I am kind of wondering, and also asking for these kind of questions keep on poping up,

in many of my conversations with people.


I get a lot of remarcs on my behalf about being a person with what they call a lot of knowledge and also a lot of experience in everything going from spirituality to whatever else you can come up with.

And they do not understand why i get stuck because of my invironment, they seem to think that it should not matter where i live, if i am al that, it should not affect me.


So should it? 

Or is it just because i am not strong enough yet or open enough yet, or loving enough yet?

Could moving away improve my life and travel through experiences.

Is it because the place is overwhelming that i get stuck?

For there seems to be to mutch diff between me and others around.

Or is it just pure stupidity?


Would moving away be a kind of escape or just a good move.

I do understand that one can stick around to learn lessons but this situation i am in is

just ridiculous, as far as i am concerned.




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  • I'm sorry I am responding so late on this, but I had saved it because of its relevance to me... I was swamped that day. 


    One thing is for sure... a plant needs fertile soil.  When my son was born he made sure I was living on the top of a mountain.... then circumstances forced us to move back to Houston... a city with a VERY VERY challenging energy grid.  It had almost all but drained  very powerful adult lightworkers and my little one, BUT I started to realize that this was the environment needed to do the final purification AND that the environment needed my positive energy there or the negativity would have consumed the city.


    I am being readied from within to move to more fertile soil.  I was told we were really protecting Houston from False Flag Terror Attack karma, but that it is time for Houston to be on its own and time for the lightworkers to move from their spread-out grid of even light into the light hubs of quanta communities in areas MOST fertile for the BIG JUMP!


    Never have doubt in yourself... listen to the call... but if you feel despiration... be still and KNOW.  It is only when are YOU worthy of the fertile soil of unwavering joy in a sacred place that YOU will resonate you self there.  And by you being worthy I mean, YOU deem yourself worth by having the joy to thank God for the fertile place you are going to AND the place you were already divinely placed at.  This will get you to you to your dream location much faster.... and THAT should be what you focus on... nothing less than your DREAM location!!! <3


    This was my family's lesson... it may help you as well <3


    My family is being called to the mountains & after the shift we will be in a tropical island environment which I have seen in MANY meditations now... the Indigo Collective Islands... which are being headed by many indigoes & crystals.

  • I can sence if a place, town or area have good or bad energies. I have lived in both, both in cities and outside on the countryside. I have lived in cites with energy going in a spiral upwards and I have lived in cites with energy going downwards, and in cities where it was neither nor. In the first kind of cities I feel happy, calm and full of energy, in the second kind of cities everything is turbolent and a mess and so did I also experienced my life, and in the third kind of cities I have experiences of restingplaces, as if it is a middleplace beteen two "events". I live now in a forrest, and here are very good energies, but I have visited countryplaces and forrests with the opposite kind of energies, and I can never stay long.
    And I dont concider moving away from a place is the same as a kind of escape - more like a good move. Where ever you go.
    There is allways something to learn and experience. I love the place I live in now very much, but who knows if I stay? If you have come that far so you find the situation you are in just rediculous, make a change, a new choice - that only will make difference - and where that is or what that is, is in the future. Dare to decide! =)
  • Maybe it is a bit like this movie watch it al 9 parts of it....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5CmMm_SRpM
  • thank you for these beautiful words
    its the negative energie that is trying to win me over or destroy me
    im faithing it ... but i don't know how much power they (illumination) have
    i have heard that they have people that perform something like black magic
    my grandparents were from the illumination and my mom got out and they never forgave her

