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"I wanted to thank you for your message. I have been in, so I thought, I must be doing something wrong vibe. This puts me at ease and I thank so much for it!"
"When we hear about Epstein we think of politicians and celebs who were involved with him, but it does make sense that individuals on Wall Street would also be involved as talked about here. The Deep State swamp is definitely all over the place.…"
"Yes, we always welcome members to post here and freely share their thoughts and ideas...Anything and everything, is fine..."
"Good to see that even more people are starting to post on here now :)"
"General Flynn comes on to the Benny show to talk about James Comey's corruption. James Comey could be the key that leads to the even bigger names being exposed."
"Yes, an interesting vid on physiognomies, Roberto........I will also suggest that the reference to the clay feet of the statue, is as follows..Daniel's dream and prophecy...
The golden head was Babylon, the silver arms and chest were Persia, the…"
The golden head was Babylon, the silver arms and chest were Persia, the…"
"very interesting analyse on the physiognomy""
"Actually, the thought of ape-man Zelensky meeting the King, makes my flesh crawl...He hasn't changed that shirt he wears, for the last Month, by the looks of things...What a pong he will bring to the palace..💩 Yuk...!!
Moreover, this street thug is…"
Moreover, this street thug is…"
“Dark Mission” reveals how NASA operates as defense agency with hidden agenda
02/27/2025 // Kevin Hughes //…
Have you ever thougt of the possibility the space crafts were there just on a different frequency and therefore
not vissible to the naked eye.
I am sure you participated with much love and that it made a difference
thank you for sharing
Mariann Denmark
However, many of us including myself have grown tremendously in our spiritual walks and understanding!
It was and still is incredibly spiritually heightened time we are living in and as things are falling apart around us, the LIGHT is breaking through ever more stronger. That process has and had to start inside of each and everyone of we KNOW this better than we thought we knew it then.....
We must endeavor to remember who we truly are and dare to believe it and LIVE it. We don't need saving! We need to remember our origin and that the Creator's light resides within all of us..
Much is happening in the 'unseen' world and we are close...
The magic continues!! We are loved beyond our human comprehension with eternal faithfulness and devotion, with compassion, held in the Grace of God.
In love we are All ONE!
And I rememer too the feelings mine and people I know.
Hey even the official media mentioned it a bit,ect...
And than..... .
Sorry to be again the only one wo stays at the real physical facts.
On this day the GF topic lost at 80% of the people who look at it nearly all of it`s trustworthyship (sorry I talk only about reactions in other forums than this).
If this day had one real effect, than that now the most people are real disapointed about all this channelstuff and so.
Sure, you the hard core here, still belives it, but the majorety of the followers of this do now see this topic in the same category like all these tons of other prophecys that never came true.
Especial because all channelings (outcounted the sheldan emssages, they never mentioned this date, seen?) said: It will come 100000% nothing can prevent it..... bla.
And than: Oh we saw suddenly you ar enot ready sorry.
(What a lame excuse).
I Couldn't wait to get up everyday to be involved with people online
in all parts of this world!!! People and myself were very very (did I say)
VERY excited !!! Could not wait for the next little bit of info. each & every
second!!! The energy that was created was intoxicating & WONDERFUL!!!
I KNOW I'm not from this world. My World is filled with Love, Peace,&
Compassion!!! Space Family Help Us Create these Energys HERE!
This is my truth. Does this ressonates with you?