what is this i speak of? all this talk of aliens in their spiritual spaceships here to help humanity find truth. heres the thing. the only truth comes from within and what you decide to be true based on your observations and conclusions. any legit respectful spiritual et beings know this and wouldnt intervene into the affairs of others to try and persuade their own sense of truth. truth is founded in self through your own observations of reality and everyones personal truth is different according to how they veiw the world based on a set of emotions and beleifs. the best way to find truth is to sit, relax a bit, dont take things so seriously and be within your own sense of self. but in all seriousness some of the stuff i've read on here in the past and continue to see is just ridiculous when you compare it to the facts of reality, which you can or can choose not to according to your personal truth's own sense of boundries. if theres one thing i've learned, quit bashing your ego over the head with the fact stick, it wont make it stop, it'll stop when its ready and most likely clubbing it with facts it doesnt like to acknoledge wont help. anyways i just wonder outloud to everyone on this site, what is all this doing for you and why do you do it? if you can or cant answer that both are fine, im at a place where i dont care anymore other then to give people somethings to chew on that reminds them to think for themselves rather then follow a hive mindset.
I totally agree with what you are saying here. I like your quote: "all this talk of aliens in their spiritual spaceships here to help humanity find truth. heres the thing. the only truth comes from within and what you decide to be true based on your observations and conclusions. any legit respectful spiritual et beings know this and wouldnt intervene into the affairs of others to try and persuade their own sense of truth." So true in my opinion. I totally agree with " truth is founded in self through your own observations of reality and everyones personal truth is different according to how they veiw the world based on a set of emotions and beliefs." Well said. I also think that some sites tend to think that everyone should feel and think like each other and they desire this very much and make a big deal out of trying to convince people that if they do not believe the same was as each other that one must be right and one must be wrong. Do people really want a hive mentality, if the answer is yes then that is pretty creepy and counter productive. I have been guilty of this and I am sure we all have from time to time, but where does that get anyone really. Reminds me of the post about cults now that I think of it. Hive thinking.....hummmm, cult thinking....not a good idea. Thanks for speaking your thoughts, make sense to me.