    in lak'ech
  • There was once a forest of mighty oak trees which stood dominantly above the rest of nature far below. The thick established trunks, networks of branches and large canopies of smothering leaves reached high into the sky blocking out the sunlight and draining the soil of all spare reserves of nutrients. All other trees and bushes and flowers could not flourish beneath this life sapping competition. Every year the next generation of acorns would fall from the mighty oaks onto the ground below. They stood little chance of gaining a foothold in the barren soil and soon withered and died. A few were carried away by the streams and the winds to fertile soils and better conditions elsewhere.
    But there was one acorn who was different. He fell onto the ground between a rock and a hard place and had almost given up all hope of ever finding his roots in this place and looked longingly up at the mighty oaks above. He made a determined wish and asked for help into the blackness and emptiness of the forest.
    A squirrel foraging for food came running up – thoughts of winter approaching and storing reserves of food. It picked up the acorn and looked around for a suitable place to bury the little chap with a mind to dig it up later when the winter snows arrived and food was scarce. A single shaft of sunlight highlighted a small area in a clearing. The squirrel rushed over and buried the acorn deep beneath the soil. Winter came and went and the squirrel had forgotten where it had placed the acorn. Spring arrived and a small amount of rain was able to get through the canopy onto the clearing below. The sun too was able to shine on the same spot everyday.
    You can visit this forest today, you can still see many oak trees stretching high into the sky and if you find your way to the middle, in a clearing, you will see a mighty tree with a thick girth of a trunk, branches and leaves galore and home to many squirrels and birds – the oldest, wisest oak in the forest. If you find yourself a comfy spot and sit yourself under that tree, close your eyes and still your mind, you may just be able to picture a small tree, growing day by day, reaching up for that small gap in the canopy, stretching ever onwards, determined and focused towards the single shaft of sunlight high in the sky providing a path towards its destiny.

    Wherever you are, look always towards the light my friends and you will be shown the right path to follow until you too reach your destiny.

    Love light, abundance and joy to you all.

  • you can try to move, but most of the time it will come after you "the problem".
    there is a lesson that has to learned, but for everyone a different lesson.
    we are meditating but in this case we need to make a wall around you/us that only the good vibration
    comes inside
    i have moved over and over again, but everytime the same sort people come and live next to me
    I have learned that running is not the answer, but how to make it right ? im still working on that one
    runnng is easyer then staying .... i know
  • Hello!!!
    Glad you brought up this topic, as ABSOLUTLEY where you live affects you!!!! You did not indicate where you are living but I am one who has lived in different places and can attest to "differing energies" affecting you!! For example, there are ley lines around the globe as well as certain places in the U.S. that are on fault lines, which create greater potential for those inhabitants living along those fault lines to be more apt to, susceptible to and into GROWTH, CHANGE AND YES, ACSENSION!!!

    I was born and raised in WI, and the midwest is generally inhabited by folks that are "folksy, family oriented, and are what is considered baby to early young souls, info based upon something called the Michael Teachings. When I moved to the west coast, particularly the southern CA coast, the speed, the whole energy was like-OMG!!! Now I will say that I went from WI, to a spiritual retreat/ranch/healing center in Montana-where I lived in a tent for 3 months, lived in a dome house for another 2-3 months, then house-sat for another couple months, then moved into the city of Billings for another 2 months!! I lived in Montana for a total of 10 months.....and I also worked there for about 7 months as an Occupational Therapist. It was an amazing time, and dificult too. But clearly, that move allowed me to shift and grow andI think I shifted LIFETIMES of stuff and grew in ways I could not have in WI. Now granted, even though I started my growth in WI, the LAND of Montana, along with specific vortexes of energy on this land helps one to grow, shift, etc.

    Fast forward to San Diego......SD is considered high speed, "Capricorn-like" energy, conservative for the most part and mid-cycle YOUNG SOULED. Think mastery, money, power, speed, innovation and yes-fun! I had felt that I was "on assignment from God", yet the good Lord knows how much I love the beach so at least THAT was provided!! Hahahaha!! Truly, I had a rough time there upon arrival; 4 months into a new and very demanding job (along with being in Massage Therapy school at the same time shortly after moving there) I ruptured a disc in my back and needed major back surgery!! Now, this was after being very active, very fit, a major bodybuilder, hiker, etc....in fact when I lived in Montana and slept in a tent (and of course on the ground) and hiked 2-3 miles a day, my back never felt better!!! So this back surgery was a complete shock but led me on a HUGE quest of learning, spirituality, metaphysics, shamanism, Wiccan/Paganism, etc. Fortunately, I felt that I had good teaching in Montana to help me with discernment, because ther sure are alot os charlatans out there.......both in the metaphysical world as well as in fundamental christian teachings.

