DNA Activation is THE KEY!!

Dear brothers and sisters,

Please know that all you have to do in order to ascend is D.N.A activation.

DNA Questions and AnswersQ: Why is DNA Activation important right now?A: Your DNA Activation level controls your frequency.  Every time you do a DNA Activation, your frequency rises asyou clear out lower vibrating energetic blockages (auric attachments, karmicimprints, unnatural twisted energy patterns in the DNA) and you DOWNLOAD higherconsciousness from your Soul Identity.  Your frequency attracts you to theexact same frequency of people, places, times, things, and events - and this iswhat shows up in your holographic reality.  Also, the higher frequency youhave the higher frequency opportunities and people you will attract into yourlife.  When your frequency is high, your intention manifests much fasterthan if you are weighed down by etheric energetic blockages.  DNAActivation is basically the process of accreting light into your field.Q: How does DNA Activation affect my day to day life?A: Each DNA strand corresponds to a chakra.  So for example, your 4th DNA strand corresponds to your heartchakra.  When you activate and clear the 4th DNA strand, you are finallyable to open up your heart to unconditional self-love.  You are able totrust and fully love someone ELSE unconditionally.  Imagine if everyone justdid this.  There would be no war, no judgment, no guilt, and we could allfinally live in unity consciousness and divine love.  When you activateeven more strands of your DNA template, you are able to EMBODY your Higher selfand become aware of your soul's mission here and act on it.  Most peoplehave no idea what their purpose is because their DNA is not activatedsufficiently to be able to CONNECT to their Higher levels of consciousness andreceive this information.  The purpose of this practice is to EMBODY yourHigher self here in the 3rd dimension and come back to your true essence as anunconditionally loving being.Q: How is DNA activated? A: DNA is activated by specific codes and sound tones.  We use specific codes from the Absolute Harmonic Universe(the Higher self universe of the one we are currently in) that have been givenat this time for DNA Ascension Preparation.  In the DNA MastersCertification Program, we train other committed, service oriented souls how touse these codes to facilitate the activation of others. Q: How can DNA Activation benefit my relationships?A: Again, everything is about frequency.  Two people that have the same frequency will resonate and gettogether.  If one person raises their frequency and the other staysstagnant, eventually they will not have anything in "common". That "common" characteristic is just frequency.  DNA Activationand the clearing sessions we do clear past projections, analogical experiences,codependency, and the personas of victimization and the Martyr complex, allissues that affect harmonic relationships. Q: What if everyone on the planet activated their DNA?  What would happen?A: The planet's frequency would rise and hit a critical mass where we could finally ascend out of this dimension. We have already activated many of the 144,000 frequency holders of the Earth,the Indigos, and their presence alone will help to activate the others. Many children are being born with such high frequency that all they require todo is to be here to raise the frequency of the planet. Q: Why is it important to clear yourself before having children?A: Because at conception, every issue that YOU have is passed onto your child.  The child receives all the imprintsfrom the parents and ancestors through the DNA.  Think of how many issuesYOU have had to work on in your life that were not YOURS.  You inheritedmany beliefs, poverty consciousness, blame, victimization, worry, etc. fromyour parents.  In order to prevent your children from having to walk YOURkarma, it is important to clear yourself as much as possible before conceivinga child.  That way you will also attract a soul from the higherdimensions, as your frequency will be higher.  If you've already HAD achild, then it is important to clear them of all auric attachments and karmicimprints so they don't have to struggle with these later on in life like youdid.Q: Can you EMBODY your Higher self without activating your DNA?A: No.  Since DNA doesn't activate naturally like it used to in pre-ancient history when the Earth's grids wererunning frequency properly.  This is why every master that has come hashad assistance with their DNA activation.  The beings that have ascendedin the past have all had help with their DNA.  Even ascended master likeJesus still work on their DNA constantly as there is always more frequency thatyou can accrete on the spiral up to achieving one-ness with Source. Q:  Then, is the DNA activation process ever "complete"?A:  No, it is an on-going process.  If you think your DNA is fully activated and you don't haveanymore work to do, then ask yourself if you can de-manifest your body andteleport to a different dimension.  If you cannot do this, then you stillhave work to do :)  Most people can't even master their emotional body,let alone bi-locate or do teleportation.  It is important to master the1st 3 dimensions first - the physical, emotional, and mental bodies. Spiritual beliefs that say the physical body is not important and that you are"not your body" are inaccurate.  Your physical body is EXTREMELYimportant and controls the amount of frequency you can draw and hold from yourHigher self.  So master the 3D first and if you are doing energy work witha practitioner that hasn't mastered their physical body, or that smokes anddrinks, just be aware that all of that is going into your energy field. Ask your practitioner to send you a picture of THEM before you agree to letthem into your field.  Your energy field integrity is the most importantthing in healing facilitation and activation work.

from http://www.dnaperfection.com/dnafaqs.html

Please note that there are many free DNA activation videos on youtube.

But I'm not sure if they are as effective as those expensive private telephone sessions by the more advanced souls here on earth...

Please let me post your experiences!

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  • PS: Please use STEREO Headphones while watching those DNA activation videos on youtube!
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