.

A highly secretive, highly coordinated operation -- working for the good of humanity -- is about to make its move.

The Pentagon "good guys" are now in full political and logistical cooperation with a remarkable 134-nation alliance -- to bring the perpetrators to justice and free our planet.
The security around this enormous operation has been vast. Even those who will be affected by it -- and arrested -- have no idea of the staggering scope of what is about to be revealed before the eyes of the public.
Very recently I had four hours of verbal discussion with a new, public, high-level whistleblower regarding these imminent mass arrests.
We are set to record an interview at 6PM Pacific time for public release on this website -- within hours of when this first section should be posted. I will post-produce and release this interview as soon as possible.
I fully confirmed this man's bonafides and his testimony with one of my top insiders, who I brought into the discussion.
Dozens of specific points, not available in any public form, were authenticated in this vetting-out process. 


We now know that the plan for mass arrests has been very actively in the works for the last 20 years.

A staggering wealth of irrefutable evidence is backing this plan, including over 22 eighteen-wheeler truckloads' worth of documents
that have long since been scanned and secured in multiple locations.

We were told that one single file-box of documents like this was strong enough to bring down the former Italian government, as you see here:

Prosecutors demand 5-year sentence for Berlusconi over witness tampering
Prosecutors have demanded a five-year prison sentence for former Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi in his trial on corruption charges.
Prosecutor Fabio De Pasquale asked the court on Wednesday to find the former PM guilty of having paid a British lawyer $600,000 to lie in other trials.
Those proceedings involve charges of tax evasion and false accounting during Berlusconi’s business career.
Other cases pending against him in the Milan courts include a trial on charges of having paid for sex with an underage prostitute. Berlusconi stepped down as the Premier in November last year.

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    I tried to explain this to one of my friends and she just didn't seem to get the point about how critical this is.

    Yes... there are those arrests are going on right now.

    But the implication is much bigger - this is only the prelude to the big thing - and the fact this is going on Right Now means the Big Mass Arrest is right around the corner. They wouldn't waste much time allowing the big crooks to build themselves up to prepare for this.


    Drake does have big balls coming out with this - but apparently it is already out in the open for the head honchos to see because of all the Resignations and Arrests going on already. So the cat's already out of the bag.

    He's just highlighting it for those of us on the "surface" to see.


    So within the next 2 months is when everything changes. And after that it will pretty much be the rebuilding phase, it might not be smooth sailing but at least the nightmare will be over.

    • Sir you say within 2 months that would be correct but I think that may be a bit of an over statement. I believe my gut feeling and I'll put my neck out there a bit and say something huge is going to happen in a week or two. Either way though, It sure is getting exciting isn't it.

      And I get home from work and see this in my e-mail:

      It's A Simple Moral Decision! 

      There are so many very exciting developments this week that we are still digesting the possibilities.

      Real access to our accounts may be closer than thought. The infrastructure is all in place; the staff trained and efficient in doing the exchange. We will be posting more details in this developing story in the days to come at

       I went to the Post Office to check the Box. Inside was a hand written note instructing me to see 'Vickie.' I go to the counter and Vickie is not there but this woman who was there has been there for 30 years. She takes this note and goes in the back. She hands me 2 envelopes, one addressed to The Postmaster General and the Box #, the other was to the Office of the Postmaster General.

      She hands them to me, looks me dead in the eye and said "If these are addressed simply to the Postmaster we will open them automatically. Have them put your name on them."

      It is interesting to note that neither had been opened!!

      One of the envelopes had no postage, save for a red thumb print and a UPU code. I believe they understood that this was an inter agency mail delivery and thus why it did not go thru the Box.

      The Post Office did cancel the thumb print !

      Have a great weekend, The Postmaster General NA


                   It is a Simple Moral Decision!

      The Solution is a .......

                .... Simple Business Transaction!
      • Well its like I said, Early April, with May as the latest.

        Technically Early April is 1 day away now.


        I play the "sweet spot" game with my Intuition to narrow down exact numbers. Since I love this idea so much I am attached to it, so I don't want to jump the gun and say it happens within a week, since I could be wrong because of my desire for it to be like that.

        So I asked if Mid May was the answer and the feeling I got was "Probably before then, but its certain, and not later than May"



        Within a Month.

        Let that sink in for a moment.


        Its sorta like when a Dam gets a crack in it, and the crack is allowed to get bigger. That's what has already been happening. Failure of the Dam is inevitable. This... is... going... to... happen.

        Like Drake said - as soon as the States were declared Independent that blew the crack in the dam. That's when the water started leaking and the crack got bigger (resignations).

        Of course... the Dam has been prone to failure for years now.


        Who knew that States could be declared independent... or for that matter it could happen without anyone really knowing?

        Looks like the cabal really screwed the pooch on this one. Didn't have the foresight to be on the lookout for that kinda thing - otherwise they could have intercepted the documents before they got recorded. Its too damn late now.

        • well said brother, I think we are on the same page.8115945287?profile=original

          Love and Light

  • Hey Guys you all need to listen to these update interview from Wilcox ...

    [UPDATE 3-29-12 2210 HST: Added topics (approximate) to each part below] [UPDATE 3-29-12 1934 HST: After listening to David's interview of Drake, both mention the failure of guns to work in the field, and the likely intervention of "Higher Ups" in this. Sounds like this will be detailed more in Sections II & III of David's latest article. Just a heads up.]

    From David’s Divine Intervention article:

    I am on the plane to this weekend’s conference in Austin. You are about to hear a stunning interview with Drake, an insider specifically asked by the Pentagon “good guys” to come forward and explain what is going to be done. I was blown away by the information he was giving. If you didn’t already believe this was really going to happen, this may very well change your mind. I ran Drake through an extensive validation process with one of my top insiders and he passed with flying colors. He is the real deal.
    We have an urgent-status rush transcription order for our Divine Cosmos Transcription Team on this, and will get it posted ASAP.”

    These should certainly be most mind opening, I’m sure. I have not listened to them yet. But wanted to get them out ASAP.

    I have broken this into 30 minute parts (5 MB each). Also, I have saved it in a much smaller size (and lower mp3 quality, but very hear-able) than David’s originals, so should be much easier for lower internet speed users to download.

    Download in 30-minute parts, 5 MB each [note: topics below are very general and approximate, but give a rough idea what is in each part]

    Part 1a [Introduction to Drake]
    Part 1b [Explanation of the Process ongoing and legalities]
    Part 2a [Why the Military will be here, how they will be assisting; the plan]
    Part 2b [Preparations each individual may take prior to the arrests process]
    Part 3a [History and operations outside of US]
    Part 3b [Summary of what will happen; latest news]


    • I'm listening to them now, my time is limited. I have to listen to recordings like this at 15 minute or so intervals at a time. I also have listened to Drake at freedomreigns radio already. I can say he is serious about what he is doing. But he doesn't have any thing to do with or any secret governments. Freedomreigns movement are just people that want their country back, they are not affiliated with the secret societies that are ready in background to move in when these dark ones are arrested. They are basically on their own.

       I have to hand it to Drake and his follows though, he has big brass ones. I salute him for what they are doing.

      Love and Light

  • I believe you right about the deadline date, I believe this is why we are seeing a significant amount of bank resignations as of late. I also believe we are about to see the fireworks go off. :)

    Love and Light

  • Well said Nancy!!!

  • so much wild information is reaching the light that it excites me to be part of it.............

  • We have been reading for awhile now that March would bring fruit. Well March is not over yet and we are seeing some very interesting signs, now aren't we? Very nice indeed!

    Love and Light

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