Hello all, I was wondering what everyone makes of this substance (or lack there of). Proponents of DMT say that it exists in the majority of plant life on Earth, and is even synthesized in the human body (some say in the Pineal gland, others refute that). It is also believed to be the strongest, or most potent psychedelic drug known to man. Yet, I cannot find any truly non-biased, practical, or scientific study involving the "drug." On that note, I also would like to question everyone's beliefs about drugs in general. Can a drug control you? Do drugs only align you with malevolent energies? Why is everyone so afraid of natural substances that open your mind to new possibilities?
Peace and Love to all,
Please do not relay my peace and love to those you blindly follow. Direct it to FINDING truth...not to solidifying a "truth" you have been told to believe.
I would look into Geoff Stray's website DIRE GNOSIS 2012, just google it and then click on the DMT topic... weird site with wild colors but once you get used to it there is awesome information.
DMT is interesting, but I don't think I want to reach ascension through a 'short cut" lol. Though I have read that some of the beings you meet while on mushrooms, DMT, and Salvia were volunteers who stepped up to take incarnation here on earth to raise our consciousness so that we not fall completely asleep while we waited for the Kali Yuga to end.
As an aside, did you know that Mexico has the most psychedelics than any place on earth? And that psychotropic type plants always grow near portals because they like the energy of "home"? Not sure if it's true, but it's nice to think about :)
when i woz married, he sed he used to take DMT before we met... its nuthin to b proud of but he woz quite high up in the world of drugs where he used to live, and had taken everything. mainly wen he found out he had cancer, i suppose he thought he woz gonna die anyway...used to put acid tabs under his eyelids!!! he sed DMT woz wonderful, a powerful hallucinogen that woz out of ur body really fast, and very clean i.e. no comedown. i never tried it tho. my drug phase woz about escapism, but 1day i took a pill n thought wtf am i doing to myself, i didnt want it anymore, so i stopped! the only thing i big up thses days is weed.. im not even really a stoner anymore but the healing benefits of THC r amazing.its not for everyone but theres a lot of info on how it heals different things, and i always say that nature provides.
and u look luvly :-)
luv n light always xx
Dmt on the street is quite hard to come by and if you do find it , it can cost you up to 400 dollars a gram. It is best to extract it your self. This is the safest tech available on extracting it http://wiki.dmt-nexus.com/Q21Q21%27s_Vinegar/Lime_A/B_Extraction_Tek
this is a good source https://celestialsource.com/zen-cart/index.php?main_page=product_in...