Gregg Braden: DNA and Consciousness
by In5d admin,
Gregg Braden is a powerful lecturer who is bringing his teachings to both THE PROPHETS CONFERENCE ~ FLORIDA KEYS November 16-18, and THE PROPHETS CONFERENCE ~ MONTEREY March 29-31.
The following report also talks about the discoveries of HeartMath which will be explained at the Florida Keys gathering by HOWARD MARTIN their principle spokesperson.
(VN: This below, was inserted by Vatic Master as part of a collage on this blog, of Braden's contributions to our coming awareness of our power that the Satanic ones have kept from us all these centuries, so I have started with his short video on "We are Much More Than We Believe", which has been the theme of this series we have been doing for several days now. Videos after that are from a different source, but very good nontheless, and all of them are Greg Braden. He got me started in understanding how it was that I healed my own lump out of my breast since I did not know what I was doing when I did it. His book "The Divine Matrix and "The Healing Power of Belief" gave me all the explanation I needed to understand. After this video is the series of the three experiments with DNA, which was fascinating.)
Omega Institute
Gregg Braden: We Are Much More Than We Believe
from Omega Institute Plus 3 years ago
New York Times best-selling author Gregg Braden is considered a pioneer in bridging the wisdom of our past with the science, healing and peace of our future. In the video, he discusses answers to the question, "What if the beliefs that have limited our lives prove to be no longer true?"
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