
  • dear Joseph,would you have a contacting email address in regards to your comment,it sounds like it has solid validity,could you email me with your reply,blessings eve.

  • nobody asked you to post the same lies every week either, but you continue to do so.  poofness/nesara oh another delay? what is the excuse this time?  when you stop shitting on people for asking questions which are 100% valid and warranted, then people might listen to you.  currently you posts shit that doesnt come true and attack people for questioning it like a good little cultist.

  • Ok...I honestly found out about all of this a couple of months ago-so forgive me if I am is the thing: I thought these funds are supposed to go out to everyone on the planet, and it will go to the ones that need it most, and then it will trickle down. Or maybe this is how I imagine a just monetary "system" would start. 

    With that said, everything about this seems very stinky. First of all, how come people have to apply for it, and over the internet? The ones that need it most don't have internet, of course. I trust my gut, if not my common sense, and this thing always makes me laugh. And I can honestly tell you that I believe in many, many things others would call me completely crazy for. 

    They say your heart feels the truth, when I read anything off that website it goes straight over my head because apparently my heart thinks it has no business lingering. 

  • As long as I have been a member of this site I have yet to draw an opinion of One or Kelly-Ann which would say that they are good people maybe they can't Allow others to believe as they like and call it the search for TRUTH but I disagree. Their intentions and words do speak of those whom I would call GOOD PEOPLE they are fighting and calling others names and ridiculing what others comments are according to their opinions not any facts per se, they twist others words to fit their perception and view or opinion of what they consider is their REALITY and so it must be that everyone's reality is as is theirs.

  • Thanks for sharing that! =D

  • Hmm ok so I would just like to say that I am not very happy to see people targeting people and calling them fools etc etc, if what they are saying does not resonate with you then so be it. If what you believe to be true is different to what another believes to be true, it does not make the other person a fool, it just means you have different ideas! When it comes to things like this, it is pretty unlikely any of us know the truths of it, unless you are a part of it. So I feel that the best thing we can do is not rule anything out as blatantly false or 100% true. I personally will look on the positive side, because you know, what if it is true? I will still have a positive outlook that it can get better than this, and if it does not come to pass? Well what have I lost? I will be looking for information on it all, but I will be using discernment and not blatantly believing everything I read. I am not going to take the limiting view that it is all lies. I am open to all possibilities by being neutral about it, but I am still interested in knowing about it. Thank you everyone for your contributions and for sharing your truths on this. 

  • 25 years ago it was false hope that humanity would still be here protector, Nuclear war was almost a given. And here we are, on the cusp of the Golden age. 

    Because we made  decision, and dared to hope that things could be better.

    Let's dare to hope that things can be even better than this..


    You gotta love the momentum of love the momentum of love the momentum of love the momentum of love the...

  • blah blah blah ed, christians have been saying for 1900 years that jesus is just around the corner too, and they acted like you attacking people who ask, well where is he.

    the only fools around are people who have been believing this will happens for decades and attack people wh point out that decades of waiting being told that it is just around the corner, in a few days dinar RV, in a few days the banks change. on and on these peromises, and everytime people ask when it will happen you attack them and call them fools.

    this makes YOU the fool ed. YOU. 

    you tell people they dont know anything about this, well what we know is assholes like you have been promising this shit for decades with no results, and you have the guts and audacity to call other people fools for questioning.

    you are a disgusting human being.

    • If you open your heart One, you'll find Christ is already there waiting for you.


      I infuse my every decision and action with the intention of greater love.

  • Yeah exactly, I signed up cause really what is there to lose. Just been reading this

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