Do you think animals think in terms of polarity?
Of right and wrong?
Does a virus or a bacteria think about up and down?
Is not a coincidence that precisely this planet is one of the few that has a sun in the day and... a moon in the night o_O?! One in the day, and one in the night, making our perception conceive that "oh! if the day is bright, the night is dark: It must be a universal rule!" Alex Collier in one of his videos said the moon was brought here artificially.
What if we would have had a Sun in the day and a distant violet shinning sun in the night and three moons!? Would have that affected our culture? Definitely!
There are no polarities! These are just conceptions of the mind!
There is no left and right! There is side, and side, and side, and side, and side...called or disguised as
left, up-left, up, up right, right, down-right, down, down-left
side side side side side side side side
But let's not forget that language is TIED (vibrationally) to polarity, to our conceptions of light and dark. If you have love (a sensation) in your mind you are gonna have by intrinsec meaning of the concept itself, hate. And this is why we empower this concepts and are in such a journey. THINK! WHAT IF ONE CULTURE EMPOWERED LOVE, HATE (this world empower it unconsciously while consciosly empower the oposite, which is love (I know I know, some say is fear is the oposite of love, but 20 years ago it was hate why? Don't ask me), AND "THE KOALA SENSATION", which would be like a cool relaxed boringness of sweetness. Do you see it yet?
what would be awesome is a language that actually would promote wholeness. . I mean. . yes the arts. . being this "language" but. . hmmmm. . I'm just thinking of the new. .
you think some new "language" could ever heal/cure/open our duality? or make the process much easier. . say even for developments of other up and coming races, hehe. . yes, I am dreaming that far for a moment xD. .
(also. . perhaps :) . . could be used for things beyond this healing/development. . . ?)
I just wanted to quote that. . :) just a good reminder of key info I think, to remember when we want/yearn to conflict against what we/I do not trust
ahhhh. . I am having awesome science fiction story visions now. . haha. . amazing :)
damn. . you are awesome. .
. . my waking mind has just been shot with that electrical bliss of the dark depths of chocolate knowing. . hehe, the poetry of knowing-sight, that "evil" duality-rebel that cooks the stew of the universe, is like mash potatoes with me currently. . ahhh. . has been a long time. .
. . your waking me up. . give me a bit. . I will come around. . :p
+1 awesome-like. .