Quite shocking, lots of supermarkets sell Halal meat without labelling it as Halal, how can this happen? As Christians we are commanded not to eat meat sacrificed to false idols and I believe there is a spiritual negative consequence to this, not to mention how cruel this slaughter is. Also what ever your spiritual/ religious belief surly we should have the choice not to be eating this meat.
What the video review says :
Dear Sir/Madam,
I write regarding a recent article in the Telegraph about the halal products being sold in supermarkets, (see link)
This article highlights the extent to which halal meat is sold to the British public and it seems that most if not all do sell halal slaughtered meat, much of which is not clearly labeled so. It is a concern to me that for years I would have been purchasing un-stunned meat.
My complaint has nothing to do with religion but is about animal welfare, it is abhorrent to me that I and my family have eaten animals that have purposefully been denied the hight standard of welfare that us the British public expect.
To be clear I also object to kosher slaughter.
The RSPCA are opposed to halal and kosher slaughter as it cause unnecessary suffering (see link)
Quote from the Farm Animal Welfare Council
‘A large cut made across the neck of a conscious animal would result in very significant pain and distress, 5-7 second for sheep and 22-40 seconds for cattle’
There is also concern regarding non meat halal products and where the money in the halal industry is used and which radical organisations benefit from their contributions.
I urge you to consider the mood of the British public and how discovery of your business’s attitude towards such barbaric, cruel and unnecessary treatment of animals can effect their likelihood to not just boycott your butchery products but potentially entire shop, especially as the first supermarket to clearly denounce halal and kosher slaughter is likely to be very desirable to the majority of animal loving customers.
I intend to visit all supermarkets in my area and put staff on the spot for clear identification of halal products and will share the findings on social media, can you also please provide me with an example of your halal and kosher labelling as I would like to see how clear those labels are.
Sincerely Yours,
Halal meat is SIN MEAT with added ingredient HEAVY KARMA.