If there are non-physical beings (spirits, aliens, whatever you want to call them) with the ability to communicate to people to spread messages... why don't they ever help with missing children? Are internet videos and forums more important than missing children?


If they don't give a crap about missing children, why do they give a crap about people sitting in their warm homes with their cool technology (computer/internet)?

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  • Oh your so behind the times FAIL I did that on the other post ..Blah..watching are you eve..LOL just happened to place it on the wrong post how ironic.

    • A watcher watches all. lol.

  • It's really not difficult to raise vibrations.


    It's like... imagine the Smurfs. You know the bad guy? The human, I forget his name. The one with the cat. Anyways, pretend something happens to him and some guy gives him a present or cooks him dinner or something and he's all happy and floating on cloud 9 for whatever reasons. Well, he's just raised his vibrations, did he not? He's happy. Guess what... if this happened in the "spirit realm" he can now take that opportunity to do what he wants in that vibration for as long as he let it lasts. He's not even a genius (I forget if he's supposed to be, but whatever) but with his ulterior motives, he's usually got something sinister in mind. And he can manipulate those who trust these "vibrations" for as long as he's able to keep them up.


    Unless there's some sort of science behind raising vibrations that's written in some official doctrine that I'm unaware of... which doesn't make sense. Because that's like needing a book to know how to breathe, wouldn't you think? Sure there might be tips and techniques to do it "another way"... but as far as something as raising your vibrations, that should be something that comes naturally to those it applies to. Unless it's part of some secret club and only special members are allowed to know how.

    • There's no secret.

      take actions that lead to a greater love, vibrational frequency goes up.

      take actions that detract from love, vibrational frequency goes down.

      And there is a science to it.


  •     Dawn, when you begin a reply with "you have  to allow people to believe their way" you are betraying your own need to control what others are doing.  Of course, you may and will believe whatever you wish.  It's a free will universe.  But it is you who are attempting to dictate what I should or shouldn't say.  Projection is what it's called:  Projection onto others what you yourself do on a regular basis. 

  • You want to know the truth....nothing gets to me. Like literally, nothing. Things used to get to me...but you learn and you grow. And I'm at a point now, where literally...literally...nothing bugs me, nothing gets under my skin. It's alot better this way actually lol

    So you can stop projecting....things might get to you...but, you let them. It's just that simple. Eventually you need to learn to not let it get to you. That's part of the self love and self empowerment lesson, which really is at the heart of life. I know most people still have a ways to go...I guess I'm just farther along....oh well lol

    • You want to know the truth....nothing gets to me. Like literally, nothing. Things used to get to me...but you learn and you grow. And I'm at a point now, where literally...literally...nothing bugs me, nothing gets under my skin. It's alot better this way actually lol

      This I believe.

      I feel for your isolation.

      I lived liked this for a longtime.

      And then I opened my heart and the healing process began.

  • Some times that is exactly it Amanda, but many times it is something that John eludes to at lenght in his post. It's called service to others. It's done with great love. The soul goes back and has a swell time waiting for its next incarnation. You know what old people's souls say about being "dead", when you ask them soon after?


    I've found that many things have multitude of answers for being what they are. Our society of course has enormous problems with that, one question, one possible answer is the go here. Linear, 3rd density, and often STS thinking processes.


    EDIT: Oh I see my post is like 400 posts later, 6 pages...freaking lol! :P

  • Breaking The Spell & The Full Magnitude of Who We Are


    • Breaking the mental chains that bind... 'One Consciousness' at a time


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