I have had... lets just say... "AN EVEN MORE MIRACULOUS DAY, OR BIZARRE...than before". I am NOT going to share all the details RIGHT at this time~ BUT~ I am really...KINDA NOT FEELING HUMAN ANYMORE? I am trying to HOLD ONTO my humanity...BUT~ ITS REALLY GOT ME THINKING~ WHAT & WHY ARE WE changing by the VERY definition of what a human being is, & is capable of. ISN'T THAT BOTHERING ANYONE ELSE? I mean...I'm NOT STRESSING, as what would that do...but cause me to stress~ about it...BUT~ I WISH I KNEW~ What the end result will be... & WHY is this even HAPPENING? I have heard plenty of theories & opinions, but... some things "personally" I am experiencing~I HAVE NOT HEARD OF! ~NOR~ DO I UNDERSTAND OR EVEN PRETEND I COULD~II AM WONDERING~ If a scientist studied us whom are changing now~ IF IT COULD BRING OTHERS ANSWERS~ & PEACE~ as well as us... BECAUSE I KNOW~ SO MANY DON'T EVEN KNOW~ ANYTHING IS HAPPENING~ & others... are assuming as I WAS~ That we were in control of this completely~BUT~THAT'S NOT THE CASE FOR ME! As~ I HAVE NO IDEA~ WHY our physiology & assuming~OUR~ genetic make-up... and what we are made of~ IS TRANSFORMING INTO SOMETHING MUCH DIFFERENT! I KNOW ITS EVOLUTION~ BUT FROM WHAT, would such an unbelievable change so quickly serve our development as a species? WHAT DOES OUR FUTURE LOOK LIKE~ LITERALLY~ What will Earth be??What is the necessitous as a contribution to a whole, or Is there even a need for some of these abrupt changes?~WILL~ WE STILL BE HUMANS? When what makes a human? what is  a human? because the soul of a horse looks NO DIFFERENT~THAN THAT OF A HUMAN BEINGS??OTHER than it seems to reside in their chest rather than head~ I TRULY SEE NOW~ That we are EACH ONLY IN A VEHICLE~ A VEHICLE~ which ALOT of beings are IN DESPERATION FOR one of their own at this time... Its almost as if we are merging into and becoming a pair of shoes... LIKE biological suits... or something~ DOES ANYONE UNDERSTAND WHAT I EVEN MEAN, or wonder the same?  who would have ever thought something so DREAMY could ever be reality?~WITHOUT OUR SUITS WE ARE MEASLY ~ BLOBS OF  contained pulsating~LIGHT(s)~ Or an orb~ And light is like animated as if it is liquid~ LIKE~ a glow-stick~ That was broken... will that substance~ be of what a comparison of our future  blood best be compared to? Or will we even bleed? THERE IS ALOT MORE HAPPENING THAN I THOUGHT JUST YESTERDAY~ What will I be aware of tomorrow? I cannot hate or feel anger anymore~ So I SEE THAT WE WILL BE A PEACEFUL~INTELLIGENT SOCIETY~ But~ why does this happen like this? WHY WERE WE TOLD OUR WHOLE REALITY~was one thing which I KNOW NOW~ WAS A LIE?  Were we purposefully taught COMPLETELY WRONG in school~ Or did we just simply not know? DOES ANY HUMAN KNOW THE WHOLE STORY of what is to come at this time? If so... THERE HAS TO BE A PURPOSE FOR NOT SHARING WITH ALL~ Mabe... Its merrily ~ A MASS EXTINCTION MUST HAPPEN~& survival of the fittest survives the days to come... I WOULD TELL ALL NOW~NOT TO JUST SIT & WAIT FOR an extraterrestrial species to save you~ I WOULD REALLY start... paying attention to YOURSELF~ & PLANET~ & FORGET ALL REALITY AS WHAT YOU KNOW IT TO BE~ as we have oh-so OVER-POPULATED THIS PLANET! AND I PROMISE~ NATURE ALWAYS BALANCES ITSELF~ We are off balance at this time... her attempts of slow control we have outsmarted so... I SEE ALOT OF CHANGES HAPPENING~ & I would not take for granted how lucky we really all are~ to be here~ IN A BODY~ ON THIS MOST BEAUTIFUL PLANET AT THIS TIME! ~NOW~ I COULD BE A COMPLETE WHACK~ Who has no idea what I am talking about? ~BUT~ What if I AM ONLY GIVING YOU ALL... THE BEST ADVICE ANY ONE HAS yet to offer you~YET TO THIS DATE in time? AS~ I CAN PROMISE YOU ALL I SAY IS ONLY TRUTH AS I AM FINDING IT & I SPEAK with knowingly getting ridiculed~ WITH THE KINDEST OF INTENT~ because I CARE ABOUT EACH OF YOU! & I don't have any better advice I can find from another source~OR I WOULD SIMPLY SHARE THE LINK WITH YOU ALL~ I WANT YOUR OPINIONS~ & CHERISH ANY ANSWERS~ Anyone might be kind enough to share.      Thank YOU ALL

Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/does-anyone-really-know-why-we-are-changing-as-a-species-or-what#ixzz1n4DTv8ZS

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  • dear Johnny,maybe it may have to do with this as follows,

    The Myan people say all energy originates from the Hunab Ku,God or the "supreme intelligence"in the centre of our Galaxy,The Milky Way. This energy is transmitted by a "Galactic Beam" to all the star systems in the galaxy and universes.When it reaches our sun it is then transmitted to all the planets of our solar system including Earth.We humans receive this divine energy on behalf of Mother Earth.In other words it travels through us to Mother Earth.Within the galactic beam travel programmes and instructions for the planets and us. This is how our DNA is being "upgraded" to 12  strands from our current 2 strands.It is also how our collective consciousness is changing. blessings eve.

