First off I'm going to let you all know ,no disrespect on what I'm about to post. This is the way I believe it to be and the way I am posting it is going to be straight up. I respect everyone and there beliefs. I hope you enjoy this and get something out of it.....
I'll tell you what you are your a INFINITE being of LOVE and LIGHT !
Your beyond anything here in the physical, the love and light you are is without measure. What your experiencing right now is a existence in this vessel you call a body. Your here on your own path. When it comes do gaining knowledge, it's already within you! Look deep within and you will find all the answers.Your beyond fear and negativity, your being is the opposite. The power you have within is infinite, you might not know it yet. That's ok. When you are ready your spirit will open the universe to you and it will be beautiful . Fear, negativity and all dark things in your existence, you have power over all of them! You are FOREVER BEING. I tell you these things to help remove fear from some of you and to enlighten all of you.
I could go on but I hope you got the point !
Peace, love and light to you all,
Infinite Soul.
Thank you hellen, I love the pictures and the wisdom within them. (:
thank you Feather Winger very beautiful.
and this is how I look at it. and use a car as an analogy how religion has messed it all up. IMO
Most everything in organized religion from the book Mathew 23 to this day in age --- Christ fought against.
Spirit that’s in the car (Avatar YOU -- )of this life and planet is controlled by it and our thinking gets in its way.
Religions have become the code enforcement of how the car is dressed, fed, run, maintained, and what roads it’s allowed run on.
The amnesia of the car’s encasement is bad enough with out disinformation on how it should be used during that life of the car. Sure the car needs maintenance up grades and a new paint job on occasion.
The spirit in the car is not a thing like the car that needs constant care in this temporary world of decay and death.
Spirit is complete, before entering the car, in the car, and when it threw with the car moves on to yet another car or avatar.
Spirit is everything -- needs nothing ( complete ) --- / when you identify with the car as your self as religions say you are in need as they identify with the vehicle (the car they think you are) and keep all the doors locked. And speak at you and the world how this car should be used? The car can be use in unlimited uses. While spirit is all ways the same -- ( complete. )
The whole problem is our incessant pampering of the car -- Avatar totally forgetting about the perfect, completeness, of the spirit that’s driving that car.
Spirit need to do nothing, learn nothing, be nothing it already is all. it’s the car that needs all this religion and care doing what men think (so condition our thinking) to us and the world that the car has to do to attain the kingdom of heaven.
Religion is the car dealership, for maintenance, and educating the thinking in the car. Spirit is nothing of this car or code enforcement disinformation.
This code enforcement was in place when Christ came along so many years ago and he spoke against in Mathew 23.
So whistle down the lane, over so many year’s organized religion has totally made the driver invisible to the reality of what we really are we are not a thing yet we occupy a thing called a human vehicle. In it -- but not of it.
Thank you for your reply,
Spiritual understanding is different for everyone and same goes for spiritual growth.
I do not down anyone for there beliefs. I see a lot of religion as being negative and fear based.
It is one of the things that has held back humanity for thousands of years. Not to say the people are bad it's just the ones in control want control. I Feel when you let god, the universe, creator, what ever you call it be focused through one person and sent out to the masses you will never get the full effect as if you were to have your own personal connection. I also feel man kind would already be to the stars and beyond by now if it weren't for being controlled by many negative things. The veil is lifted for many though as they realize who and what they truly are. Also when you realize how beautiful, powerful and infinite you really are, all fear goes away.