Hello Everyone,
I just got my membership approved to Ashtar Command and thought I would just say hello to the community and see what is currently established within the group. I have been sifting my way through the internet for about a year know looking for a group who is working towards an active external resistance. I understand that it is not about being right or wrong, but I think there is a signifacant difference between those actively dedicated to service of self in comparison to service to others. I don't know about anyone else but as of late the signs have been coming through very strongly that it is time to start our work. While I may be intending to reach out to the other indigos and diamonds who are out there currently this movement is intended for anyone who wishes to be a part of it. I believe there are others out there like myself who have not only remembered who they are and why they came but have been laying low. That the capability of some of the youth of today is out of reach of the capacity of consiouscness by many who have been on this planet for a few years longer. If the resistance is already started I would be more then happy to join and if it has not been started yet, perhaps now is the time. We will not stand for this hypocracy, we will not stand for the injustice, and we will no longer sit back and just take this life the way you want us to live. The stars are on our side and I think our celestial brothers and sisters will begin to show themselves soon. I know that this is a bold statement for a new member but we cannot stay complacent forever.
Thank you for your time,
Tell me brother do u feel that your almost at enlightenment?
Just know that This is just a "play" where the director,the audience,and the actors, are all the same "person" "consciousness" one infinite consciusness.....the truth to being enlightened is having no teacher....not the aliens no one, because you alone posses all the power of INFINITY!
<iframe width="560" height="345" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/OrcWntw9juM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> this is pretty good video bro i like this guy it explains alot but not everything only YOU can answer all the questions.... thank you for taking the time to read this
Seems to me you are attracting all these answers from the questions in your heart, remember u and i are the same person "consciousness" experiencing itself in an infinite way....why infinite because in order for a consciusness to excist the possibility of infinity has to exist, the possiblility of infinite possiblity....the excistance is so perfect....rememebr this is just a website and even if these aliens explore 1billion galaxeys they still leave infinity unanswered, and remain just a simple actor, director, and audience in this great perfect play :) to help find your true consciousness you need to remember, you are not your name,you are not your body, you are not even your thoughts OR FEELINGS, you are the infinite consciousness experienceing all of these things....i love you brother because we are one i hope this helps u see, and remember YOU attracted this to yourself from the questions u had in your heart, have unconditional love for all things thats the key
Many people belive in Seperation consciousness, i never understood how it could be possible, because what plane of excitance do all these consciousness's exist? in a greater consciouss maybe? but that will only make a it a part of one infinite consciousness experienceing itself :) on this website i read souls want to be incarnated on earth because it maybe the hardest planet in the galaxy to ascend on,BUT you can learn the most lesssons and ultimately surpass all the current "ET's"......there are infinite ways to do anything nothing is impossible i seriously think these "BEINGS" forgot that, because what they depict as the "awakening" can be done much more efficantly trust me...they even plan to still have a money based economy backed by gold and silver, "after" the awakening???? WTF gold... silver.... money???? we can manifest matter instantly no one has to go hungery no one needs to worrie of the basics in life, the world i wish to create is a true VERY possible heavan....this is our infinite playground we must only sharpen our tools brother.....these ALIENS limet us from what i have read so far, intentions good, but its almost like a human wrote it....but the reptillian agenda is very real and they are not on our side, i know that for sure brother...keep searching and most important of all things be happy