I can see a lot of posters here nowadays complaining about channeled messages that they do not resonate with anymore. They can even enumerate the lies being mentioned by those channelers up to the latest message! I really find it amusing that for someone who doesn't believe anymore in that certain channeler, they keep on reading his messages just for the sake of looking for more messages to attack from that channeler! Can you guys and gals stop reading messages from that channeler instead? It is actually that simple. Why waste your energy reading messages from someone you don't resonate with?The usual explanation that they give is that they are helping those who are being lied to. Great! They like to think that people cannot see through lies and must be helped. It is the big ego telling them that they have to be the messiah to these "gullible" people who would not know any better if not for them. I think this kind of mentality has to stop. People follow messages from certain channelers because the messages still resonate with them. But there will always be a time when that channeler will not resonate with them anymore and then these people will move on.No need to spam every thread attacking the channeler. That is like the dark ages where all the witches have to be searched and burned at the stake. We are approaching the Golden Age. Show compassion and let everyone else follow whatever channeled message they want to follow. They will stop once they have enough (either of the lies or of the repeated messages). Just stop the messianic complex. Those channelers purposely spreading lies will also fade soon once people stop following them. Remember, Colleen Thomas? She's gone now or at least back to the fringes.For the record, I don't read any channeled messages anymore but I don't go around attacking all the channelers. I just let everyone else do what they want to do. That is what we are all supposed to do. Respect each other's free will.

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  • Maybe inaccuracies and false information could be pointed out with LOVE? Love and Truth go hand in hand, so maybe responses could be something like "I know your intentions are good, (name) and I appreciate the effort you have gone to, however this and this and this aren't true. I'll pray for you to keep your channels clear and free from interference. Love and hugs, (those who care)"


  • when you are authentically channeling your solar plexus chakra is burning and activated and you can feel intense energy. the energy in you head also becomes increased and you can feel pressure their. you don't  just channel out of thin air. but your right usually if i don't resonate with a message ill just not say anything

  • Or give this a try :)

    CSETI Iphone ET contact tool http://www.cseti.org/et-contact-tool/

  • Problem is I think that there is a lot of deliberate mis-information being pumped out to confuse people. I don't listen to much channelled information but have done from time to time. After all the info about mass landings and 1st contact for the London 2012 event, I see a lot of people feeling very let down, a lot of people have really lost faith. I for one won't be listening to some of the top name channels any more because some of the information simply can't be trusted. I think it was SaLuSa who afterwards said that "we had to be lied to"...

    All I know is that we are not alone in the universe, I believe there will be intervention in a worst case scenario, and in the meantime "we" the people of the earth have to work hard to get us to the place where the ET's can make a global 1st contact. As for disclosure, it's already happened if you know where to look.

    But as for listening to channels, I'm taking a break to reassess the situation and to feel out who is who...

  • It really is very, very simple.....If you don't resonate with what the channel is saying, than DON'T READ IT....!!

    Problem solved....!!  ;-)

    In my particular case I'm fortunate to possess my own links to the galactics and so know in advance if a channel is actually channeling them, or not...

    Sometimes channels are mediocre, sometimes 80% accurate, sometimes 20%, and sometimes zilch....

    Each must develop THEIR OWN discernment skills and not blame the messenger always....Some messengers are under stress from CIA psyops, some are outright frauds with agendas of self interest, taking money from the gullible....

    BUT, each is responsibe for "not fooling for it," and avoiding material that does not ring true....So stop seeking to make the channels accountable, when WE ARE ALL accountable.....

    And finally, remember that nobody has to read (follow) channeled material....It is not a must....It is not something that we are each compelled to do, for fear of sanction.....It is not a tax, nor a rule....We have freewill to stop reading what we don't find inspirational and enjoyable....


    Also, glad you mentioned Colleen Thomas, whom I exposed at the time of her wild claims, which were supported by Mike Q.

    But, that was primarily to lessen any negative impact on the GFL, who were being misrepresented by her and Mike Q...(If you want to know who, why and what those missiles really were doing, let me know.)

    Once a lesson is learned, move on.....So no need to hate or fear false prophets....Just ignore them...

    • yeah says the guy who goes around telling people to only follow the "official GFL channel" you have attacked several channels over the time i have been here.  so dont try to sugar coat your agenda with these fake words.

      • Not precisely correct, "One." Recently I praised the article that Suzanne Ward had posted, for it's accuracy, yet on occasions prior to that I had pointed out her many errors....As with Mike Q and the multitude of erratic channels that raised an "Olympics landings," fiasco......


        My words above were for those who do not possess their own telepathic links with the galactics and so would feel highly distraught if let down by a channel providing false promises....I do not personally suffer such a condition and will continue to monitor what material they post, yet distancing the GFL from any repercussions that spill over from the falicies that some mediocre "channels" may give out on the net...Yet also giving credit to some individual channels, where credit is due....I have been highly sensitive to Greg Giles and made great efforts to show him compassion...yet also gave aid to those who floundered in angry confusion in his wake...

        • yeah conveniently dont mentin how you attack salusa, micah and raheem in the last couple weeks.  so what if you praised some other, who YOU ADIMITTED was only getting that praise because she said stuff you agree with.

          :)  Again nice try but your agenda is quite plain to see.

          • Raheem was a member of ACC and thus not immune from challenge.....His agenda was highly unsavoury and we had to speak out....

            I noted that you supported his highly dubious agenda, when he was active here, "One."


            And the "Micah" channel was exposed for his disruption agenda of causing distress to lightworkers, by creating distrust of the GFL, when the "Olympic landings" failed to happen...SO WE HAD TO WARN YOU BEFORE THE 4th AUG....

            See link: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/the-4th-august-is-n...


            If some people could use their own discernment and simply ignore these fake channels, we would not have to step in like this....

            • Yeah and note that you earlier said not to attack channels and leave them be and here you are defending yourself for attacking him

              The proof is in the pudding and you have been caught again :)

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