Don't Panic :)

Need I say more to this fine group of people we have here. Part of my function has been to carry and amplify that message: State of panic leads to chaotic energy that can be shifted easily by barely aware entities. No matter the damage to human life or life in general, or personal life, remember all is always in perfect order. Not the best attitude to have when approaching everyday life (for example, children must be fed), but when disaster strikes stay calm and keep your head. Panic does serve someone, remember who that is. Stating the obvious much.

Love You All!

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  • Fear nothing! At times I had to do military duties I always thought: Just do not fear anything. You have your family waiting for you. And during this life there are always people who are with you in any moment, eventhough one has to do one's own work as oneself. But still, one is all and all is one!


    I wish you all light, love and harmony!

  • i luv u 2 thank you for bringing this back into my awareness.
  • You are absolutely right J! The chaotic energy creates fear which intern makes you susceptible to negative forces. All that is happening is supposed to happen, by the order of the universe. Thank you so much for creating this important discussion, since there are indeed people that are starting to panic. We need to stay calm!


    With Love & Light,


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