    The coast, esp. the western coast of the U,S. contains huge fault lines (The San Andreas Fault being one major one) and these fault lines help to literally "break up" or shake up one's beliefs (yes, in fact literally, as in earthquakes) but the people that tend to gravitate to such places are folks that are what is considered again, in the Michael Teachings, older souls. The Northern CA coast along with the Pacific Northwest definitely support teachings, practices and beliefs that are more along the lines of metaphysical/New Age stuff. The Atlantic coastline, ie. say for example the New England states are also more progressive, liveral minded and yes-democrat. However-these folks that gravitate there are also the "thinkers, the scholars, the intellectually centered mindset" but I want to stress too, that these are the generalities, NOT the absolutes! But, coastal lines and even islands have energies that are much more supportive of change, growth, new thought, different ways, eccentrics (I say that with affection, as I am one of them) and so, you will probably find an easier time finding like-minded people there as well.

    Old souls can tend to live anywhere, as they tend to be a bit more detached and are just so damn eccentric and comfortable with it that they can put on "the suit and look normal" but scratch the surface a bit and whew-you get that old soul flavor, big time! Also, old souls can tend to be loners, as the drama of relationship growing pains and spiritual growth in general tends to sometimes be best done in quiet, isolated places......but again-these are generalities. Mature souls on the other hand (Michael Teachings-speak for souls that are on there way into that ascension process) like to be around others. Indeed-the whole mature soul theme is all about WE. Relationships, learning about them, dealing with them, karmas relating to them and those folks in that stage of their soul growth best like to be around others of like mind. Again, Northern CA (San Fran./Berkeley, etc) are great examples of mature soul gathering places.

    The Michael Teachings has been and continues to be a HUGE influence in my spiritual growth and that being said, there are some great books as well as some great websites that provide information on this topic. If you are interested, either google the Michael Teachings or go to www.TheMichaelTeachings.com to give you further info.

    I am interested to hear more about this topic from others and in particular, I would love to hear where YOU live and perhaps give you more insights as to who to deal with those that dispute this idea of where you live having/not having an effect upon you. Trust your gut-IT DOES HAVE AN EFFECT!!!!!

    Blessings and Light,
    Mari Lynn
  • Great discussion, and I have to agree that unless you are a yogi or something, environment IS important. I moved to where I am for its natural environment - forest, mountains, rivers, beaches. It is the least modified part of my country (= most natural), and is also one of the least populated areas. The neat thing is that there are a number of other people in my small community who have been attracted here for the same reasons, and they have similar values to me. We have chosen nature and lifestyle over money and city life.

    I enjoy going to the city for a few days shopping, but after that I am ready to come home to the peace and quiet here. I have also chosen a rural property with space around me, nature, and just a few neighbours. At night it is quiet and dark - there is only one street light on my stretch of road : ) The stars are so bright and really do twinkle!

    These things are important to me.
  • hy my dear :) i think there two views.. on one hand about you - spirituality makes you more and more sensitive, and as higher your light as higher you feel the uncompatibility with lower energies.
    on the other hand about the higher reason of where you live... in this special time of transformation of lady gaia much of us with highpotentialenergy have to stay on places which feels not good, because we are there to bring light-balance on this places. :)
    don´t think that maybe you are to much this or that! this is not the answer... the answer is in your heart, and it says to you whether you feel not good there because how you rate the place, or because you should change the place.
    maybe your feeling get changing, when you imagine that lady gaia needs your light there to can keep balance there for much peoples...
    love & light to youuuu.....
  • Right ON!!! James ... you said it perfectly and I could not agree more with you!!!
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