    See related links to what you are looking for.
  • *hugs Dawn* I totally feel you. We must be doing something right. Thank you for sharing a bit of light with us. It's always appreciated. We're all in this together.

  • i feel like im a ghost !!  its ok, im not complaining but this is how i feel .............................

  • Yes it totally does. It's a gift and sometimes a headache depending on your mood I'm sure. Its totally normal honestly. I know what I've learned through lots of hard lessons and constant communication between myself and the universal consciousness we all come from. Now duh that sounds a bit cocky however I don't care how it sounds b/c it just is. I have zero desire to please anyone on this planet by saying beautiful things, I only care to share what I've found to be irrefutable and true. I'm still going through a lot to remember quite a bit more than I'm going to be able to share for some time but I will be candid when the time is right. You are doing fine, more than fine really. Everyone sees things in a different scope of the same artwork. It's like having countless beings in a large city full of all kinds of buildings and they can all look out of their perspective windows nearest them and see the sky. It's all the same sky but they will all record it as a different one from being to another being. That's how life is in general but the truth is always the truth even if it's in a different language than yours. lol. I'll email you if you want. You seem like one of the few people in the world that gets anything I say.

  • Yeah it's very very alive. People will question what they cannot see until their vision changes and then their perception will begin to match it. And yeah some are not so good and some are with the ets. They know about what's going on with a lot of things but their merely observers at this point. Even the not so good ones aren't allowed to do physical harm to anyone at this point. It's all hot gas on that. As far as tapping into higher levels you may still not see what's there b/c it exsists in a different light than you do literally. Some places are more etheral, some are beings that exsist as pure energy clouds so they need no physical form. U understand? So it may feel empty but it never is. Your just adjusting.

  • I've mentioned it a few times but not all in one go. I just try to tell it the way it comes to me. But yeah it's a whole planet wide colaboration thing right now. Everyone and everything has energy and its own conciousness. Even the puddle of water in a forest, or a handful of dirt from the planet Gaia herself is full of her energy. We all have energy, we all share out energy with others around us wether it's visible or not. And there are many different kind of beings on this earth who have been knowing these things for a lot longer than most of us. Every peice is important to the welfare of the planet, every fish/dog/cat/bacteria microbe. Oh and one thing I should've mentioned is even though I say you b/c that's who I'm currently talking to (lol) I mean it as all beings of this earth are co-creators of their own individual realities within the collective planetary reality fantasy we all share. That fantasy is like a video game to those who know it, and a prison for someone who was never told any different. (most people). It's totally changeable by the will of it's inhabitants aka the beings who exsist there. Human, plant, mineral, whatever. Let me know if I'm leaving anything out for you.

    • On the right track I suspect. I feel like when I wake up (probably when I die) I will wonder what took so long.

      We are not changing but understanding who we really are.

      • Right. It's through understanding who and what we truly are that will be able to "ascend" to our newly aquired expanded consciousness that allows us to push out unlimited potential into whatever we desire. That term gets used in some of kind of literal explosion of two physically seperate places people will go. Yes people will go where their energy vibrations are leading them since like attracts like, but it doesn't mean anyone is right or wrong. They just are. As long as we all take care of our whole selves and care for each other b/c we are all undeniably connected it will be fine.

  • Well your not alone to say the least. Being human isn't anything more than being in a space suit of a specific title. Your light within you doesn't lose its true form no matter what you want to incarnate as. Your just remembering how things can actually be in the face of everything you were ever told to memorize and repeat back. It's like a super computer finally realizing it has the entire internet at its disposal instead of just a floppy disk some jerk wrote to keep it in a box. What makes you you is your whole self and how you interact with the world within and outside of you. You make this world work, therefore you hold the power to help re-shape it as a co-creator. Your thoughts are physically changing the matter around your being all the time b/c they are literal peices of energy. I kid you not that's all physics is really for. Like a platform to prove that even further over, and over, in even more elaborate ways. Your mind is like a ever blooming flower that peals back one layer at a time when its mature and is getting more beautiful every single day. Most humans will begin their own rememberance of what I'm saying as the days progress. But not all of them will accept what is and always was real to begin with. Your on the right track, listen to your body. Listen to the earth, and listen to your heart as much as you can. It's the best lie detector test there is. I'll  share what I can but there aren't very many people who will believe a word of what me or you are saying b/c it's not their time yet. And yeah there aren't very many humans around anyways just a lot of the ones from the matrix that haven't unplugged yet, and then you have the few who still believe they have a brain for a reason and aren't giving up on their own self-evolution yet. Sound familiar? lol

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